by ROGER HATHAWAY September 2010
1125 Goldfinch Lane, Jewell Ridge, VA 24622
DISCIPLE: JAMES (of Alphaeus)
Click Here for a large diagram of a Zodiac Wheel.
KOSMOS is a Greek word which means Design/Order, usually translated into English as "world." But, that is a mistranslation! World is a 12,000 year kingdom which makes up half a cycle of the 24,000 year precession of equinoxes. "Precession-of-equinoxes" is an astronomical term which describes the apparent path of the sun as it moves backward (precesses) around a complete circuit of the sky every 24,000 or so years. Half the cycle is World and the other half is Heaven, two kingdoms ruled by two sovereigns of opposite natures, one Wicked and one Godly.
Jesus said (John 3:16) that "God so loved the DESIGN that He gave His only Son." The mistranslation of Jesus' word, kosmos, as "world" is harmful because innocent readers think God is loving this material World of flesh, carnality, and death, a World which is a corruption of God's original Design. At the end of this half-cycle of World, which we expect soon, this planet will be liberated from its bondage under its wicked lord, Satan. Paul writes to the Christians at Rome, that "The creation eagerly expects the revealing of the Sons of God with eager anticipation, for the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but on account of the One who subjected it in hope, because even the creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that all the creation groans together with labors of birth pangs until now." (Romans 8) It is God's Design which has been corrupted from its original perfection into this putrefaction of flesh. So, it is NOT this World which God loves! God designed a dynamic process of oscillating energies which makes a reality possible, with the positive energy half-cycle as that which He loves, and a negative energy half-cycle which opposes it. The oscillation of energies, ever changing from positive to negative to positive ad infinitum is a battle between opponent forces which makes the contest possible in His great Arena. Without such a contest, NO reality is possible. In all of God's Design change is the only constant.
Change is not random or happenstance, but functions according to rules which He has prescribed. Ancient wise men sought to know those rules, so they dedicated themselves to studies of mathematics, philosophy, spirituality, and astronomy. It was to such esoteric pursuits that they looked for answers, whereas today's scientists admit scientific method to be the only rule for their study of physical matter. They study physical Laws, not realizing that after the energy reversal which will happen soon, we will not be in bondage to those physical laws. Rather, we will manipulate our perceptible realities by our thoughts. We will not be servants of physical Laws, but will be their Masters. Scientists generally scorn imaginative conjecture as fanciful and of little value. Yet, in my search for God's Truth, I have found that Truth is a gift to those who contemplate His very nature as being that Truth itself. I found that cyclic patterns are the exercise of God's Life. Those cyclic patterns are evident in a study of man's history, but they are more clearly illustrated in the sky-pictures where the entire theme and plot and characters of His drama are revealed. It is that cyclorama, around the ecliptic band of the sky, which defines the course and the general nature of events of His Pageant. That cyclorama shows us the declines and the ascents, the deaths and rebirths, the sacrifices and the resurrections, the contests between good and evil, the wars between Satan and Christ, and so much more.
That cyclorama in the sky shows us the Christ and illustrates His struggles, His victories, and His defeats during each 24,000 year cycle. The sky shows us that which we call GOSPEL, verily, the Good News about the Life of our Lord and of our selves. St. Paul wrote to the new Christians at Rome, explaining to those diasporan Israelites who had, centuries before, migrated away from Jerusalem and had forgotten their past, that they have no excuse for not knowing the Gospel because it is written in the sky. Paul says in Romans 10:16,17 "But they have not all believed the gospel. For Isaiah says, 'Lord, who has believed our report?' So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of God. But, I say, surely it is not that they did not hear? Indeed, yes they did. 'Their voice has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the end of the earth.'" So, whose voice had already gone out to proclaim the Gospel before Christian missionaries came to them? Well, Paul was quoting Psalm 19:4, which states that the message is declared by the heavens. Here is Psalm 19:1-4 "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament proclaims the work of His hands. Day to day utters speech and night to night proclaims knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voices are not heard. 'Their voice has gone out into all the earth and their words to the ends of the world.' In the sun He has set His tabernacle, and He comes forth as a bridegroom out of His chamber. He will exult as a giant to run his course. His going forth is from the extremity of heaven, and his circuit to the other end of heaven; and no one shall be hidden from his heat." King David also speaks of the Sun coming forth as a bridegroom. In the N.T. we have John the Baptist identifying Jesus as that Bridegroom coming down from Heaven. (see Jn 3:27-31). Clearly, the Sun is representative of Christ. And, I wonder if the Baptizer wasn't remembering that Psalm of David when he referred to Christ as the Bridegroom.
Here is a well-stated excerpt from an internet article at "This idea is accentuated by the prophet Malachi. He calls Israel's Messiah the SUN of Righteousness who will blaze forth for the sake of His people in the Last Day (Malachi 4:2). So the Sun represents Christ, the light of the world (John 8:12), who came from heaven, ran His race on earth, and returned to Heaven. The race that the Sun runs is given [portrayed] by the Zodiac constellations or star patterns, so all the strong-man figures along the Zodiac represent Christ the SUN of Righteousness and the work He was to do. Note further that Psalm 19 is in two parts: In Part 1 we have the message of the stars - In Part 2 we have the message of God's word, the Bible being discussed. One is set against the other in such a way that David, who wrote this Psalm about 1000 BC, is implying that the message in the stars and the message in the Scriptures are one and the same."
Here are a couple other Bible references on this subject. Psalm 147:4 "He numbers the multitudes of stars, and calls them all by names." In the Bible, names were indicators of the functions of men's lives; a name was changed if a man was assigned a new function by God. So, stars have functions?
Isaiah 40:26 "Lift up your eyes on high and see, who has displayed all these things? even He that brings forth His host by number: He shall call them all by names by great glory, and by the power of His might: nothing has escaped thee."
Job refers to Orion (38:31), Pleiades (38:31), Hesperus & Mazzaroth (Zodiac) (38:32) Here are the words which God spoke to Job: (38:31) "Do you understand the band of Pleias, and have you opened the barrier of Orion? (32)Will you reveal Mazuroth in his season, and the evening star with his rays? Will you guide them? (33)Do you know the modes of the sky, or the events under heaven which happen in accord to them?" Note that God speaks of events happening in accord to the stars and constellations just mentioned.
Jeremia 2:12 "The heaven (ούρανός = sky) is amazed at this, and is exceedingly horror-struck." Can the heaven experience amazement? In this passage, the heaven is amazed at God’s children abandoning the real God for the sake of phony ones; for they have hewn for themselves broken cisterns which won’t hold water.
Psalm 50:6 "The heavens shall declare His righteousness." Does the sky have something to declare to us? We might wonder why our theologians have not taken a look; after all, they are the men who have dedicated their lives to scholarship and teaching in order that we laymen can benefit from their work.
The number "12" must be important to God's plan because we see it in the Bible so prominently. When you see the cyclorama in the sky which God has painted there for our "signs," you will understand why it is so important to the Bible. For the disciples, it was so important that they maintain twelve members of their group that they did a special vote to replace Judas the traitor. For the Israel Tribes, they maintained the number twelve by replacing Joseph (who stayed in Egypt) and Levi (separated out for priesthood) with Ephraim and Manasse. In Revelation 7 we see the sealing of the 144,000 Elect, as a matter of 12,000 from each tribe. Strangely, Ephraim and Dan are omitted, but the number of tribes is maintained as twelve by again including Joseph and Levi who had been separated out in the Old Testament. Dan is replaced by Manasse. It is only when we begin to understand how the twelve zodiac symbols underlie the Bible that we see the correlation of tribes and disciples to the zodiac symbols.
It is my theory that the Zodiac ages, with their three Decans each, define the spiritual course of civilization. The Tribe members seem to characterize the paths of God's Elect children, not all expressing high spirituality. Some of the Disciples correspond meaningfully to the Zodiac and Tribes, but many are not clear; some Disciples seem lost to history. Bible scholars can't all agree on the names of the twelve Disciples. We must keep in mind that all the symbols are not just positive, but some express negative values, whether Zodiac, Tribes, or Disciples. So, as we examine the march of these three groups through the ages, we will see them illustrating a descending path away from God's Throne, and then we will see them defining an ascending path toward Him again.
Each BOOK in the sky will be named by a Zodiac Name, each of which has three chapters, called "Decans." So, each Zodiac BOOK will have a primary characteristic of its own, plus three stories within. My outline, below, will be based on a 24,000 year cycle, although the total years are usually estimated to be 25,000 to 26,000; that is assuming time itself to remain linear during the positive half-cycle, but even some physicists anticipate that it will become non-linear then. So, for the sake of simplicity, we will make each Zodiac age to be 2,000 years, for a total of 24,000 years. Considering that many cycles have gone before us, as King Solomon suggested, it is an arbitrary matter where I might begin the story. I think it will be easiest to get into this story if we begin with the age of LEO, 12,000 years ago from our moment in time. LEO is the first of six ages which comprise the negative energy half-cycle of World. See the sine-wave diagram above, please.
Perhaps we should make clear what we are looking at in the sky. Certain groups of stars comprise a constellation. Astronomers acknowledge 88 total constellations. For the Bible illustrations we will be looking at 12 constellations which have Zodiac names, each constellation representing thirty degrees of sky around the ecliptic band (think equator). Then, within each 30 degree Zodiac segment of the sky, we will look at three constellations which each represent a ten-degree portion (Decan) of the segment. For a total of 48 constellations, each of which plays a role in the sky story.
The twelve constellations of the Zodiac lie within the Plane of the Ecliptic. Generally, 88 constellations have been named and are commonly referenced. Twelve of them make up the Zodiac Signs. Each Zodiac constellation has three constellations near it, which are assigned to Decans of the Zodiac Age. So, each Zodiac Sign applies to a 30 degree segment of the circuit around the ecliptic, through which the sun's apparent path takes about 2,000 years. Each Zodiac age of 2,000 years is then divided into three approx 667 year Decans. So, we will be looking at 12 Zodiac ages along with their included 36 Decan ages: 48 constellations total.
[ca. 10,000 BC to 8,000 BC] is the zodiac age of Lion, one of the four Living Beings of Revelation 4. LEO is the first age of our present cycle which began about 12,000 years ago. At that time there was a reversal of earth’s magnetic field polarity, the planet wobbled for a time and restabilized on a slightly different rotational axis. Earthquakes destroyed nearly everything on the earth’s surface; new mountains arose; old mountains sank, great tsunamis killed most of the earth’s population. And suddenly, the kingdom of Heaven was past and the kingdom of World was underway. God’s children brought forth this decline from Heaven to World because we had lusted for a mastery of a physical/material world, along with competition for power over others, and to challenge mortal life itself at the risk of death. We wanted to be gods of power, but we must not have realized that it would be Satan as lord of World who would have the power while we totally forgot who we really were and we forgot our Father. We went prodigal into a pig pen World without knowing that our spiritual minds would be blinded, and we found ourselves living like pigs, rooting for survival in a world which hated us. The age of LEO is the first of three ages in which men's Physical instincts ruled over their emotions, minds and spirits. For the three First Quarter ages of LEO, CANCER, and GEMINI, physical gratification was our highest value. Those three ages make the 6,000 year Physical quarter of the cycle. See diagram above.
LEO is a Lion, a symbol of Royalty like that Lion-of-Judah emblem which represents the Throne of David in England where the present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth II.. It is paradoxical that Jesus, who humbles Himself to be the Lamb of God during the World period, is really the Lion of God of all eternity. During World, we sheep of our Shepherd’s flock, are blinded to that Truth and we act stupidly as innocent sheep, permitting Satan’s forces to kill us by the millions time and time again. World is not our home, nor will we ever have actual mastery of it. Dominion over World was granted by Isaac to Esau, the progenitor of the Edomite race which we know as Jews today. Isaac did indicate that at the end we Israelites would throw off that yoke. But that moment would not happen until 12,000 years from the time of the start of this age of LEO which we are about to examine.
For each of the twelve zodiac ages, we will look at three segments within each age. Each Decan segment is ten degrees of the thirty degree age. Leo has three Decans, each defined by a constellation in the sky. Each Decan constellation is a picture which illustrates the primary theme of that 667 year period of history. Traveling through time, we are precessing (reversing) around the ecliptic, through the zodiac signs, so we will begin each age with what is popularly known as the third Decan. For the sake of actual sequence of time, it should be called the first Decan, but we will yield to the accepted nomenclature of Third Decan. A Decan is a ten degree segment of a thirty degree zodiac segment of the sky. Also, as we attempt to understand the panorama of sky-pictures, we must keep in mind that ancient truth, "as above, so below." World is a reflection of Heaven, a limited, material, reverse image of Heaven. World is an exercise of replicating Heaven by a false reality, a maya, a fraud. Knowing that it is a reflection, we can look at diametrical opposite moments and get some hint (by what is known) of that opposite time which is not known. LEO is polar opposite to AQUARIUS. LEO is the first age of World, AQUARIUS is the first age of Heaven. During LEO we learn to master a physical reality of limited nature. During AQUARIUS we will learn to master a spiritual reality of unlimited nature.
Jacob assigned the Lion symbol to his son, JUDAH, to represent Royalty. Jacob's blessing of Judah is at Gen 49:8-12; "Juda, your brothers have praised you, and your hands shall be on the back of your enemies; your father's sons shall do you reverence. Juda is a lion's whelp, from the tender plant, my son, you are gone up, having couched you lie as a lion, and as a whelp; who shall stir him up? A ruler shall not fail from Juda, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the things stored up for him; and he is the expectation of nations. Binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the branch, he shall wash his robe in wine and his garment in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be more cheering than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk."
From this tribe of Judah came the Old Testament kings. Jesus was of the tribe of Judah. The emblem of the Lion-of-Judah still flies on the flag over the Queen of England who is a genetic descendant of that tribe of Judah, as she sits on the Throne of David. LEO represents authority over God's Family during the kingdom of World.
Fixed Star, alpha Leonis, is REGULUS, the heart of LEO; it is one of four great fixed stars of highest importance to the ancients. In the picture above, Regulus is the star in the chest. It, with three others, Antares, Fomalhaut, and Aldebaran, make a Grand Cross in the sky which is the cross symbolized by Jesus' crucifixion. These four Great Stars were the most important ones to ancient wise men.
LEO DECAN: CORVUS the RAVEN (10,000 BC to 9,333 BC) sits on the back of the Serpent, Hydra, in the sky. The Raven is a symbol of God’s eternal compassionate caring for His children who have left their First Estate in preference for the pig pen of World. The Raven reminds us of our Father’s promise that we shall never be completely abandoned. Even during our apostate rebellion against Him, still He will provide our sustenance as He does for all other creatures. Psalm 147:9 says: "He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry." In First Kings 17:6 we see that it was ravens which brought Eliu (Elijah) food when he was ordered to stay by the river for a time. And Jesus teaches: "Look at the birds of the sky, that they don't sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they?" (Mat 6:26)
At the very beginning of the World age, 10,000BC, the Christ, Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, has just been replaced by Satan who will be the lord of the World. God’s children, who made up the body of the Christ, have suddenly lost their powers because they have been blinded to Truth, and their Lord has been entombed in a sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. The Sphinx stands nearby to proclaim that this is the time of the transfer of power from the Virgo to the Leo. God’s children stand alone in a hostile World where all the other races feel an instinctive lust to kill them. And they would have been killed off, to the very last one, except for God’s protective and nurturing care, which is symbolized by this CORVUS Raven who sits on the back of the Serpent.
Polar opposite to this Corvus Decan is another bird, Cygnus the Swan in Aquarius, which represents transformation, resurrection and immortality in the new Kingdom of Heaven after World had passed away. Here, in Corvus, the Raven represents the promise of providence, that God will not let His family disappear entirely. Two birds, one earthly and one heavenly; one brings earthly food, one brings immortality where there is no need for food. It is interesting that immediately following a transition to a new kingdom, the first 667 year period is represented by a bird.
Fixed star, alpha Corvi, is Al Chiba.
LEO DECAN: CRATER the CUP: (9,333 BC to 8,666 BC) Ancients called it the Cup of Apollo. It is considered to be a cup of God's wrath. Since Leo is polar opposite of Aquarius which is a Water Carrier pouring the Living Water of Life (immortality) from a container, which the Southern Fish constellation drinks, then it is probably appropriate to interpret this Leo cup as holding a water of death. Death is inescapable for us mortals in this kingdom of death. We can be sure that our people were suffering terribly at this time, like in the fires of hell. Here we have the Cup of Wrath, symbol of estrangement from our Father. It is the monstrous Satan who has assumed lordship over our family for the next 12,000 years of World.
Polar opposite to this Cup Decan is the winged-horse, Pegasus, in Aquarius, who helped an innocent Hero to defeat a monster, named Chimaera. But, Pegasus is for the time of transit from World to Heaven. Here, in LEO, is a cup of wrath.
Fixed star, alpha Crateris, is Alkes, which is Arabian for shallow-basin.
LEO DECAN: HYDRA the Serpent: (ca. 8,666 BC to 8,000BC) is a very long snake-like serpent which actually stretches for about 100 degrees around the sky, being below the ecliptic plane. It represents Satan’s presence underlying all the historical process of the World kingdom. Ancient mythology has Herakles, a Christ figure, killing this multi-headed Hydra as one of his twelve labors. It would be about 8,300BC when the Christ presence rejoined the Family of God. That speculation is based on the polar opposite period in Aquarius where Satan is absent from his family during the 1,700 year church age of Ephesus. As above, so below. John's Revelation indicates that absence of Satan until the second resurrection, which works out to be 1,700 years from his demise at the end of Pisces. Satan is again then present during the church age of Smyrna, after which he is cast out again.
Polar opposite to this Hydra Decan is the Southern Fish in Aquarius which represents God's Family drinking the water of Life (immortality) from the pitcher which the Water Carrier pours. Both, the Hydra and the Southern Fish lie below the ecliptic plane.
Fixed star, alpha Hydrae, is Alphard
TRIBE: JUDA is the Israel Tribe which corresponds to LEO because Juda is the Tribe of Royalty, from which all Israel's kings would come.
JUDA - Ιουδαν [b. 1849 BC, Son of Lea] Fourth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is twofold: ίό is the color violet or purple, the color of royalty which would be Juda's destiny, though it may not have been on the mind of Lea at this time. Her feeling is probably that of ίoύ which is a loud expression of sorrow or joy, perhaps reflecting her feeling of frustration and sadness from failing to win her husband's love. So she resigns herself to this, and turns to the Lord with thanks, and doesn't get pregnant the following year. Though she would bear again later.
Birth: Gen 29:35; "Now yet again this time will I give thanks to the Lord; therefore she called his name Juda, and ceased bearing."
Blessing by Jacob at death: 285BC Greek Septuagint text (Brenton translation) of Gen 49:8-12; "Juda, your brothers have praised you, and your hands shall be on the back of your enemies; your father's sons shall do you reverence. Juda is a lion's whelp, from the tender plant, my son, you are gone up, having couched you lie as a lion, and as a whelp; who shall stir him up? A ruler shall not fail from Juda, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the things stored up for him; and he is the expectation of nations. Binding his foal to the vine, and the foal of his ass to the branch, he shall wash his robe in wine and his garment in the blood of the grape. His eyes shall be more cheering than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk."
That passage is slightly different in the English Bible versions which are based on the 1,000AD Masoretic Hebrew text (KJV) of Gen 49:8-12:
"Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy fathers' children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up? The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes. His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk."Moses blessing: Deut 33:7 "Hear, Lord, the voice of Juda, and do visit his people: his hands shall contend for him, and you shall be a help from his enemies."
Tribe Symbol: LION, secondary are 3 LIONS, SCEPTER, GRAPEVINE.
Countries: Britain, Netherlands, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium
JUDA'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, Juda is placed to the East of the Tabernacle, a Brigade Tribe whose Brigade emblem is Lion, but who also has secondary emblems of A three lions," and a sceptre.
JUDA'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Juda coincides with the Zodiac age of Leo, the very first age after the transition into Kingdom of World, the last time being about 10,000 to 8,000BC. We, at our present time are at the very end of the Kingdom World period which Juda inaugurated 12,000 years ago. Juda is the leader, the whelp of youth at the beginning of this era. For the tribe nations of Israel, Juda is the Royal Tribe, their leader. His symbol is the fearless lion.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF JUDA: The age of Juda is the same as the age of Leo, both having the symbol of Lion. It is God's Physical Nature/Mind that both are expressing. While the Zodiac influence of Leo is of the heavenly/spiritual path, the influence of Juda is part of the worldly path. Certainly, in a perfect context God's physical Nature could be expressed wonderfully, but in the negative Kingdom of World, where the ruler is Satan the tempter, the age of Juda would see little of the positive/Godly expression of Physical Mind. The age of Juda saw God's children plummeting into the abyss of sensual pleasures and ignorance and complete absence of Godly spirituality. Jesus had already been entombed in the pyramid coffin near the end of the previous age of Virgo, so His presence was absent, just as in the age of Aquarius, Satan's presence will be absent. Near the end of the age of Juda, Jesus returned to exercise a little influence but then before the end of Issachar, Jesus was again removed from the scene again until reappearing in Gemini with the re-spiriting of the Adamic race. Such is the cyclic pattern. Anyway, the nature of civilization during the age of Juda was increasingly decadent, without any constraints. God's Elect were not there, and the rest of the multitudes of Israel felt no Spirit working within them. God's Physical Nature is His Administration of all physical functions, namely the physiological, the biological, the botanical, and the atomic level of energies, along with basic urges like those to propagate or to kill. His Physical Nature is expressed most purely through the living creatures like micro-organisms and insects and small animals, along with the inanimate universe of atoms. Among all these, there are no limits to their activities; they survive by exercising their instincts, and there is nothing beyond that in their consciousness. When God's people abandon their spiritual, intellectual, and emotional natures just to gratify the physical desires, they will plummet to a level unimaginable to us who think with higher minds. That downfall accelerated during the age of Juda.
DISCIPLE AGE OF SIMON PETER. Here is the one whom Jesus called "the rock." Peter is a brother of Andrew; their father's name was John. He and Andrew were disciples of John the Baptist, but followed Jesus when He appeared. The brothers were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, living at Bethsaida, but later resided in Capernaum where Jesus lived. See John 1:35-42 for his call to follow Jesus. The New Testament says much about this powerful leader, which I will not detail here. The "Quo Vadis" tradition says that Peter was crucified and asked to be upside down on his cross because he didn't deserve to mimic Jesus. Tradition says his wife's name was Concordia and that she traveled with him on his journeys.
It seems significant to me that this age of Peter immediately follows the age of Virgo, in which the Lord of Heaven had just been killed and entombed in a Great Pyramid. Remember that it was Peter who let Jesus be killed while saving his own physical life. And, modeled after that Virgo entombment, we see Peter running to be one of the first to arrive at Jesus' tomb where the stone had been rolled away. In the Great Pyramid entombment, the sarcophagus stone lid was also supernaturally removed. And it was later in that age of Peter/Leo that Jesus did return for a while to encourage His people, just as He did after His resurrection. Jesus said about Peter, "upon this rock I will build my church;" that statement seems to fit the age of Peter being the foundation age of the 6,000 year Kingdom of World, during which the Christ race from Adam is gathered into Jesus' church (ekklesia). These are parallels that only become visible when one sees the Big Picture. Note also that in Mark 16:7, the angel at the tomb mentions Peter's name: "Go tell His disciples, and Peter, that He goes before you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you." [I realize that I am only touching briefly some information that you have not heard before.] Peter, a fisherman, represents earthiness, strength, and leadership to those who get acquainted with him in the New Testament. We imagine him with red hair and powerful stature: Lionic Royalty.
The ancient symbol of Cancer was not a Crab, but was the Laden-Ass, as somewhat loosely inferred by Jacob's blessing of ISSACHAR. Gen 49:14; "Issachar has desired that which is good; resting between the allotted lands/estates. And having seen the resting place that it was good, and the land that it was fertile, he subjected his shoulder to labor, and became a husbandman." Like his father, who had favored Esau (the more physical and worldly brother), now Jacob blesses Issachar for fertile earth, hard labor, and as dwelling between allotted estates. Notice on the sine-wave diagram that Cancer is midway between two very significant signs, Leo and Gemini. Reading between the lines, we might suppose that God's family was learning how to make the best of their limited-life situation, even to enjoy it.
Polar opposite to this Laden Donkey is a strange animal creature, a Sea-Goat, the symbol of Capricorn. The Sea-Goat also lies between two significant ages, Aquarius and Sagittarius; the Goat-front represents a wounded Satan while the rear-fish represents God's Family as Living and half way ascended along its journey to the apex. Here, in Cancer, this Laden Donkey must represent an ever heavier burden on God's Family, half way descended to its lowest point.
Fixed star, alpha Cancri, is Acubens.
CANCER DECAN: ARGO the SHIP (ca. 8,000 BC to 7,333 BC) a large ship constellation which is outside the plane of the ecliptic. The root of the word, Argo, means "company of travelers." We can easily imagine our people, estranged from our heavenly home, traveling through a hostile land. Oh, that we had never chosen to board that ship!
Polar opposite to this Ship Decan is the Dolphin in Capricorn. Imagine yourself looking over the rail of the ARGO, to see Porpoises at play heading the opposite direction from the ship which is carrying you into ever greater World misery.
Fixed star, alpha Carina, is Canopus.
(BIG FLOCK) (ca. 7,333 BC to 6,666BC) is known to us as the Great Bear
but was known to the ancients as "the community" or "the flock,"
as a flock of
sheep. During our 12,000 year sojourn in World, we prodigal children are
innocent prey for the ravening predators of Satan, best typified as "sheep."
We are a large flock of sheep very high in the northern sky. During this age of Cancer, we are truly lost sheep, persecuted and suffering,
trying to find some happiness in the tempting offerings from the lord of this
World, Satan. The well known asterism of Big Dipper is a part of this very large
Bear constellation. In the U.K. the Big Dipper is known as the Plough. The
influence of Christ's presence ends again at about 6,666BC, based on the
information from Revelation where Satan is cast out again at the end of the
church age of Smyrna.
Polar opposite to this Big Flock is the wounded Eagle of Aquila, in Capricorn. I don't know how the relationship of the Eagle constellation might be related to the Big Flock as complementary.
Fixed star, alpha Ursae Majoris, is Dubhe.
URSA MINOR (LITTLE FLOCK) (ca. 6,666BC to 6,000BC) is
URSA MINOR, or Little Bear. We might
consider it to be the Little Flock. It appears in the sky as a smaller and
fainter version of the Big Dipper. The very end star of its handle (tail of the
bear) is Polaris, the Pole Star. It is to this star which men look for
direction. It is the primary focal point of the sky, higher than any other
constellation. Since God is depicting a
large flock and a small flock, I would think of the large number of Abraham’s
descendants, compared to the small number of Elect. Oh, from what great height
our Family is falling during these terrible centuries of the age of Cancer! I
guess these Decans illustrate exactly whom is the object of our Father's
eternal concern. Even during these terrible ages, we could look up on high and
know that those constellations represented us, and that we will somehow endure
as long as they will.
Polar opposite to this Little Flock is the constellation of Sagitta, in Capricorn. Sagitta is the arrow of God which killed the Satan Goat. I don't know how the relationship of the Little Flock might be complementary to Sagitta.
Fixed star, alpha Ursae Minoris, is Polaris, the North Star, at the end of the Little Dipper's handle.
TRIBE: ISSACHAR - Iσσάχαρ [b. ca.1847 BC, Son of Lea] Ninth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is ίσσα/issa, an exclamation of triumph over another's distress.
Birth: Gen 30:18; "God has given me my reward, because I gave my maid to my husband."
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:14; "Issachar has desired that which is good; resting between the allotted lands/estates. And having seen the resting place that it was good, and the land that it was fertile, he subjected his shoulder to labor, and became a husbandman."
Moses' blessing: Deut 33:18; "Rejoice, Zabulon, in your going out, and Issachar in his tents. They shall utterly destroy the tribes (εθvη), and you shall call there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle you, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast."
Tribe Symbol: LADEN-ASS
TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: Issachar is at the East of the Tabernacle as part of the Lion Brigade which Juda leads.
PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Issachar coincides with the Zodiac age of Cancer. It was from about 8,000BC to 6,000BC. On the historical diagram it is midway between the beginning of the start of the Kingdom of World and the nadir of a cycle. It does not inaugurate the World kingdom, nor does it experience the very basest level that civilization can reach. It rests between those two.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF ISSACHAR: Being midway between the start of the World kingdom and its lowest point, civilization is deteriorating/degenerating. The physical realm had been mastered and it was here possible to gain the satisfaction of survival by one's own efforts. Food could be obtained by the raising of livestock. Nevertheless, relationships with enemies were terrible because violence was rampant. There was no compassion or charity or good will or fairness or any other facet of the Golden Rule.
Moses' blessing says they shall utterly destroy the ethne. That word, ethne, is the most mistranslated word in the Bible, often into English as "gentiles," with a meaning of non-Jews. But it means ethnic group and race and sometimes means tribes. Since we know the Big Picture, and that God's children were foreigners in the World, we can assume that they were hated and assaulted from all sides. This passage only makes sense if we understand the word ethne to mean the race of Adam, or as we might think of them in this study, the tribes. In order to understand how they were utterly destroyed, look at the polar opposite age on the sine-wave diagram, the age of Capricorn. During that period, according to John's Revelation, Satan had been released just prior to that age, and was able to be somewhat active during it, and then about three fourths through that age Satan was destroyed by being cast into the fire. By Satan, the Bible is here speaking of the corpus of Satan, namely the Cain/Edom race who are called "Jews" in the N.T. So, during the age of Issachar, we can assume that an opposite activity occurred, in that members of the Christ found some rest and by their labors began to flourish, even offering sacrifice of righteousness, and then were subsequently eliminated about three fourths through the age. According to Moses, they must have received considerable blessing from God for the wealth of the sea to suckle them unto prosperity. But it couldn't last.
Now that we can see how events are patterned; whatever happens to the positive race in World will happen to the negative race in Heaven, and vice versa. Therefore, if Christ's race was permitted a period of success in the age of Issachar/Cancer, then we can expect Satan's race to have a similar degree of success during the age of Manasse/Capricorn. What's fair for one is fair for the other.
Consider that, with the age of Cancer, we might think of the now-common disease which is an out-of-control degeneration of tissue in one's body. So it was that civilization had no restraints to prevent its slide into depravity.
DISCIPLE AGE OF BARTHOLOMEW: We are not given details of the call of this disciple by Jesus. He is mentioned in lists recorded in Mat 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:14, and Acts 1:13. But he is not mentioned elsewhere in the N.T. We are left to assume that he made little or nothing of the ministry to which he had been ordained. The age that he represents was nothing more than a continued descent into materialism and depravity, a disease that seemed unstoppable.
The symbol for Gemini looks like the Roman numeral for "two," which represents TWINS. Keep in mind that at the beginning of this age, God's family had been gone from their Heaven home, since leaving Virgo, for about 4,000 years thru the ages of Leo and Cancer. Like a pet dog which gets lost in a vast wilderness, it eventually learns to survive and even forgets its former home, so has this special race of people done the same. They have survived, but it has been hell for them because they lost or forgot their divine empowerment, even becoming convinced that they were inferior to other races and to physical laws. In that eternal contest of good versus evil, this family has been unable to defend goodness. There hasn't been much active contest at all, rather it has been a wallowing in violence and degeneracy. Notice on the sine wave diagram that the nadir (lowest point) is soon ahead. The time has come for God to step in and enliven the contest between the two opponent races of Christ and Satan.
The ancient symbol of Gemini, used by the Israel family, was a SHIP, as assigned by Jacob to his son, Zabulon. In Gen 49:13, Jacob blesses Zabulon, saying, "Zabulon shall dwell on the coast, and shall be by a haven of ships, and shall extend to Sidon." When I think how the seacoast and ships might be relevant to this age of Gemini, I think of a new beginning for God's family after a crossing of water, like the River Jordan when they entered their promised land. I think also of St. John exiled on the island of Patmos where he must cross some water as he travelled northeastward toward his home at Ephesus. If we overlay the sine wave diagram on a map of that region of southwestern Asia Minor, we see that Patmos would be at Pisces; then water is at the transition between world and Heaven, and then Ephesus is at Aquarius, and the other city-churches (Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea) all lie along a general curve like the upper half of the sine wave diagram. I would say that this Ship of Gemini indicates God's Family is once again on its journey homeward.
On the sine wave diagram, you can see that the Fall of Adam and Eve happened during the age of Sagittarius, the age Polar opposite to Gemini, 12,000 years previous. The Genesis account does not explain the details of the actual process, but presents a simplified story of our beginning. There is no record of historical events during that 12,000 year decline which followed the Fall. Our Bible history simply begins when God renews His spirit presence in His family.
Most important to Christians is the fact that God re-empowered His children with His Spirit about 7,500 years ago in this age of Gemini, thereby enabling us, His Spirit Offspring, to struggle upwards along the difficult ascent toward Him and perfect Righteousness. Only the act of spiritual-yielding can counter the intellectual-bondage of knowing good and evil. In other words, only the Spiritual Nature can balance or correct the Intellectual Nature which was perverted at the time of Man's "fall" from Holiness. Fortunately, it is ONLY God's special race who are born with Spiritual Minds, through which God expresses Himself. But, alas, the dark side of our Physical, Emotional, and Mental natures (aka human nature) is difficult to overcome. That is the same as to say, "The Beast is difficult to overcome." Each of the three Natures, Physical, Emotional, Mental, have six wings/aspects, so it is that "mark of the Beast" which we war against. It is a war which we are born into. Jesus said, "Don't think I came to bring peace; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." In the Gospel of Thomas, #16, "Jesus said, 'Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary.'" Obviously most Christians choose to follow a Jesus of their own imagination rather than this one who leads His people against Satan, His eternal foe. Christians today sing about "peace on earth," without realizing they are deserting our Lord's Service. GEMINI = twins/battle/war/eternal-contest/two-opponent-races! Christ versus Satan. Our war began in Gemini.
Polar opposite from Gemini is the age of Sagittarius. Gemini is the time of re-empowering the spiritual motivation within God's Family to climb the 12,000 year ladder toward reunion with Him. Sagittarius is the top of that ladder, the end of the climb, and the time of another Fall.
Fixed star, alpha Geminorum, is CASTOR, the mortal twin brother of the divine Pollux (Polydeuces). The two were fraternal twins, from different fathers, Castor from Tyndareus and Polydeuces from Zeus. The two brothers traveled the world on horseback seeking contests with various opponents. The mortal Castor was killed and went to the underworld. Polydeuces finagled an agreement with Zeus to permit him and his brother to spend alternating days in the underworld and on Olympus. Eventually, both were deified and became the constellation of TWINS. The stars, Castor and Pollux, are the heads of the twins in the sky.
GEMINI DECAN: CANIS MINOR (VICTOR) (ca. 6,000BC to 5,300BC) means Small Dog for today's astrologers, but in the ancient Egyptian zodiac this is a man with an eagle’s head, called Sebak which meant conqueror or victor. I suggest that this Man is representing God's anointed Man, the perfect Adam, the Christ. Procyon and Al Gomeiza are two stars in this constellation, whose names mean "redeemed" in two different languages. Now that we know that it was during GEMINI that God re-empowered His offspring with spiritual inclinations to climb upward toward Him, we can see the beginning of the redemption process, and the ultimate conqueror, a Christ figure, victorious over the Lepus serpent which is another Satan figure we will meet in a moment as another Decan in Gemini. The name "Adam" really meant a race of God's Spirit-empowered offspring. The appearance of Adam at 5508BC was not the beginning of the Adamic race but merely spotlights that moment when God reactivated His Spiritual indwelling in them. The race had existed prior to this for countless 24,000 year cycles, as they experienced the same pattern of influences during each cycle as are indicated in these constellation pictures in the sky. At this time in history, our Family lived in Eden, probably on the Pamir Plateau (now Tajikistan), having been restored to their spiritual ideal as designed by their Father. We might conjecture that the Family had been oppressed, persecuted, and driven into mountain exile on that Pamir Plateau, when God renewed His life within them and gave them a beautiful Garden home, a Paradise. It seems a sort of replica of that time 12,000 years before, when they had reached spiritual perfection, but here they were still in physical bodies and mortal. It seems to be a sort of set-up to repeat in physical world that Fall they had done when immortal. As above, so below.
According to the Greek Septuagint Genesis account, Adam appeared at 5,508BC, during the age of this Decan.
Polar opposite from Canis Minor (the Victor) is Draco (the Dragon) in Sagittarius. Here in Gemini, we see the appearance of the Christ family; nearly defeated, but arising again to war against Satan. Reciprocal to this we see Satan reappearing in Sagittarius to tempt the Family into another Fall from its perfection.
Fixed star, alpha Canis Minoris, is Procyon.
GEMINI DECAN: CANIS MAJOR (SENT PRINCE) (ca. 5,300BC to 4,600BC) means Big Dog to moderns. The brightest star in our sky, Sirius, is in this constellation. In a text book of Astrology, Llewellyn George writes regarding CANIS MAJOR: "In Egyptian zodiacs it is an eagle or hawk, the natural enemy of serpents. Sirius is derived from Sir or Seir, meaning prince, guardian, victorious; connected with Naz-Seir or Nazir, meaning "sent Prince." The rod promised to come forth from the stem of Jesse is called Netzer (branch, scion.) These are closely allied to Nazareth or Nazseirene, Naz-Sirius. "He came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets; He shall be called a Naz-Seir-ene." Matthew 2, 23. The stars in this constellation are Mirzam, the ruler; Muliphen, leader, chieftain; Wasen, shining, illustrious; Adhara, glorious. These of course have scriptural reference rather than being cognomens for a dog." So, ancient sages knew a different story from God's picture album in the sky. I wonder when this constellation was first given the Latin name, "canis" as a dog instead of an Eagle. Someone has been changing the captions of God's visual aids! Anyway, this constellation, which contains the very brightest star in our sky, seems to present the Christ (anointed race of God's offspring). Here is the appearance of His anointed "Man" race through which He lives and experiences life and expresses Himself. It would be this ideal "Man" whom Jesus often claimed to be the "son of." Sirius represents Christ, the brightest star in the sky! We need to think of ourselves as the body of Christ, for which Jesus is the Head. We are God's anointed "Son" as a corpus of members. The name Adam is not of one individual, but the name of a Family which includes us individual members. Sirius is our star! And with this Decan, we can see that our pageant is brightly lit and active again; our ship has sailed and we are heading homeward.
Polar opposite from Canis Major (Anointed Prince) is ARA (the Altar). Here in Gemini we see the beginning of the trek upward. ARA represents the end of the trek. Llewellyn George says, "Ara, called by the Arabs, Al Mugamra, 'the completing, the finishing, making an end of what was undertaken.'
Fixed star, alpha Canis Majoris, is Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, not very distant from earth when compared with most other stars.
GEMINI DECAN: LEPUS (SERPENT) (ca. 4,700BC to 4,000BC) is LEPUS, the Hare. But in ancient Persian and Egyptian zodiacs this constellation was a SERPENT, a Satan figure. Moderns view these three Decans of Gemini as dogs chasing a rabbit. But, such pictures are not likely to be part of God's great photo album in the sky where the contest between Satan and Christ is being portrayed. The ancient wise men, counsellors, prophets, magi and sages were all astrologers. It was their knowledge that led them to the newborn Jesus. It was such wise men who knew the struggle of duality, good versus evil as was also explained by Plato. So, the age of GEMINI introduces us to God's Man and also to that Serpent (Cain race) which would become Man's opponent. Perhaps it was during this Decan that the Serpent seduced Eve (Zoe) to introduce an evil counterpart offspring onto the stage, where the two opponents would wage eternal contest. Adam lived for 930 years, from 5508 until 4578BC, so it might be that his participation in the "Fall", and eviction from the Garden, happened near the start of this Decan. Gemini is the opening act of a new play in God's Divine Pageant. The two contestant families are on stage and the dynamic contest is underway. We might imagine it as a tournament where the contestants are in the arena and the King watches from His throne. The problem with that image is that it sets the King separate from the action, whereas our True King is active within and through His offspring extensions of Himself. Nevertheless, for each of us, it is best to give ourselves to the task as representatives of the King, as warriors who would rather die than shame Him.
Polar opposite from Lepus the Serpent is LYRA the HARP. The image in my mind is suddenly of a Serpent on the ground with a Harp floating above it. What a contrast!
Fixed star, alpha Leporis, is Arneb.
TRIBE: ZABULON - Ζαβoυλώv [b. ca.1846 BC, Son of Lea] Tenth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is twofold: ζά/dza is a more ancient Greek word which in Koiné became δια/dia meaning "through," and βoυλή/boule which means "will, determination of the gods, council, design." So, Lea is exclaiming that it is through her deliberate determination that she is the primary wife of Jacob, by virtue of bearing six sons. We must imagine that Jacob's household was not a peaceful place with these two women rivals!
Birth: Gen 30:20; "God has given me a good gift in this time; my husband will choose me, for I have born him six sons."
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:13; "Zabulon shall dwell on the coast, and shall be by a haven of ships, and shall extend to Sidon."
Moses blessing: Deut 33:18; "Rejoice, Zabulon, in your going out, and Issachar in his tents. They shall utterly destroy the tribes (εθvη), and you shall call there, and there offer the sacrifice of righteousness; for the wealth of the sea shall suckle you, and so shall the marts of them that dwell by the sea-coast."
Tribe Symbol: SHIP
Countries: England, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Netherlands
ZABULON'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, God places Zabulon to the East in the Juda Brigade under the banner of the Lion emblem.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF ZABULON: As I read the blessings, my mind quickly turns to the Great Flood of Noe, which happened shortly after the end of the Zabulon age. The tribe-emblem for Zabulon is a Ship, and I think of the Ark. The age of Zabulon was on the coast, the lower edge of the descending path of God's children, after which a Flood happened and an Ark saved one family to repropagate the race. Moses' joint blessing for the two brothers brings a slightly different application of the destruction to mind here than for the age of Issachar. At the Great Flood, it is again the ethnic Adamic race which gets destroyed. Let's review the story of Adam and his descendants during this age of Zabulon/Gemini. The story starts with them in Edem, a paradisaical garden that was the Pamir Plateau up in the mountains north of Pakistan, in what is now Tajikistan. Here is the only place in the world where major rivers are born running in all four compass directions. From the Pamir (Edem) the family left to the eastward into the Tarim Pendi basin of western China, a large basin surrounded by mountains, with the Tien Shan mountains at the north edge. In recent years marvelously-preserved ancient white race mummies, of thousands of years ago, have been discovered at the base of the Tien Shan mountains. See the book Mummies of Urumchi, by E.W. Barber. After the Great Flood, Noe's descendants migrated westward, with Sem's progeny settling for a while in the Indus Valley region of northwest India, where the Sanskrit Upanishads and Vedas still witness to the presence of our ancient ancestors there, giving us some hint of their spiritual ideas. It should be noted here that the Zend language of the Zoroastrian Avesta is very similar to Sanskrit, both of them derived from the same source. Zoroastrianism also uses many of the same names and words as those of the Sanskrit Vedas, both of them having much in common with our ancient Hebrew spiritual heritage. Assuredly, this common spiritual theme is of the same race of people, our own Aryan, Adamite, ancestors. Brother Cain's family had already left the far east prior to the Flood to settle in Mesopotamia. Sem's descendants would eventually be led from this Punjab region by Heber, to Sumer around 2,600BC where the Cain race had settled. Japhet's descendants migrated into Europe as Phoenicians where the Phoenician language is still known as Welsh, and Cham's people went to Egypt to found the Pharaoic dynasties. But, with this information we have gone far beyond the age of Gemini. Jacob mentions the coast and the city of Sidon. The area of the Promised Land allotted to Zabulon was from the Sea of Galilee to the west almost to the coast, and northward toward Sidon, but Aser and Nephthali were yet to the north of Zabulon, and even they did not reach as far as Sidon. So, during this tribe's sojourn in the Promised Land, Jacob's prophecy was not fulfilled. That leaves us to look at the age of Zabulon for something that looks like fulfillment. That the Tarim Pendi Basin was flooded and Adam's people (Noe) forced to leave might be applicable, but that did not happen until the first part of Taurus. Perhaps my speculation is inappropriate, but I don't know what else to conjecture.
DISCIPLE AGE OF PHILIP: parallels Tribal age of Zabulon. Philip was another from Bethsaida, who had gone to Bethany to hear John the Baptist. It was there that Jesus called him. (Jn 1:43) Philip then told Nathanael. According the the Genealogies of the Twelve Apostles, Philip was of the Tribe of Zabulon. Appropriately then, the age of Philip on our chart coincides with that of Zabulon. Philip was certainly an active evangelist to the lost sheep of Israel. Acts 21:9 says he had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy. So, here in the age of Gemini, we are seeing a renewal of Spiritual life after several ages of its decline.
[ca. 4,000 BC to 2,000 BC] is the zodiac age of the BULL, the fourth age in the kingdom of World. Just as Adam was the headliner for the age of GEMINI, it will be Noe (Noah) who headlines this age of TAURUS. It is during the first part of this age that the Biblical Flood occurs. Noe (Noah) lived from 3866 to 2916 BC. The Flood was 3296 BC according to dating from the ancient Greek Septuagint, a text more than 1200 years prior to the modern Hebrew Masoretic Text which is used for English translations. The fixed star, ALDEBARAN, is part of this constellation, being one of the four which make up the Grand Cross in the sky; the other three are Regulus, Fomalhaut, and Antares. On the sine wave diagram of history, Taurus is at the very bottom (nadir) of the negative-energy half cycle called World. With Taurus, God's children begin their upward climb toward their Father again. They stumbled badly by mixing with other races in defiance of God's warning to not do that. After leaving the Garden at the Pamir Plateau (present day Tajikistan) they moved east to the Tarim Pendi Basin of western China, probably at the northern region at the base of the Tien Shan mountains where perfectly preserved ancient mummies have recently been found of blond, caucasian, blue-eyed, tall men and women. (See Mummies of Urumchi). The Bible says that they married into other races until only Noe was left, "pure in his generation/race". So, God cleaned the slate by flooding that large Basin. Noe and his family were saved on the Ark, of course, and began a new population of pure race descendants from Adam. Ham slept with his mother, so his progeny were cursed and migrated toward Egypt where his descendants eventually became the white race pharoahs. Japheth's descendants migrated to Europe. Sem's lineage is the one leading to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus. After leaving the Tarim Pendi Basin, Noe's family settled in the northwest region of India, the Punjab, and it is from there that we get the ancient Vedas and Upanishads as evidence of their high spiritual consciousness. No Law of God had yet been defined in writing, but this Adamic family knew it in their hearts and minds. In the Bhagavad Gita, a story of the great Bharat family (MahaBarata: probably Noe's family) we find the same spiritual wisdom as Jesus provided, and the same struggle between good and evil, but that literature was written at a higher spiritual level than anything of today's religionists. If modern theologians knew the Big Picture, they would recognize the high value of those ancient Sanskrit writings.
The symbol of Taurus is a Bull, often depicted as a Calf. Because the people still had ancient knowledge and wisdom, Noe's descendants venerated the Bull as a symbol of that age in which they lived. The Bible tells us that the Israelites of a later age after Taurus would not cease their veneration of the Bull even though they were living in the age of the Lamb. I think their spiritual consciousness declined as they began the practice of religion. The written Law failed, requiring God to redeem them from their violations of it. But that is a story for another age. Taurus, the Bull, was keynoting and inaugurating a new quarter-cycle period of history during which men's emotions would rule over their minds and spirits: for the ages of Taurus, Aries, and Pisces. These three ages make up the Emotional quadrant of the cycle. Jacob's blessing of Ruben described the emotional influence which would characterize the 6,000 year quadrant just begun. Jacob's blessing is at Gen 49:3; "Ruben, you are my first-born, you my strength, and the first of my children, hard to be endured, and self-willed. You were insolent [wanton, extravagant] like water, not as a boil, for you went to the bed of your father; then you defiled the bed, whereupon you went up."
At the end of Pisces, the Emotional dominance will end; the following quadrant will be directed by our Spiritual minds.
Polar opposite from the Emotional age of Taurus is the age of Scorpio which begins a quarter-cycle of Intellectual dominance. Scorpio is the home of the great Fixed Star, Antares, which is opposite from Taurus's Aldebaran.
Fixed star, alphaTauri, is Aldebaran, one of the four most important Fixed stars which make up the Great Grand Cross.
TAURUS DECAN: AURIGA the SHEPHERD (ca. 4,000BC to 3,300BC) is aka the Charioteer. In the Egyptian Dendera zodiac, this shepherd holds a Sceptre, the upper part of which is a Lamb, while the lower part has a cross. Obviously a Christ-figure, this constellation is always considered gracious and evangelic. Isn't it awesome that God's family is given this idyllic grace just after being evicted from the Garden? The period of this ten degree decan would be just prior to the great Flood. Auriga seems to represent an idyllic and pastoral situation. Adam's family was still living in the Tarim Pendi Basin, perhaps quite happily. The Urumchi mummies reveal a sophisticated culture of felt shoes, complex woven tartan patterns of wool clothing, and bright colors. After their eviction from Eden, they must have adapted to the earthly life with great talent, although it was probably still drear in comparison to that Garden they had known, and about which we wish we knew more. It would be during this age of Taurus that their Emotional natures became superior to their Physical minds and they began to lust for sensual satisfactions with neighboring races, and they married them. They knew better, and God became very angry. But, here in this constellation, we can already see the promise of the Good Shepherd and the Cross for His children as they began their climb toward Him again.
Polar opposite from Auriga the Shepherd is Hercules the Cherubim, in Scorpio. While the Auriga Shepherd is a Christ figure who will lead the Family upward into the Kingdom of God, the Cherubim represents the angelic beings with the "Fiery Sword" placed by God at the gate of Eden to prevent the Family from returning to that Paradise after they were evicted from it.
Fixed star, alpha Aurigae, is Capella, one of the very bright stars in the sky.
TAURUS DECAN: ERIDANUS the RIVER (ca. 3,300BC to 2,600BC) is the River of God's wrath at the time of the Great Flood, probably about 3296BC. This river is often portrayed as one of fire in order to represent His wrath, but it seems more reasonable to see it as a flow of water which drowned nearly all of His Adamic race because they had adulterated the pure genetic line by marrying other races. You see, it was only into the Adam family that God breathed His Spirit, so it is only this one genetic line of individuals who are "born from above" with His indwelling Spirit. If one of God's spiritual offspring breeds with another race, those offspring will not have the divine nature of spiritual mind. This is a most important point, that God expresses Himself, in Spirit, through His offspring children who are born with His indwelling Spirit. Only the pure racial bloodline from Adam can be born with His Spirit; any race adulteration destroys that purity which God demands. God WILL act in order to protect the purity of His offspring race. In Taurus the destruction was by Flood water (symbol of Emotions); now, at the start of Aquarius it will be by Fire (volcanic; symbol of Spirit); at Scorpio it will be by Air (symbol of Intellect); and at Leo it will be by Earth (symbol of Physical).
Polar opposite from the River Eridanus is Ophiuchus, the Christ (ancient 13th Zociac age), between Sagittarius and Scorpio. The River drowned nearly all of God's Family during the age of that Decan in Taurus. Then at the apex of the Heaven half-cycle just prior to Scorpio, we see a Great Christ figure, Ophiuchus, holding a long undulating snake (looking something like a winding river) preventing the serpent from obtaining the Northern Crown and thereby achieving permanent dominion. The contest never ceases between the negative and positive forces, between Satan and Christ.
Fixed star, alpha Eridani, is Achernar, at the end of the long river, too far south to be seen from North America and Europe.
2700BC to 2,000BC) is another Christ-figure in the
In mythology, Orion was a gift of the gods to mankind. Orion wears a prominent
belt around his waist, which holds a sword at the top of which is a Lamb. The
giant star, Betelgeuse, is in Orion's right shoulder. It is of first magnitude
brightness. While our sun is 865,000 miles diameter, Betelgeuse has a
diameter of 700 million miles. Consider that our sun is only 93 million
miles from earth!
It was during the first part of this Decan that Heber led some of the Adamic family from the Punjab to Sumer where they became known as followers of Heber (Hebrews). Perhaps Heber was a Christ Light which led the way for God's family. Then, near the end of this age of Taurus, Abram was born to inaugurate a new age of Lamb to replace the Bull. And that is another story. I think Orion is probably Abraam since he is so very prominent as the one most important patriarch of Old Testament history for the entire next age of Aries, just as Jesus would be for Pisces.
Orion's belt is conspicuous in the sky, recognized by most people. Does it represent the "girdle" so often mentioned in the Bible, and the "girding of the loins?" Is not the Bible "girdle" the same as what we call a belt? Does Orion, the warrior, represent the Adamic race, renewed by Abraam, enlisted by Moses for a battle against sin, and all who girded up their loins to follow the God of this great Abraam/Orion who is pictured in the cyclorama in the sky? Might we also see Orion's band/belt as a harbinger of that which would be defined by God in Exodus 28, the "breastpiece" to be worn by the Priest which contained four rows of three precious stones to represent the twelve tribes of the Israel family, not yet born yet at this time of Abraam, but definitely in the planning.
Polar opposite of Orion in Taurus is Serpens in Scorpio. Serpens is the long snake which Ophiuchus/Christ holds, preventing it from reaching the Northern Crown.
Fixed star, alpha Orionis, is Betelgeuse, at his right/sword armpit. It is not the brightest in the sky but huge. If it was our sun, its radius would include the planet Mars. Rigel (beta Orionis) is the star at his left ankle; the three stars of his belt are Mintaka, Alnilam, and Alnitak.
TRIBE: RUBEN - Ρoυβηv [b. 1852 BC, Son of Lea] First son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek root for this name comes from ρoβα/rhoba which means dress or garment. For Lea this son is something to cover her humiliation, something to make her more lovable to her husband.
Birth: Gen 29:31-32; "When the Lord God saw that Lea was hated, he opened her womb; but Rachel was barren. And Lea conceived and bore a son to Jacob, and she called his name Ruben, saying, 'Because the Lord has looked on my humiliation, and has given me a son, now my husband will love me.'"
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:3; "Ruben, you are my first-born, you my strength, and the first of my children, hard to be endured, and self-willed. You were insolent [wanton, extravagant] like water, not as a boil, for you went to the bed of your father; then you defiled the bed, whereupon you went up."
Moses blessing: De 33:6; "Let Ruben live, and not die, and let him be many in number."
Tribe Symbol: BULL, secondary symbols are UNICORN and HORN.
Countries: Britain, Scotland, Saxons, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland
After Rachel's death, Ruben had sex with Balla, a stepmother, who was Rachel's maid and also the mother of his brothers, Dan & Nephthali. Thus Ruben lost favor, and lost his primo-geniture birthright to the descendants of Joseph (Gen 49:4; I Chron 5:1)
Ruben's 4 sons: Enoch, Phallus, Asron, & Charmi (Ex 6:14)
Ruben was the first-born and according to the law of primo-geniture, the inheritance of the estate is due to him. But, what is that inheritance which Ruben lost because of his insolence? It was the estate God has prepared for His people, that great vineyard called the Kingdom of Heaven. Now, look at the sinewave diagram. Jacob's twelve sons were born around the 1850's BC, early in the age of Aries/Symeon. The age of Ruben was the age preceding that. It was past. It was not possible for the age of Ruben to become the Kingdom of Heaven. So, that is why the primary blessing was given to Ephraim and Manasse, who would be the first two ages of the Kingdom of Heaven.
RUBEN'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, God places Ruben to the South. Ruben is a Brigade tribe, namely the leader of a three tribe group on the South side of the tabernacle. The next two tribes mentioned are Symeon and Gad, so they are part of the Ruben Brigade. Ruben's symbol is Bull.
BULL: THE LIVING BEING OF REVELATION 4:7 Bull represents one of God's four manifested Natures, specifically the Emotional Nature (or Mind). The other three natures are Lion/Physical, Man/Spiritual, and Eagle/Mental. Each of these natures is a dominant power which influences one quarter cycle of the historical process. In the case of Ruben here, we have an Emotional Nature (hard to be endured, insolent) as a powerful influence over the earthly lives of God's Elect. That seems kind of scary, considering that during the kingdom of World, we have seen little but grief and pain and anguish and terror from emotions, with brief moments of sensual ecstasy. I think that every influence or power has two sides, a negative and a positive. During World we have experienced the negative side of emotions, but during the coming kingdom of Heaven, we will have the positive side of that influence as a primary instinct. Then perhaps we will value most highly the Godly emotions of Peace and Contentment and Godly Love and Charity and Compassion, etc.
RUBEN'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Ruben coincides with the age of Taurus (Bull), from about 4,000 BC until the birth of Abram about 2,000 BC. Consider this location on the sine-wave diagram; it begins at the very nadir of a cycle and it is the first age in which there will be spiritual progress instead of decline. The energy has just changed. After six ages of decline from "spiritual life" into decadence and worldly materialism, here begins a change of direction toward spirituality. God's children had become destitute, hated, foreign, and naked victims of Satan's oppression. Ruben is like a robe covering over that shame and humiliation. With this change of direction, there is a notion that now God, the husband, will begin to love His wife, the body of Christ called "Israel." The statement made in Gen 29:31 might be reworded to say, "When the Lord God saw that His people of Israel were hated, He blessed them; but it was not yet time for Rachel's heavenly age. And an age was born, called Ruben, because the Lord saw His people's shame and provided a cover for their humiliation. Perhaps now, God will begin to love His children." Note that first-born Ruben's position is to begin the ascending path toward reunion with God, and then Jacob's last-born, Benjamin, is positioned at the very ending of that ascending path. With Benjamin, Rachel, the most loved wife, died. The other half of the cycle, following the age of Benjamin, is the wicked descending path away from God, back into world materialism. None of Rachel's children represent that descent.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF RUBEN: We look at Jacob's blessing for his description of the nature of his first-born as defining the nature of this age of Ruben. Jacob says, "hard to be endured, and self-willed. You were insolent..." God's children would certainly be hard to endure for those children of Cain who try to rule the World under their lord and father, Satan. We, of God, were given free-will along with insolent attitudes that make us difficult to enslave. The age of Ruben is very important, for in it Noe's flood cleansed the race, and a pure bloodline of Semites then began to coalesce into God's family. Here is where we had a fresh beginning after Adam's descendants had mixed with other races contrary to God's will and they had to be destroyed. A pure racial genetic line is of primary importance throughout the Bible. Our fresh racial start began in Ruben/Taurus. At the flood of Noe, God destroyed all the Adamites who had bred with other races. In the case of Ruben, who had slept with Rachel's maid, Balla, as had Ruben's own father, Moses says, "Let Ruben live, and not die."
ZODIAC AGE OF TAURUS coincides with the age of Ruben, from about 4,000BC to 2,000BC. Although I scorn the use of astrology for horoscopes and divination, there is some astrological information that might benefit our understanding of the Big Picture. While the basic Zodiac signs are obviously meaningful to Bible history, it is best to consider all other astrological information as conjecture. Astrologers consider Taurus to be an influence which promotes values of money, possessions, and possessiveness; a powerful earthy, materialistic bondage, along with sexual hunger and emotional nature. That description from the pseudo-science of astrology does seem to agree with what we know of the nature of that period of history between Noe and Abram when the Bull was the idol of veneration, and when the religion of Lamentions (emotions), Paganism, was developed by the Cain race who had migrated to Sumer about 4500BC, long before Adam's descendants went there.
Taurus is one of the four "Fixed" Signs of the zodiac. The four Fixed Signs have the same symbols as the four Zodiac ages, each of which starts one quarter cycle of history. The Bull/Calf of Taurus is one of the four Living Beings of Revelation 4:6. The other three Living Beings are the Lion of Leo, the Man of Aquarius, and the Eagle of Scorpio. These symbols are the same as those Cherubim of Ezekiel 1 & 10, the Seraphim of Isaiah 6, and the Cherubim of Genesis 3:25. Ezekiel's "wheels" were the cycles of time, which we are discussing in this article. These representations of Living Beings were also placed in the Ark of Testimony/Covenant (Exodus 25-37 & Hebrews 9). The Christian movement has never connected the dots to discover that the Cherubim are the same Living Beings of Revelation 4. These Living Beings provide a theme to the entire Bible which has not yet been understood, but which ties all our scriptures into a coherent whole unit. The four Signs/Cherubs/Living Beings are the four Natures of God through which He expresses (manifests) Himself into "Reality." The four Natures (Minds?) of God are Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and Mental/Intellectual. Each of these four Living Beings has "Six Wings" which are aspects of its particular Nature. Four Natures, each with six aspects, make up twenty four Elders (Rev. 4). If one is ever going to know the Father, he must ponder the Nature(s) of Him who is the source of all Life. One must be willing to connect the dots of the information we've been given, and then let the Holy Spirit awaken insights into His Truth. That's how "enlightenment" happens. You can't float lazily downstream without putting an oar into the water and expect to reach the upper source of that stream!
DISCIPLE AGE OF ANDREW: Just as Ruben was the first-born of the twelve sons of Jacob, Andrew was the first disciple called by Jesus to follow Him. In Greek, Andrew's name, andreas, means "Man." Apparently, this is Man as the entire body of Christ, beginning the journey of the Prodigal from the pigpen to the Palace. In Matthew 4:18 we read about the call of Andrew and Simon Peter in Bethsaida of Galilee, along the shore of the Lake. Peter represents the age of Leo, the first age of Physical World, while Andrew represents the first age of Emotional World. So, the worldly Physical and Emotional natures left their old work to follow Jesus. They are those base natures who recognize our Shepherd and let go the grasp of material bondage in order to follow Him to our Father in Heaven. Their father's name was John (Jn 1:42; 21:15, 16, 17). Andrew and Simon Peter were disciples of John the Baptist, but changed their allegiance to Jesus after He appeared (Jn 1:35-40). Andrew was present at most of the important events of Jesus ministry.
The Eastern Orthodox Church (Byzantine, Greek, Russian) selected Andrew as its chief witness of Jesus' group, just as Rome selected Peter as its primary disciple.
[ca. 2,000 BC to Anno Domini] is the LAMB. The age of Aries is the subject of nearly all of our Old Testament. 3,412 years of Bible history, from the time of Adam's appearance in 5508 BC until Abram's birth in 2096 BC, is contained in just the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis; the rest of the Old Testament, only 1,600 years, is the history of the age of Aries. Abram, son of Tharra, a Hebrew, lived from 2096 until 1921BC, for 175 years. He was born near the end of the age of TAURUS but did not bear his son, Isaac, until he was 100 years old, in 1996. Abram saw the end of the age of the Bull and inaugurated the age of the Lamb. It was through Abraam that God introduced the concept that a Lamb must be sacrificed for the Family's sins. Abraam taught that God would eventually supply His own Lamb for sacrifice at the end of the age of Aries. Of course, we know that Jesus was that Lamb who completed the sacrificial offerings by offering Himself. Jesus did two things. First, His death satisfied the Death Penalty required by the Old Covenant; Second, He calls His sheep to follow Him on the path of Liberation from this World kingdom, into the next Heaven kingdom. Since flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven, we are taught that we must offer ourselves as Living Sacrifices, not for sins (which were taken care of by Jesus' satisfaction) but because the willingness to release this World is absolutely essential to one's salvation. Jesus' payment of the Old Covenant penalty set us free of any guilt (See Hebrews 8:12 - the New Covenant!) so that we can work out our salvations with fear and trembling. If we would be "saved" we must follow Jesus' command to follow Him to death. All of the history of our people during this age of Aries points to Jesus who would be born at the end of it.
The symbol of Aries is the sacrificial Lamb, practiced in Temple rituals and finally completed with the Living Sacrifice of Jesus as God's Lamb. The age of Aries is coincident with the age of Symeon, one of Jacob's twelve sons. Jacob's blessing to Symeon is: Gen 49:5; "Symeon and Levi, brothers, accomplished the injustice of their cutting off. Let not my soul come into their counsel, and let not mine inward parts contend in their conspiracy, for in their wrath they slew men, and in their passion they hamstringed a bull. Cursed be their wrath for it was willful, and their anger, for it was cruel; I will divide those in Jacob and scatter those in Israel."
Polar opposite from Aries is the age of Libra. While the age of Aries was RICH in details of our struggle to climb the ladder toward our Father, the age of Libra is likely to be a continuous degradation of our Family's spirituality as it is numbed into a stupor of materialistic gratifications.
Fixed star, alpha Arietis, is Hamal.
2,000BC to 1,300BC) is a Christ-figure in the sky. His name means "son
of God:" per Zeus. The word "Zeus" means God; in Latin it is Deus; in
Greek, along with Zeus it is also Theos; in Sanskrit it was Dyus. Keep in mind
that the Greek civilization was founded by Israelites, mostly by Judah's son,
Zara, while the rest of the Israelite family was still in Egypt. Those
ancient white
race civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Egypt valued poetry, theater, epic
sagas, literature, and metaphor of all types. Their theater had real meaning for
them, whereas our modern theater is idle entertainment. Their theater presented
heroes whom they knew and adored as sort of supernatural beings; they created imaginative
legends about their heroes using symbols and metaphor; they never considered
their theatrical dramas, or their many gods, to be real history! But, they were
based on real men/heroes. We have difficulty today
understanding that culture which extolled its values and virtues as
personifications of gods. Christian religionists of our modern era keep their
beliefs simple and literal because an uncultured, uneducated, and unthinking
audience won't pay for something they can't understand. If you read Jesus' words, you will
find that much of it is theatrical metaphor. Ironically, moderns demand literal
interpretation of much scripture which is conspicuously metaphor, analogy,
parable, symbolic, shadows, type, etc. It is an inexcusable hubris of modern
ignorance to despise Greek myth as idolatry; their word for God was Zeus just
same as
our Theos in the Bible Greek koine dialect. They found the God-anointed Savior in the
constellations and enjoyed many stories about His greatness, actually some of those
metaphorical stories just happen to be very close to the facts related in the
New Testament. The ancient Greeks understood the Gospel from the sky-stories.
So, St. Paul wrote to the Romans, telling them they have no excuse for not
knowing the Gospel because it is written in the sky; the Romans came from Greece
and the sky stories were well known to them. Roman "deities" used Latin names
for Greek characters, such as Jove or Jupiter for Zeus. It is incredibly pompous
for modern intellectuals to look down upon those ancients whose knowledge and
understanding soared in the heavens compared to modern earthy literalness; and
moderns revel in their ignorance without ever examining what the ancients wrote down! Christians
don't hesitate to look adoringly to a cross or crucifix or picture on an altar when they
pray, which is no different than the ancients did. Ancients built temples to some of
the legendary gods which represented the Christ, and admittedly it probably was easy for
many of those people to think of that god to whom they prayed as an entity in itself. So,
also do modern Christians
have pictures and statues and necklaces and crucifixes. Idolatry is seductively easy, which is
probably why we were warned against making any kinds of graven images. Perhaps
we should be satisfied with the album God put in the sky for us. With St.
Paul, I say that modern Christians have no excuse because they have not just the
sky-Gospel but also the written New Testament; and still they have created a
religion which is contrary to nearly everything Jesus taught! It is so
frustratingly sad!!!
Perseus holds in his left hand the head of Medusa, a Satan-figure, whose hair was snakes. Medusa brought death to anyone who looked at it/her, just as Satan brings death to any of God's children who look to him for worldly satisfaction. Perseus' right hand holds a large sword. Perseus became front page news on October 24, 2007 when the comet Holmes exploded into brightness just as it curved upward across Perseus' sword arm, across Mirfak. The brilliantly lighted Holmes then circled around Perseus' head and proceeded straight downward across the head of the Medusa (star Algol) on January 22, 2008. We got to see a moving picture of the Sword of Christ whacking the head of Satan! Comet Holmes continued its circle around Perseus, faded in brightness, and proceeded on its way until stopping at the forehead of Leo the Lion. What a magnificent display, a message from God. Christ kills Satan and a new King is knighted; that would be the returning Jesus. It just happened! I watched Comet Holmes spotlighting the event. Christians missed it! Well, we've gotten a little ahead of the historical time between 2,000 and 1,300BC. But, then, Perseus was a presentation of Christ even long before Jesus was born! It's a timeless and cyclic pattern of events.
It was during this Decan of Perseus that the Christ family was renewed with the birth of Jacob's twelve sons; they went into Egypt for 400 years, were liberated by Moses (a Christ-type Liberator) about 1458BC, and settled their Canaan Promised Land. Judah's son, Phares, fathered a lineage which would produce Jesus, while Judah's other son, Zara, settled the Aegean region (Greece) and then migrated to Britain, some of which is told in Virgil's Aeneid.
Polar opposite from this Perseus Decan in Aries is the CORONA BOREALIS (Northern Crown) constellation in Libra. Here in Aries, we see Perseus, a Christ appearing on stage who will save the Andromeda Family from destruction by the Satan monster. Opposite, across the sky In Libra, it is that Crown of Power which Ophiuchus, a Christ, defends by preventing a Satan Draco from grasping it. An eternal contest it is! We are warriors in this battle, but most of us do not know it, merely wanting a "good life" because our prosperity preachers tell us that because God loves us He wants us to have all the worldly wealth and pleasures. It is no wonder that God said, "Awake, O Sword, against my shepherds!" Perseus saved the Bride (our Family) but we have still not permitted God into our lives as seriously as the ancient Greeks did. They KNEW the Gospel of the Sky, whereas Paul faulted the Greek-race Romans of later centuries of being without excuse because they could have looked upward, too.
Fixed star, alpha Persei, is Mirfak, in his sword arm. beta Persei is Algol, the head of Medusa, held in his other arm.
ARIES DECAN: CETUS the SEA MONSTER (ca. 1,300BC to 600BC) is a sea-monster. This is the largest constellation in the sky, and is south of the ecliptic plane. In mythology, it is the monster from the deep which was sent to devour Andromeda, the maiden whom Perseus saved. The Christ family is considered God's bride in the Bible. Satan is the CETUS monster who walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. It was Jesus (a Perseus) who saved the Andromeda bride named "Israel." It was during this period of history when most of the O.T. books were written. Israel was ruled by Judges from about 1380BC until 1020BC; then the people made Saul their king - until 1004BC when David became king. After David's son, Solomon, the kingdom was split into a northern kingdom called "Israel," and a southern kingdom called "Judah." Most of the kings turned to the Pagan gods of neighboring races and against the God of Jacob. Cetus was very busy and quite successful. God's wrath against His Family was aroused. By 721BC the northern kingdom of Israel was captured by the powerful Assyrians and many people taken captive to Assyria. Some, perhaps most, migrated northward across the Caucasus mountains into Europe where they became known simply as Caucasians because of their journey. They were our European white race ancestors, carrying their Tribal Emblems which are still used by the European nations today! It was 586BC when the last three cities of the southern kingdom of Judah were captured and the young men carried to Babylon. The remaining Israelites settled in Samaria and Galilee where they were undisturbed for those quiet intertestamental centuries. The Old Testament Prophets also lived during this CETUS age, beginning with Jonah about 800BC and ending with Malachai about 400BC.
Polar opposite from Cetus in Aries is VICTIMA in Libra.
Fixed star, alpha Ceti, is Menkar.
FIRST DECAN OF ARIES: (ca. 700BC until Anno Domini) is
Enthroned Queen, a "Bride of God" figure, and also the mother of Andromeda, the
Bride of Christ. We Israelites, God's Bride, are portrayed in the sky in many
different roles. Here, the happy Bride sits enthroned in a chair, lifted up, while she
arranges her robe with one hand and her hair with the other. The symbol is
somewhat of a woman who has been exalted and freed to marry the King. In
this constellation of Cassiopeia, we sheep of God's flock might imagine ourselves as this Bride
preparing to marry the King and share the throne.
Varying verbiage sometimes gets confusing. We are sometimes called the Bride of Christ. We, the Family, actually make up the body of the Christ, a word which simply means Anointed. Most properly, we can see ourselves as having been divorced from God and sent captive into World. Here in CASSIOPEIA, we see ourselves as freed to marry Him again. So, Cassiopeia represents us, the Old Testament Family of Israel, finally freed and preparing for marriage to God. In the next Decan at the start of the age of Pisces, we will see ourselves as the New Testament Israel Family, portrayed as Cassiopeia's daughter, Andromeda; the Family was saved from eternal death by Perseus/Christ, to become His Bride.
Ancient myth tells the story of Cassiopeia, that she was first opposed to the death sacrifice of her daughter, Andromeda, but finally she approved of it, along with her husband, King Cepheus. We might wonder if Jesus' mother fully knew the necessity of His sacrifice, and if she approved of it. We will meet the "daughter" Andromeda (name means "male thought") immediately after this Decan of Cassiopeia, at the start of the age of Pisces.
It was during this Cassiopeia Decan that the Israelites, after captivity in Babylon for 70 years, were set free in 510BC, to return to the Holy City and rebuild the Temple. In the building of that Temple, we can see Israel as God's "Bride" adorning herself for the appearance of her Lord and King, and for the wedding feast. With a Temple in Jerusalem again, the many Israelites who had never gone into captivity, but who had stayed in Samaria and Galilee, could once again trek annually to worship their Lord at the Temple. The family of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus would also make the 90 mile walk from Capernaum in Galilee each year. The Bride was again free to do so! This Decan of the constellation of Cassiopeia ends with the birth of JESUS, perhaps about 7BC, who would serve as the sacrificial Lamb of God which was promised by Abraam at the beginning of this age of ARIES the Lamb.
Can we say that the constellations influence the historical process in our lives? The KJV translates the Masoretic Hebrew text of Job 38:31 to read, "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?" The word, "Mazzaroth" means Zodiac twelve signs. The New King James Version translates that passage as, "Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, or loose the belt of Orion? Can you bring out Mazzaroth in its season? Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you set their dominion over the earth?" But, both of those translations are of the Hebrew text which appeared in the tenth century AFTER Christ. That Masoretic text was translated by Edomite Jews from the original Greek Septuagint text of 286 BC, which says, "And dost thou understand the band of Pleias, and has thou opened the barrier of Orion? Or wilt thou reveal Mazuroth in his season, and the evening star with his rays? Wilt thou guide them? And knowest thou the changes of heaven, or the events which take place together under heaven?"
I do not think that the stars influence events, but rather that they indicate the PATTERNS of God's Design. It is the patterns which serve as a basis for a script which we then express in our own words. I think it is a key to understanding our relationship to our Father to know that only the designed patterns are fixed in the sky, and that we play out those patterns slightly differently in each cycle. The details of the pageant are NOT directed or scripted, rather they will evolve naturally as results of what we do and feel and think, just as each day is a natural evolvement from preceding day. If we would understand God's Design, the KOSMOS which He loves, then we must read the signs which He has provided for our sake. And then, we will see that we are responsible for being true to that Design or for acting contrary to it. He grants us free will to do either, and His Design allows consequences for our choices to be either rewards or penalties. We should at least be learning from our experiences! Of course, His sky illustrations could really help!
Polar opposite from Cassiopeia in Aires is CRUX, the Southern Cross.
Fixed star, alpha Cassiopeiae, is Schedar.
TRIBE: SYMEON: - Συμεώv [b. 1851 BC, Son of Lea] Second son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek root for this name is the first three letters συμ- which would become in Latin the prefix "syn" meaning "with." In Greek the word is used as a prefix to mean "ally, to be in alliance with." For Lea, this son would be her ally, since she was hated by her husband.
Birth: Gen 29: "Because the Lord has heard that I am hated, he has given to me this one also; and she called his name Symeon."
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:5; "Symeon and Levi, brothers, accomplished the injustice of their cutting off. Let not my soul come into their counsel, and let not mine inward parts contend in their conspiracy, for in their wrath they slew men, and in their passion they hamstringed a bull. Cursed be their wrath for it was willful, and their anger, for it was cruel; I will divide those in Jacob and scatter those in Israel."
Moses blessing: none
Tribe Symbol: SWORD, secondary symbol is GATE
Countries: Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark
Symeon's sons: Jemuel, Jamin, Aod, Jachin, Saar, & Saul
SYMEON'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: Numbers 2 - Symeon is placed next to Ruben, after him. This tribe is part of the Brigade of Ruben, under the Brigade flag which has an emblem of Bull.
SYMEON'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Symeon coincides with Aries, from the birth of Abram (2,096 BC) until the birth of Christ. It is interesting that Moses gave no blessing to Symeon, given that Moses lived during the age of Symeon. Notably, most of our Biblical Old Testament history happened during this age of the Lamb, after the age of Taurus had passed. Notice that Symeon and Levi had hamstringed a bull, meaning they cut the tendons of its hind legs so it couldn't walk or kick. Bull was the prior age, which Symeon replaced. See the sine-wave diagram to find the age of Symeon as the second of three ages which make up the Emotional quarter-cycle, in which prodigal Men struggle against the World on their homeward path.
Still being in the same quarter that was keynoted by the Bull (emotional), we read the O.T. record of Israel's tragic struggle with God's contract of law, and the divorce from Him which resulted from their breach of that contract. We witness the result of their lusts for the grandeur of the Babylonians, and for the gods of their Pagan neighbors which better served their emotional hungers.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF SYMEON: Jacob's words make up a profound description of the age of Symeon/Aries, which comprises nearly all of our Old Testament, excepting the first few chapters of Genesis. Symeon's was a 2,000 year period during which God's family of Israel caused their own cutting off. God rails in anger at Israel, after warning them repeatedly through His prophets. Yet they persisted in their conspiracy against Him. After the contract at Sinai and their promise to do all that God commanded, they had gone astray and turned from Him. They breached the contract and brought upon themselves the cutting off, namely the divorce from Him and their dispersion from their Promised Land. God did truly divide those in Jacob and scatter those in Israel by bringing the Assyrians against them and forcing them to migrate into Europe where they forgot their origin and their God.
ZODIAC AGE OF ARIES coincides with the age of Symeon, from about 2,000BC until the birth of Jesus. This Zodiac influence is considered to be like a Ram, rash, hardy, springy, lascivious, and combative. It is a sign of new beginnings, creativity, and enthusiasm, also self-centered and self-directed. When we look at the history of the Old Testament Israelites, it is pretty easy to describe their general character as Arian. Aries is the first monthly calendar age of each year, starting with the spring equinox of March 21. About 2,000 years ago, the sun did enter the zodiac constellation of Aries at the vernal equinox, but that has changed by one degree every 72 years, until now that the vernal equinox happens when the sun is about five degrees of Pisces.
Simeon is also the name of a man in the New Testament, Luke 2, who seems to represent that age of Symeon, just prior to Jesus' birth. "There was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; he was a righteous and devout man, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he would see the anointed Lord. So, he came by the spirit into the temple. And when the parents brought in the child, Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said: 'Master, now you are releasing your servant, according to your word, in peace. Because my eyes have seen your salvation which you prepared before the face of all the people, a Light for the revealing of the tribes, and the glory of people, Your Israel." That passage is sung in churches as the Nunc Dimittis. Isn't it quite a coincidence that a man named Simeon was informed that he would not die until the Savior appeared, which was at the end of the age of Symeon?
DISCIPLE NATHANAEL: Little is known about this person. It is thought that he might be the same as Thaddeus. John 1:45-49 tells of the calling of Nathanael by Jesus, "Philip finds Nathanael and says to him, 'He whom Moses wrote of in the law and also in the Prophets, we have found, Jesus, the son of Joseph from Nazareth.' And Nathanael said to him, 'from Nazareth can there be anything good?' Philip says to him, 'come and see.' Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and says about him, 'Look, a genuine Israelite in whom is no guile.' Nathanael says to him, 'How do you know me?' Jesus answered, saying to him, 'before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.' Nathanael answered him, 'Rabbi, you are the Son of God, you are King of Israel.'" Now, ponder how that incident typifies the Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt into a wilderness where they were introduced personally to our Almighty God at Mount Sinai. They were convinced of His reality and authority and presence and power by things that He did at that mountain. The reference to "guile" credits him with doing rightly, versus doing wrong. There is an implication of "law" in that statement, and it was God's Law which Israel received at Sinai, during the age of Aries/Symeon/Nathanael. Though little is known about this disciple, it seems appropriate to locate him alongside Symeon and Aries.
It is puzzling and frustrating that we are given so little information about some of the disciples, and cannot even determine for certain the names of the twelve. That is ironic because that number of disciples was of obvious importance; so much so that they met to elect a replacement for Judas. While a few of the disciples fit perfectly alongside Tribe names and Zodiac signs, some are nearly blanks on the chart.
[Anno Domini to ca. 2,000AD] is the
FISH, one headed north and the other along the ecliptic plane; the two
fishes are tied at the tails. The age of PISCES was inaugurated by Jesus, beginning the period of New
Testament history. FISH are the very backdrop setting for Jesus' ministry, as He
called Fisherman for His companions, fed miraculous Fish to thousands, and a net
filled with Fish.
A Fish
symbol represented Jesus' early followers as their secret sign and is still used
today to signify Christians. Two fish (Pisces constellation) fed five thousand
men plus women and children, with twelve (Israel tribes) left over. (Mat 14,
Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6)
Why is a constellation of two fishes one of the twelve zodiac segments in our sky? Certainly Jesus made it conspicuous in His ministry, so it must have been important to Him. I think that He was related to the previous age of ARIES as the Good Shepherd of a flock of sheep, and then in order to headline a new age those sheep became fishes for whom He is the Fisherman. So much of Christianity is in Symbols. During Aries, sheep had often died for a sacrificial altar, symbolic of the offering of God's sheep through a death-offering in order that we can exit this material world and return to our Father. Fishes are also sacrificed as a value to those who eat them. The lesson is pretty clear that the only Liberation from this world is through death; "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven." As for gathering His flock together for such a sacrificial offering, Jesus set up some difficult tests of worthiness which require a conscious willingness of His follower to die for His sake; and then He said that although many were called, only a few will be chosen/selected. My conclusion is that Jesus came to fish the Elect; this is the age for gathering His own for the great feast, the wedding, the Liberation, the Renewal into immortality. Jesus spoke of the end time process most clearly in Matthew 24. In verse 31 He says, "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His Elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." And then in verse 34 He says, "this generation will not pass away till all these things happen." The generation of which He spoke is the age of Pisces, which is now at its end.
Polar opposite from the age of Pisces is the age of VIRGO. Pisces is the last age of World and Virgo is the last age of the Kingdom of Heaven. Here God's children are preparing for a violent upheaval of the planet with a transition into a positive energy field from the present negative one. Here we will witness the final great battle which will defeat Satan and his forces. In Virgo, the Great Pyramid becomes a tomb for the Lord of Heaven.
Fixed star, alpha Piscium, is Al Rischa, at the tie of the two fish's tails.
Domini to ca. 670AD) is a Greek
name made of two words meaning "male-thought." The Greek word andros
means male. The word "med" is from medomai which means to think, be
thoughtful, perhaps to meditate. It seems at first puzzling that Greek myth portrays this
male name, Andromeda, as a beautiful young woman, daughter of Cepheus and
Cassiopeia, a Bride who was offered as a sacrifice but was saved by Perseus. The
Bible portrays the Israelite family as the female Bride of God.
Metaphor is to be understood more spiritually than literally. As we consider the constellations
to be defining certain periods of
history, we also have the advantage of hindsight to help us understand God's message.
Perhaps we can also consider the male-thought to be a thought expressed from the
Supreme Mind as a WORD. Jesus is well known as the Word of God. Is that Word not
an expression of the Father's thought?
Here is a constellation period, at whose beginning is the birth of Jesus, and
then includes the
early years of Christian church which is really a new birth of the Christ body. Is Andromeda the man Jesus?
Or is Andromeda the Family Israel, the Bride of Jesus? We see Jesus as
that male-thought/Word of God, and we also see Him as the instrument of
creation, which even mainstream theologians admit. The Father gave His offspring Son the power to
create any thought into being simply by believing it to be true. Like the author of
Hebrews says, "faith (belief) is the substance of things hoped for."
(1)God thought a Design in His mind (Genesis 1), and (2)His Son, Adam (Christ), named/worded/thought
that Design into reality (Genesis 2). (3)And further, I believe that we, as the
body of Christ, then participate in the creative act by whatever we believe.
Here, at the beginning of
Pisces, we have the appearance of the Son of God, whom I believe to be the same
as that Adam in Genesis, the One who named God's thought into
manifestation. He, Jesus, then gave us teachings which guide us into a participation with Him,
as a group of members of His body, to believe/think an end to the World kingdom,
which will be
our Liberation from this one to the Heaven, and to inherit the vineyard prepared
for us. I'm convinced that is His primary message.
What if we had remained ignorant of that thought? The entire membership
of the body of Christ is the race of Adam, the Israelite Family, the Christian
Church, and God's own Son. We are One with Him, just as He prayed for us to be,
in John 17. If Jesus had not shown us a higher level of Truth, we would still be
struggling with the confusion that consumed our family after our Temple was
destroyed in 586BC. It was necessary for us to know a new enlightenment and to
know more personally Him who serves as the Head of our Body. And it is now
necessary for us to believe that the end of this World kingdom will
happen just as He said it would, which is recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 and
Mark 13. Perhaps WE are the sword of Jesus' mouth; we will defeat Satan by
believing in his defeat. Jesus taught us to believe in it, thus we, as the
corpus of Christ will help to effect it. We, the Christ with Jesus as our
Head, are the creative tool of the Father; our Belief is the substance of things
hoped for.
The early centuries of Pisces saw Christians aflame with the Holy Spirit. They witnessed boldly at cost of their lives. I think that for the first couple centuries, perhaps three, after Jesus, that Christians KNEW the Truth that their deaths would bring them the Liberating Victory. They were intensely genuine in their worship, although there was no organized religion, no liturgical ritual, no common standard. They gleaned what they could from the writings of those who had known Jesus personally and they shared letters which Apostles wrote to the various groups who were gathering in Jesus' name. They had a New Covenant with their Father, which Jesus had secured for them (Hebrews 8), and which set them free from any laws and any guilt and declared there should be no more teachers but that God Himself would be their teacher. They were so intense about what they should believe, that a great many died willingly as martyrs. But as time passed and the persecution waned, they enjoyed the hope of happy lives. Martyrdom lost its appeal and they fell into that rut of dogmatics: defining doctrinal creeds that would be required of anyone who wished to join their groups. Instead of a Gospel of Liberation, the church encouraged the good-life. Factions developed; titles were given to leaders, such as "elder, deacon, bishop." The church was organizing, in spite of some continued persecution from Rome. Finally, a sympathetic Roman Emperor, Constantine, called a great gathering of church bishops to meet at the town of Nicaea in 325AD, where they hammered out the protocols of an organized church. Christianity became the State Religion. The church then split into two factions, an Eastern Orthodox church, led by men at Constantinople, and a Roman Catholic faction. Christians were no longer persecuted, so they grew ever greater in numbers and in power. Their religion adopted Evangelism (The Great Commission) as its centerpiece. They had become a political power-wielding corporation; evangelical outreach increased membership and offerings. The Edomites, who, a few centuries earlier, had taken over Israel's temple, Jerusalem and all Judea, surged into the new Christian organization and helped to organize it to their ideals, based on strict rules and practices carried over from their ancient religion of Paganism. The wolf had once again assumed dominion over the Flock. Jesus' message of Liberation was lost to a religion of power, wealth, and cruelty.
Jesus' sheep faded again into the background, just as happened after the Edomites took over Judea under their Edomite Herod. Thus it was that a new religion was formed, mostly by Edomite Jews, to later be called the Roman Catholic Church. The Bride (Andromeda) of Christ/Perseus was again chained to the rock for sacrifice, according to the wishes of the great king "papa," of the next Decan.
Polar opposite from Andromeda in Pisces is BOOTES the HERDSMAN. Family Israel (Andromeda) was saved from death by Christ (Perseus) in Pisces, but in Virgo it will be the HERDSMAN who herds the fallen Family from their Paradise toward his earthly pig-pen.
Fixed star, alpha Andromedae, is Alpheratz, her head.
PISCES DECAN: CEPHEUS (ca. 670AD to 1350AD) is a constellation very high in the northern sky. He is a king; he wears a tall pointed papal mitre on his head. In mythology, he had been the father of Andromeda, but after he reneged on his agreement by opposing the marriage of Andromeda (the Bride) to Perseus (the Christ), he was turned to stone when he looked at the head of Medusa and was then cast into the sky. From his position high in the sky, he will forever symbolize the great enemy of Christ and his bride. He represents the papal office of Satan.
It was during this period of history that the Papal office was created at Rome and attained great political power, soon controlling the kings of European nations. Charlemagne used military force to bring all the European groups under control of the Roman Pope. That tyrant Pope-king outlawed education for the common man so that the church's anti-Christ teachings would not be recognized. And then the inquisitions began. Anyone who questioned any church authority or teaching or practice was tortured and killed. There seemed no end to the supply of Christian martyrs, for even without education, their simple devotions to Christ as their Lord conflicted with the satanic tyranny from Rome. Some estimates claim that more than fifty million white race Christians were killed during those terrible centuries known as the Dark Ages, always with utmost cruelty. The one prize which that anti-Christ could not hold was England. It was there that the Throne of David was secured by true Israelite sheep who knew Jesus was their true Shepherd. It was there that the stone of Jacob, which represents the Throne of David, had served as a Coronation throne for all England's sovereigns over the many centuries since Jeremiah had brought it to Ulster about 580BC. This was that Throne of David which God promised would never be vacant, and it never has been, to this very day. The stone of Jacob has rested beneath the Coronation throne in Westminster Abbey for many centuries. Our present Queen Elizabeth II was crowned while sitting on it. Whether she does good or bad is not so important as the fact that the throne is still occupied by one of God's Christian Family. Her emblem is the Lion of Judah. She holds the Throne which Jesus will claim, hopefully soon. The anti-Christ king has failed to grasp it. You can see the star at the top of CEPHEUS' mitre between CASSIOPEIA and the north Polar Star. His Decan age of influence was the most cruel period of the Christ-family history.
Polar opposite from this Decan of Cepheus in Pisces is the Centaur in Virgo. A Centaur is half horse and half man, symbolism for being half mortal and half divine. This particular Centaur in Virgo is called the "Pierced One," being the wounded Lord of Heaven, the Christ, who is about to be entombed at the end of His rulership of Heaven. We might see the lord of earth represented as Cepheus and the Lord of Heaven as its diametric opposite Centaur.
Fixed star, alpha Cephei, is Alderamin, in the right shoulder.
PISCES DECAN: THE CORD (ca. 1350AD to ca. 2019(?) - dates are approximate) is also called THE BAND or BRIDLE. In the sky, the two fishes of Pisces are heading toward different directions: one toward the north Polaris star and the other toward the west along the ecliptic. The brightest star of Pisces is the one at the junction of their tails. So, this Decan is not represented by a constellation, but by a single star "tie" around the two tails of the fish. You might guess rightly that any attempts to interpret the meaning of this Decan have been wildly varied. My thought is that if this is a cord or band around their tails, that means the fish have been caught by a fisherman. And that is my concept of the entire age of Pisces, the Christ-fishing of the Elect. They might be flopping and struggling toward two different directions, one upward toward Heaven and the other toward World, but God has caught them and tied them. Perhaps each of us will be judged differently, but we are all valued by the same Fisherman. He might direct us to different usage, but we can all rejoice together that we belong to Him. Well, that's my humble opinion. Perhaps someone else can provide a more appropriate interpretation. Look at this period of history of the Christ family. The Decan begins with the invention of the printing press by a German, Johannes Gutenberg (1398-1468), a tool very much hated by the Roman Catholic tyrants. The rebellion against Rome began with a hunger for Bibles which the common man could read for himself. The Renaissance began. The Enlightenment was underway. The Reformation would re-unite the fish as the catch by the Great Fisherman. America was discovered and a Godly government was founded. Christ's family was stepping toward the fulfillment of God's promises as the "United" states of America.
Although that interpretation seems credible, I can't seem to keep my mind from recalling the layout of passageways in the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Ascending Passage angles steeply upward while another passage goes level toward what is called the Queen's Chamber. The place where the level passage forks away from the Ascending Passage is called the Messianic Triangle because on the Pyramid's Timeline that is the time of Jesus' appearance. To continue along the upward, ascending path, one must climb up a high vertical step, as though to transcend the mundane journey for a higher path. Those who decline the challenge of the big step will continue along the level (worldly?) path; perhaps to try again at some later time. At our present time along the path of one's soul, we are challenged with a big step, to estrange ourselves from our flesh and blood bodies, even to yearn for Liberation from them. I know many wonderful people who try to live Godly lives, who read the Bible, who practice charity, and who pray sincerely. BUT, that is not enough. One must recognize the world and a physical body as a prison and one must yearn to fly free from them. We do this by following our Leader up that steep hill to yield our lives as Living Sacrifices. That is the Big Step which Jesus demonstrated.
This brings us to a completion of the kingdom of World. Its end will culminate in a violent overthrow of the evil powers of Satan's race who have used their rightful dominion to wreak injustice against a mostly innocent body of Christ. The catastrophic destruction of Babylon is an ending for which the saints, prophets, and angels rejoice. We've been fished, caught, and we die, leaving this dense material World behind in order that we, as Spirit-beings, can live in a lighter and happier Heaven. To be part of the catch by that great Fisherman is the joyous hope of this writer, and I will sign my name to that commitment.
Polar opposite from this Decan of The Cord in Pisces is the Decan of COMA in Virgo. Here at the end of Pisces we transition from World as Fish. At the end of Virgo is a transition from Heaven into World with the blessing of this constellation which is a woman/virgin holding a sheaf of wheat in her hand, a presence of the "seed" of a new birth to come.
Fixed star, alpha Piscium, is Al Rischa.
TRIBE: GAD [b. ca.1849 BC, Son of Zelpha, Lea's servant] Seventh son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name may be γαίω/gaio which means "rejoice, exult." Lea's statement at this birth implies this meaning.
Birth: Gen 30:11; "It is happily." (Lea's statement)
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49: "Gad, a plundering troop shall plunder him; but he shall plunder him, pursuing him closely."
Moses' blessing: Deut 33:20; "Blessed be he that enlarges Gad; as a lion he rested, having broken the arm and the ruler. And he saw his first-fruits, that there the land of the princes gathered with the chiefs of the people was divided; the Lord wrought righteousness, and his judgment with Israel."
Tribe Symbol: KNIGHT
Countries: ?
TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, Gad is one of the three tribes of the Brigade of Ruben, under the Brigade flag emblem of Bull.
PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Gad coincides with the Zodiac age of Pisces (Fish), being from the birth of Jesus until the end of Pisces which is somewhere around the year 2,000AD; some speculate the supernatural liberation event of a geophysical cataclysm to be around 2012AD. I don't know. At which time we will transition from the negative kingdom of World into the positive energy Kingdom of Heaven, and will enter the age of Aquarius/Ephraim. See the sine-wave diagram. Jesus was born as the fisher of men. The New Testament emphasizes fish to a strange and inordinate degree. Of course, that is because Pisces is the age of Christianity, just as the previous Aries was the age of Lamb veneration. Each age brings a new religion that builds upon the old, and each age is begun with the birth of a prominent person who defines the religion for that age.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF GAD: How might we describe the nature of this period of history which has been our own civilization? We know its history quite well, and each interpreter of our past would probably describe it differently. How Gad's mother's statement is meaningful to us, "It is happily," is something that anyone can speculate about, and perhaps everyone can be right. My thought is that the past 6,000 years of our spiritual climb have been terribly difficult. We have been besieged by many; we have been under the dominion of Satan and his race of Edomites who control most of their World. We have been killed by the millions, cheated, and robbed, enslaved, and shamed. Our Lord was killed by them, too. For God's people, the kingdom of World has been Hell! Yet, in spite of all that, our people stand out above all others as a happy and optimistic people. We have never lost sight of one truth, that in the end we shall overcome our enemies and shall institute a heavenly kingdom under our Lord, Jesus. We have an instinctive hope that is unique among all races. We are the body of Christ, and we have nearly completed our preparation for the kingdom to come. So, perhaps Lea's words are appropriate in a significant way after all.
Jacob says that we will be plundered during the age of Gad, and that has certainly been true. Our eternal enemy, Edom, has been given dominion over us (Isaac's concession to Esau) and has been our plunderer. Our people have been killed by the thousands and by the millions from the earliest days of Christianity - as Edomites (like Poppaea) influenced Roman rulers to persecute and kill Christians. Then, after Constantine, Edomites helped to define the doctrines of Christianity and to organize it into their ancient Pagan religion, to be called Roman Catholicism. Jesus never suggested any such organization or structure, rather He promoted just the opposite. Edomite Jews became Popes and instituted murderous campaigns against Christians, including their notorious Inquisitions. Millions were staked and burned. Edomite Bolsheviks under Stalin murdered over fifty million Germanic Christians; the Russian Solzhenitsyn says it was 66 million. That we have been plundered is a given. But, Jacob says we shall also plunder and shall pursue our tormentors closely. We have never campaigned to exterminate them, like they do to us, but we have never let them destroy us completely either. While being Jesus' innocent sheep, we have not been easy prey for the wolves. The leaders of the militant Zionist movement promised that the last generation of white race was that at the time of their meeting in 1897. Well, it hasn't gone quite as easily as they hoped!
Moses blesses the enlargement of God's people during the age of Gad. Yes, we obtained our final Promised Land, our New Jerusalem, in America, and we increased greatly in numbers and strength. Moses sees Gad resting here as a lion who broke the arm of the ruler. Of course the Lion of Juda is the Throne of David in London, England, and the ruler, whose arm was broken, would be the Edomite Jewish race who murders us and deceives according to the will of its father, Satan. Then Moses describes America as being divided, which, if he is referring to the Christian church, is an understatement. We are so fractionalized that one Christian will hardly talk to another of a different sect. Yet it is here that the Lord has wrought righteousness: we see Christians divided in many ways, but united in the most important thing; we all look to Jesus as our Lord and King, and we await His return to liberate us from Satan's oppression. God will be standing with us, Israel, in His judgment! Right now, the age of Gad is about to end. O, glorious day!
ZODIAC AGE OF PISCES: The age of the Fish. It was inaugurated by Jesus and will end sometime shortly after the year 2,000AD, perhaps 2007 or 2012. Instead of venerating the fish, as Abraam and Moses venerated the Lamb of Aries, Jesus called his disciples to fish for Men, namely those diasporan Israelites who migrated to Europe and forgot their God just as God had told them would happen. Pisces is the last sign of the twelve Zodiac symbols. On the sine wave diagram, it is located at the very end of the Kingdom of World. Right now, as I write this in 2006, we are at the end of Pisces. The America experience is a copy of the experience of Israelites in Egypt for 400 years. Our world will end with a supernatural event (like that Red Sea opening was a supernatural event) which will liberate God's children from Satan's oppression. The magnetic polarity of our planet will suddenly reverse so that your compass will point to the South Pole rather than North. This iron-core planet will wobble and Jesus' prophecy of Matthew 24 will be fulfilled. Mountains will sink and new ones will arise. Shorelines will change radically. Earthquakes will be off the scale. The sky will be filled with volcanic ash for days. Freak winds will exceed 300 mph. A majority of earth's people will perish. But God's race of Israel will be watched over, especially if they did as Jesus commanded and fled to the mountains. Just prior to the magnetic reversal, America (God's Israel/Jerusalem) will experience the Great Battle of God called Armageddon. We will be nearly defeated, but then the forces of God from all four "winds" will act through the catastrophe to defeat our enemies and give us our freedom. Electricity will no longer be possible because of the electro-magnetic reversal. We will all see primitive conditions where survival is the only value. Things could be very very difficult, except that we will suddenly be in the positive energy half of the cycle where we are at home and where our powers will be usable. We will be in the age of Aquarius!
But, during the age of Pisces, it has been a long and traumatic process to get the "Good News" to all the true Israelites who had migrated into Europe, Britain, and America as white-race tribes of Israel. The Edomite race has confused and distorted this Good News so badly that most of our people don't know who they truly are. The Edomite Jews who control the world's communications media, publishing houses, and textbooks, have convinced true Israel that they, the Edomites, are really the true Israel. Some Christians even support that lie with money. It's a sorry plight that our people still suffer. Nevertheless, most of our people do look to Jesus as their Lord, which is something the Jews do not do. We recognize our Shepherd and we look to Him, even if our other religious beliefs might be mistaken. Two thousand years of evangelism has reached every single member of Israel's twelve tribes, but it has failed at finding the Truth or at the process of Spiritual Enlightenment. My only personal consolation is that of Ezekiel's vision of a valley of Dry Bones, when the Holy Spirit covered them and awakened them to the Truth again. I'm praying that will happen before the end of Pisces.
Here at the end of Pisces, we can look back at the Christian age, and we see that it has been tough. The Edomite Jews were a powerful influence on the Roman Emperors who agree to persecute Christians. Nero married an Edomite Jewess named Poppaea. She cajoled him to kill white race Christians. After Constantine made Christianity the state religion, in the 4th century, Edomites became Christians and influenced a corrupt development of the Christian Church of Rome. Many Popes were known Jews. About 600AD, the Church merged the Pagan religion (mother goddess, lamentations for dead son, etc) into Christianity by changing the names of the characters. Mary became the mother-goddess to whom people must pray. After a few years, Crusaders marched to reclaim Palestine for Rome. There was even a crusade against Christians (Cathars) in Europe. The Pope said, "Kill them all and let God sort them out." Tens of thousands were massacred. Then came the Inquisitions, during which about fifty million European Christians were killed by torture and at the burning stakes. Luther and the Protestant movement brought that genocidal pogrom to an end. But, about 1850AD, seeds sprouted for the last great harvest of innocent Christians. The Jew Karl Marx elucidated the Satanic type of government that is natural to the Jews, called Marxist Socialism. It was called "Communism" as the Jewish Bolsheviks killed off the Russian Czar and his family. During the Stalinist era, the Jews promoted the murder of more than fifty million more European Christians of northern Russia. The Russian author, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, claims that sixty six million Christians were killed between 1920 and 1940. In 1933 the Jews openly declared war against Germany. In 1939 a Jew, Theodor Kaufman, published a book which outlined the extermination of the entire Germanic race. That meant all the white race must be destroyed, just as was set forth in 1897 by the militant Zionists. In America, Jews are using their own organizations of JDL and ADL and others, along with ACLU and the Courts to continue their desired extermination of the white race. A large part of their plan is to force the mixing of whites with other races so that we are bred out of existence. In order to do that, they open our borders to all other races except whites who are restricted. George Bush is surrounded by Jews and is directed by Jewish Neocons. I would add this comment to the above: it is not a widespread general conspiracy of Jews to murder the white race; rather it is a genetic compulsion/instinct with which they are born. Jesus went to the Edomite priests, in John 8:44, and told them they were liars and murderers after their own father, the devil. He told them they were not children of God. He was just stating a fact.
So, Pisces has not been easy for Jesus' lost sheep of true Israelites. Yet, it was not nearly as terrible as that Assyrian massacre of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the 8th century BC. The attackers were even more sadistic than the Roman Catholic Church of the Inquisitions - if that is possible. And, in the end, right now, about 2,000AD, our people are still innocent sheep, trusting the wolves and despising those whom God sends to them. It is the Christian churches which support their eternal enemy of modern Israel today. It is the Christian churches which promote mixing the white race with others, just as though they are doing something good. It is Christian churches which refuse to look at Jesus' clear words, "I came not except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." The entire Christian movement accepts Jewish lies for doctrines and helps the wolves to devour Jesus' sheep, all while despising things which Jesus clearly stated.
Pisces has been a tough age! Only God can bring this tragedy to an end.
DISCIPLE AGE OF JAMES: (Son of Zebedee, brother to John) Matthew 4:21. Just after calling Andrew and his brother Simon Peter, "And having gone on from there, he saw two other brothers, James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother, John, in the boat with their father Zebedee, repairing their nets, and He called them. And immediately leaving the boat and their father, they followed Him."
With these two brothers, Jesus has gathered His core group, His four closest friends. There were some disciples not at all close to Jesus, nor even notable in New Testament writings. But, James represents the age of Pisces and his brother John is the St. John who had the Revelation on Patmos. John is a significator of Spiritual Nature, coincident with the fixed sign, Aquarius/Spiritual Nature. Andrew is a significator of Emotional Nature, parallel with the fixed sign, Taurus/Emotional. Simon Peter is a significator of Physical Nature, parallel with Juda/Physical. James is the Disciple who represents the age in which Jesus lived, the age of Pisces. In the Apocryphon of James, we read, "The disciples said to Jesus, 'We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?' Jesus said to them, 'Wherever you are, you are to go to James the Righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being.'" If Jesus was talking about the person of James, that idea would conflict with the rest of scripture. But, if He is talking about the age of James, during which He Himself redeemed Israel from the death penalty which they had got from their breach of contract, and at the end of which, the devil is defeated and He becomes the Sovereign Lord, then His words make sense. Thus, we can easily see why James was present with Jesus at all the most important events of His ministry. Although James is not the significator of a quarter-cycle, he represents the blessed end of the World Kingdom. It is graduation time! A time to step through the door into the glorious Light of God, a reward for those who maintained the faith, suffered the martyrdoms, and never ceased their anguished wails for their Father to help the prodigals get back home. For this, James and his brother left their worldly belongings and their father to follow their Shepherd through that door. The age of James is our key to Heaven's Door.
Or, do you find your hope and security in career, savings account, investments, insurances, family, home ownership, nice car/boat, medicine, or pension plan? It is the difficult act of wrenching free from such worldly ties that is the key to Heaven's Door.
(ca. 2,000AD to 4,000AD) The
WATER CARRIER represents the first age of the kingdom of Heaven. For fish
in Pisces, water was a dense medium in which to swim and live. Water is heavy and
we must yield to its presence in order to make any use of it. Our transition
from that dense world will be somewhat like the time when Joshua (Iesus)
led the Israelites across the Jordan. Jesus will once again lead us to freedom
in the Promised Land where we will inherit the vineyard prepared for us. Not
only will He lead us across the water, but we will no longer live in a material
kingdom where we are subject to its laws. Then we will have
mastery, and the apparent material of the
kingdom will be subject to us.
Many have speculated on what the coming age of Aquarius might be like, most conjecture it as an effeminate paradise of peace and love. But, that is wrong. We are limited in our thinking to a limited world mentality, abhorring any thought of masculine eternal contest, in spite of a Biblical God which reveled in war, and His Son who warned us, "Don't think I came to bring peace; I didn't come to bring peace, but a sword." The Truth of God's Design can be seen in the sine wave diagram of cycling energies, ever oscillating between negative and positive, an eternal contest! It is our Lord, of the sword and fire, who will lead us, as Joshua (Iesus) did the Israelites, across the Jordan into that Promised Land. The Truth of God's Design is that the contest between two opposing forces is essential to the play; there can be no Pageant without the cycling of energies. While the church naively teaches that Heaven will be a timeless eternity of peace, love, and happiness, that is merely offering a childish dream to people who have been beaten down, oppressed, unjustly exploited and killed, and who need such a dream to keep their hope alive. Yet, I can offer you this insight, of which I am confident.
If we interpret the coming ages of the kingdom of Heaven as Polar opposite to the World ages, then we might get some clues regarding how it might possibly be. For instance, LEO is Polar opposite to AQUARIUS. So, 12,000 years ago, when the Lord of Heaven was replaced by Satan as lord of World, our Christ Head was entombed in a sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid. When that pyramid was finally penetrated and opened in 820AD, the sarcophagus was found empty, with lid lying aside. We can speculate that for the first age of World Kingdom the Head of the Christ Family was absent from our group for a period of time, well into the age of LEO. In our record of Jesus' life, we find a replay of that sarcophagus incident on Easter morning when the stone was miraculously rolled aside to release Him who can't ever be defeated permanently. So, as we consider the first portion of the age of AQUARIUS, along with Biblical statements that the Devil will be bound and cast into a lake of fire, we might presume that he will then be released at some later time, still within the age of AQUARIUS, to torment and tempt God's children again. But, his racial family, of wicked compulsions, will then be foreignors to that kingdom just like we are foreignors to World. Here in World, they have the advantage; there, we will have the advantage. The symbol of Aquarius is meaningful, not just the graphic of wavy water, but of sine-wave oscillations, and also of the teaching about Polar opposites, "As Above, So Below." In other words, World is reflection of Heaven; Satan's kingdom is a material reflection of Christ's Spiritual kingdom; Satan's lie is a mirror image (reversal) of Christ's Truth. We will use this tactic of using Polar opposite ages in World to help speculate about the ages in Heaven.
AQUARIUS contains one of the four great Fixed Stars, Fomalhaut, which makes the Grand Cross in the sky along with Antares, Aldebaran, and Regulus. This zodiac age is symbolized by the figure of Man, one of the four Living Beings of Revelation 4. In LEO the Lion was symbol for God's Physical nature which is expressed through His offspring; so it was that Physical mindedness characterized the three ages of that quarter cycle, of Leo, Cancer, and Gemini. Then the Bull of TAURUS was symbol for God's Emotional nature, so it was that Emotions dominated the three ages of that quadrant of Taurus, Aries, and Pisces. Here we have Man as the symbol of God's Spiritual nature, so it will be that the ages of this quadrant, AQUARIUS, Capricorn, and Sagittarius will see the expression of Spirituality as the dominant characteristic.
As we consider the three Decans in each of the six zodiac ages of the kingdom of Heaven, we might keep in mind that the Heaven period of 12,000 years is also defined by the seven church periods as shown to St. John in Revelation. Each church period is about 1,700 years. The first church age of Heaven is that of Ephesus, the actual hometown of St. John. It is my theory that the church age of Ephesus, being about 1,700 years, is that period of time described in Rev. 20:4&5, when only the 144,000 Elect will live. The "1,000 years" mentioned in the text is but a symbolic number for the first church age. Rev. 20:4-5 reads as follows: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them, and (I saw) the souls of those who were beheaded because of their witness of Jesus, and because of the Word of God, and (those) who did not worship the beast nor its image and did not receive the mark on the forehead and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5The rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. 6Blessed and holy is the one having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority; but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with him the thousand years."
Look at the Sine-Wave diagram. The period of the "thousand years," mentioned above, is the period during the age of Ephesus. Verse 4 is saying that only those who died for Christ and had not worshipped the beast will live during this first period of the kingdom of Heaven, perhaps just the Elect. This is the period of recovery after the terrible disaster that destroyed most of the earth and all civilization. This will be an extremely difficult period of time, but it will be the budding of a new flower, born from an old seed which died. This will be the Promised Land into which very few from the old world will go. Of all the ancient Israelites who escaped Egypt, only Joshua (his Greek name was Iesus), along with Chaleb, lived to cross the river into the Promised Land. Most of us cannot cross over because it isn't permitted to carry old baggage there. Old behaviors, social mores, customs, emotional attachments, values and beliefs would be detrimental to the founding of a new society which must be based on spiritual constructs rather than the material ones to which we have been accustomed.
While it will be a difficult time, it will be heavenly to live in Christ's full power, and a new kingdom will be developed as a paradise into which the rest of Christ's family members will come at about 3,714 AD or so, at the beginning of the age of Smyrna.
The phrasing which regards the "first resurrection" is a little confusing, but with the explanation which follows, in v. 6, it appears that the first resurrection is at the BEGINNING of the Ephesus age, for it is these few (perhaps the 144,000 Elect), who will be "priests of God and of Christ," who will live from the first resurrection for "the thousand years." THEN, the rest of Christ's body will come to live in the kingdom.
The symbol of Aquarius is a Man, a water carrier, and for simplification two wavy lines are used to represent Water. The Israel Tribe which represents this period of Aquarius is that of Joseph's son, Ephraim. Jacob's blessing to Ephraim is: Gen 48:19; "younger brother shall be greater, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."
Polar opposite from Aquarius is the age of LEO which began the World ages.
Fixed star, alpha Aquarii, is Sadalmelik, a supergiant star.
EPHESUS CHURCH AGE: (ca. 2000AD to 3714AD)
2:1 To the angel of the church in EPHESUS, write: The one holding the seven stars in his right hand, the one walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands, says,
2:2 I know your works and labor and your endurance, and that you cannot bear evil, and did try those calling themselves apostles, who are not, and did find them liars.
2:3 and you have endured, and did bear my name, and have not grown weary.
2:4 But I have against you that you have left your first love.
2:5 Remember, therefore, from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the first works; and if not, I am coming to you and will move your lampstand out of its place, unless you repent.
2:6 But this you have, that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
2:7 Let the one having an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one overcoming, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
2,000AD to 2,700AD) is also called the NORTHERN CROSS. It is a large
constellation in the northern sky and contains the bright star, Deneb, which,
like a nearby star, Vega, can be seen at some time most any night of the year
when visibility permits. Deneb is the tail star of the Swan, but the Head star
if it is viewed as a Cross.
How might the SWAN be meaningful to this period of history immediately following our transfer (transformation) from World to Heaven? Certainly, the bird is beautiful and soars majestically in flight. In Greek myth, one of the gods would sometimes turn himself into a swan to present himself as dazzling beauty and irresistable. A swan is commonly recognized as a symbol of transformation; As the Northern Cross, it also represents transformation through death. This Swan might also be the ancient Phoenix, a well known ancient symbol of resurrection and immortality. Since we already know that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven and therefore we must be transformed first, this concept becomes quite meaningful to us. The promises of Heaven are resurrection and immortality, exactly what the Phoenix represents. We might imagine the swan-like majesty, freedom, and beauty as ourselves after we are transformed. My imagination seems to stall when attempting to see myself in Heaven; it will be on this planet, yes, but with a different sense of reality. My thoughts will tend to be realized in my perception, perhaps not as single person creative acts but as my participation in group-thought, as membership in the body of Christ. I will have freedom and power that I have never imagined, but it might require a clumsy, waddling effort for a time before I learn how to soar gracefully. Yet, the picture of this grand Swan in the sky can give me hope that I, too, will learn to soar like that.
Polar opposite from the Swan in Aquarius is Corvus the Raven in Leo. At the beginning of World, the Raven was a promise of earthly food, providence from God. At the beginning of Heaven, the Swan promises resurrection and immortality, the water of Life.
Fixed star, alpha Cygni, is Deneb, the tail of the swan. It's transit date (southernmost point in the sky) is August 21st.
the WINGED HORSE (ca. 2,700AD to 3,400AD) Ancient myth tells that Pegasus flew out of the head of Medusa after Perseus had cut off that head.
Zeus had fathered the creature at some earlier time but it couldn't be born until the
Gorgon was dead. The picture is that an offspring of God cannot be truly free
until the evil creature, which imprisoned it, is dead. Perseus killed Medusa,
freeing Pegasus. That is symbolic of Christ vanquishing Satan to free God's
Family. The previous Decan period saw the Swan (the Elect) fly free from the
ashes of
transformation. Now, in this Decan we see the Pegasus, as a second winged
symbol; representing the greater number of Israelites to fly free in the
heavens. So, Pegasus probably represents all the Family of Israel who will again
join the expedition to climb the Ascending Path toward our Father.
Polar opposite from Pegasus in Aquarius is THE CUP in Leo. That Cup represented God's wrath. This horse represents God's favor.
Fixed star, alpha Pegasi, is Markab.
AQUARIUS DECAN: SOUTHERN FISH (ca. 3,400AD to 4,000AD) is aka Piscis Australis or Aphrodite. In Greek myth, Aphrodite was transformed into a Fish because she was trying to escape the monster, Typhon. In the sky, this fish lies on its back drinking the waters pouring from the jar of Aquarius, that "water of Life" which Jesus promised, meaning immortality. The word piscis is singular whereas the word pisces is plural. Again, we see that partaking of the water of Life is an individual matter. The Water Pourer is for individuals who will yield to Him.
It seems that Act One of the age of Aquarius brought the Elect ones onto the stage to create a new setting for the pageant to continue. Act Two brought forth the great Family of God, His Israel. And Act Three is the drinking of the Water of Immortality, the Water of Life which Jesus promised.
One of the four great Fixed stars of the Grand Cross is part of this constellation: Fomalhaut.
This Decan gets us several centuries into the kingdom of God. Satan's influence has been absent while the Elect are founding a heavenly society. We can hardly imagine what kind of society it will be; there is no marriage, no bearing of children, no death because of immortality.
The first church age of Ephesus comes to an end about 3,735AD, at which time all the greater Family Israel returns to the stage to play their roles in the grand pageant. It is also at this time that the "thousand years" period of Rev. 20:7 is completed, and Satan is unleashed to again tempt and try our Family, along with those of the other races who still live, bear children, and die. Rev. 20:7 And when the thousand years are finished, Satan will be loosed out of his prison, 8and will go forth to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth. . ." Satan's family, the Cain/Edomite race, will cause conflict and strife, turning the mortal races against God's Family. Still, we must remember that God's own are immortal and have creative powers. We will see how this turns out during the next church age of Smyrna.
Polar opposite from the Southern Fish in Aquarius is Hydra in Leo. Both Hydra and Southern Fish lie below the ecliptic plane.
Fixed star, alpha Piscis Australis, is Fomalhaut, one of the Four great Fixed Stars which make up the Grand Cross.
SMYRNA CHURCH AGE: (ca. 3754AD to 5489AD)
2:8 And to the angel of the church in SMYRNA, write: These things, says the first and the last, who became dead and lived again:
2:9 I know of your affliction and poverty, but you are rich, and I know the railing of those who call themselves Jews and are not, but they are a synagogue of Satan.
2:10 Do not fear things which you are about to suffer. Look, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison in order that you may be tried, and you will have affliction ten days. Become faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.
2:11 The one having an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one overcoming will by no means be hurt by the second death.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
TRIBE OF EPHRAIM - Εφραίμ [b. ca. 1820 BC in Egypt, Son of Joseph & Aseneth, d. of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis]
The root meaning of this name is probably not from Greek. Joseph was a high-official in Egypt when these two boys were born, and their names may reflect something of that culture. The Phoenician/Greek language was spoken in the region, but the Egyptian language was also in use.
Birth: Gen 41:52; "And he called the name of the second, Ephraim; for God has increased me in the land of my humiliation."
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 48:19; "younger brother shall be greater, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations."
Moses' blessing: Deut 33:17; is through Joseph to his two sons. See last line of Joseph's blessing for mention of Ephraim: "these are the ten thousands of Ephraim,"
Tribe Symbol: MAN, secondaries are OLIVE BRANCH and ARROWS
Countries: Denmark, Greece, Iceland.
Ephraim had sons: Sutalaam & Taam (LXX -Gen 46:20. Not listed in Hebrew Masoretic text)
The story of Joseph going down into Egypt is a micro-event which represents God's beloved children going down into the World. Egypt is always a symbol for World. Joseph found prosperity and wealth and honor and plentiful food there, which are the material things that make the World attractive to God's spirit-children, the Adamic race. So it was that we, His offspring Christ, into whom He breathed the Spirit of Life, left our holy estate and became prodigal from Heaven, seeking to enjoy the material and sensual pleasures of World. In Egypt, Joseph had two children, Manasse and Ephraim. It was to these two children that Jacob gave his primary blessing. From the family, Israel, which went down into the world, it would be children of his beloved Rachel who would get the inheritance. They were after all, his grandsons from her. For Jacob, they were the fulfillment and satisfaction of an old man's life and dream. Of course, we do not neglect to mention that Jacob had one other highly favored son, Benjamin, and that he also was a son of Rachel.
You might find it interesting to know that besides the emblems of Ephraim and Manasse signifying Britain and the U.S., there are two obelisks which might attest to this. In 1881, two obelisks, popularly called "Cleopatra's Needles, were presented by Egypt, one to Britain and one to the U.S. These obelisks were created for a jubilee for Pharaoh Thutmosis III in 1443BC, about fifteen years after the exodus of Israel from Egypt under Moses. Ironically, those two granite monuments, created for perhaps the same Pharaoh that had persecuted Israel, ended up in lands for whom Israel's prize sons were destined. The U.S. obelisk is standing in Central Park in New York. The other stands along the Thames in London. You can google "cleopatra's needles" for more info about them.
EPHRAIM'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, God places Ephraim to the west of the tabernacle. Ephraim is a Brigade Tribe, so it is the leader of the other tribes on the west, namely Manasse and Benjamin. It is God's Man (Adam) who is being revived at the time of the age of Ephraim following the transition from world mortality to Heaven immortality. Man is one of the Living Beings of Rev. 4:7, representing God's spiritual nature which will be expressed through His offspring during this quarter cycle that begins with the Zodiac age of Aquarius. This begins a 6,000 year quarter cycle of Heaven, during which the Christ family is immortal.
MAN: THE LIVING BEING OF REVELATION 4:7. Man represents one facet of God's Mind (vooς = the active principle of all manifestation). The Living Being, Man, is one of God's four manifested Natures, specifically, the Spiritual Nature. The other three natures are Lion/Physical, Eagle/Intellect, and Bull/Emotional. These Living Beings are the powers which call forth the four horses of Rev. 6 as forces which influence all the manifestation. Each of these Beings/Natures/Powers/Influences is, in its turn, relatively dominant over its specific quarter of the historical cycle, which is a dynamic process. In the case of Ephraim, the Man/Spiritual Nature of God is to be expressed through the anointed Christ race, during the 6,000 year quarter-cycle from 2,000AD to 8,000AD. This Spiritual influence, beginning with the age of Ephraim, turns God's family upward in a climb toward eventual reunion with our Father, our Source. The Spiritual Nature is that which will be expressed through our immortality as we climb toward perfection. This is OUR story, and it is about a spiritual struggle. The four Natures or Minds of God are mentioned as four Living Beings in Revelation 4:7, as four Living Creatures in Ezekiel 1:10, and as Seraphs in Isaiah 6:2. They also appear as the Brigade Emblems of Juda (Lion), Ruben (Bull), Ephraim (Man), and Dan (Eagle). Their emblems today still serve to signify Royal Britain (Lion of Juda), English Bull, Man in Denmark and Greece, and Eagle of Dan in Germany & U.S. The four Natures/Minds of God comprise the essential substance of all that exists! In Ezekiel we see the four symbols in the wheels which represent the cycles of time, which are empowered by the Spirit of Life. God lives through His four Natures.
EPHRAIM'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Ephraim coincides with Aquarius (Man/Spiritual Nature of God), from about 2,000AD until about 4,000AD. Historically, the age of Aquarius is the first period of Heaven, whose symbol is Man. Strangely, there seems to be an anomaly here. Ephraim's Tribal symbol is the Bull, which should be with Taurus. Yet, in Numbers 2, God reordered the tribes, placing Ephraim in this location in the cycle. Ruben was Jacob's firstborn and the primary inheritance should have gone to him, except that he slept with Balla, the mother of Dan and Nephthali. Jacob was very angry about that. Ruben lost his inheritance of Heaven, and it was given to Rachel's son, Ephraim. So it is that we find Ephraim's Bull with the Zodiac age of Aquarius, the first age of Heaven. My thought about it is that our Emotional natures will continue to be important during this Aquarian/Spiritual portion of history. Coordinate with this is the strange placement of the disciple Andrew (name means Man) at the age of Taurus the Bull. Man symbolizes Spiritual nature. So, it looks like the 12,000 year period between the nadir of the cycle (beginning of Taurus) and the apex (end of Sagittarius) the two most important natures will be the Emotional and the Spiritual. Conversely, for the 12,000 years of Decline, from Scorpio to Gemini, the most influential natures were Intellect and then Physical.
What do the blessings tell us about the age of Ephraim, which might begin soon in our own lives. Joseph felt that the name Ephraim was connected with his own prosperity, so there is an aspect of increase during the coming age. We can surely look forward to increases in Spiritual understanding, and powers. Then about 1,700 years into Ephraim (end of church age of Ephesus) will be the second resurrection when all Israel returns to join the Elect who have founded the new civilization, thus will increase our people tremendously.
That Ephraim will be greater than Manasse, I think, partly refers to England becoming a multitude of nations, whereas America, as Manasse, has never done that. Perhaps more importantly, England has been the seat of the Throne of David which God promised would never be vacant until the time Christ claims it. But, perhaps most importantly, Ephraim is the Brigade tribe which will be the first age of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I should also note that in Revelation 7, Ephraim's name is omitted from the list of the twelve tribes which get sealed while his brother, Manasse, is included. The tribe of Dan is also omitted. And Joseph is included. Of Joseph's two sons, one is included and one omitted! My thought is that Joseph's name really must be included because he was the most important of Jacob's twelve sons as the one he loved most. To omit the name of Joseph would be unthinkable. Manasse seems a replacement for Dan. But Joseph replaces the name of Ephraim as the most important of the two brothers, and thereby the listing really does include Ephraim under Joseph's name.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF EPHRAIM: Moses' blessing to Joseph seems to speak of the coming Kingdom of Heaven where Ephraim and Manasse define two of the three ages there, all on the ascent towards reunion with our Father. Deuteronomy 33:13-17; "13And to Joseph he (Moses) said, "His land is of the blessing of the Lord, of the seasons of sky and dew, and of the deeps of wells below, 14and of the fruits of the changes of the sun in season, and of the produce of the months, 15from the top of the ancient mountains and from the top of the everlasting hills, 16and of the fulness of the land in season: and let the things pleasing to him that dwelt in the bush come on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of him who was glorified above his brethren."
ZODIAC AGE OF AQUARIUS Aquarius is the Water Carrier who leads us into the Kingdom of Heaven, and pours from his cup the water of Life which is immortality. Jesus told his disciples to follow the water carrier to the Upper Room, where they would celebrate the Passover. The Upper Room is the Kingdom of Heaven, and Jesus was alluding to the Aquarian influence. It is probably Jesus Himself who will be that Water Carrier to lead us into that Kingdom which God has prepared for us from eternity.
So, Aquarius is the first age of the Kingdom of Heaven, after World has ended and Satan is absent from the scene. Here is the age in which God's family takes over its inheritance and governs a grand garden/planet/vineyard which our Father has prepared for us. Here is where we discover what it means to be at home in the positive energy field of Heaven, finding that we have powers that Jesus demonstrated and spoke about. He said, "you will say to the mountain, 'be moved,' and it will be moved." He passed through a door without opening it. He moved from one place to another just by thinking it so. His was a glorified body, and so that will be for us. We shall mount up with wings as eagles; we shall run and not be weary. There shall be no more hunger or sorrow. We shall not need the sun for light by day nor the moon by night, for God shall be our light. We will discover that we are the creators of whatever we perceive, and that all things are possible to us. We will be as emanations of God, playing His will more perfectly than we have done during World. It is during this age of Aquarius that we will find our true identities as Spirits of God (through whom God lives and acts and expresses Himself; we are His dynamic process), and we will establish a civilization that is based on righteous constructs rather than on desire in our present kingdom of World.
DISCIPLE AGE OF JOHN: Finally, we get to that one disciple whom God blessed with a vision of His whole program, past and future. Since that revelation is all in symbols it has been a mystery from the time that John wrote it on the island of Patmos, off the southwest coast of Turkey, and just southwest of John's hometown of Ephesus. It is most appropriate that God gave the vision of the future to John, for it is this Age of John which begins the Kingdom of Heaven which he saw in his vision. John is a brother of James, who represents the Piscean age just prior to the Age of John. John left ALL to follow Jesus, his fishing career, his boat and nets, his father, Zebedee, and the family. Of course, that is exactly what Jesus requires of anyone who would follow Him through that blessed door at the end of the path through which there shines a great Light that is not from the Sun. One can only step through that door as a solitaire, leaving ALL behind.
(ca. 4,000AD to 6,000AD) The
SEA-GOAT symbolizes the
second age of the kingdom of Heaven. This is not an ordinary mountain goat, but
a sort of Sea Goat, of which the front Goat half is dying and the rear half is a
very live Fish. Strictly symbolic to represent something of this period of
Heaven. But, what? In the O.T. a scapegoat was used on the Day of Atonement to
carry away the people's sins. But, since Jesus secured the New Covenant of
Hebrews 8, sin has not been a factor for God's Family anyway. But, Jesus did
stress that they must obey His commands if they would be saved. Is
this Goat
somehow related to that scapegoat? Or what about the picture of judgment when
Goats went to the left and Sheep to the right? Is such a separation being
depicted here? Or what about the Goat of Mendes, that Baphomet which is a symbol
of Satan? I'm going to suggest that the front half of this creature does
symbolize that Goat of Satan, and the rear half, which is a living Fish,
symbolizes God's Family just as it did in the age of Pisces and again in the
Decan of Aquarius immediately previous to this age, namely the Southern Fish.
God's Fish are alive, but they really need to be separated from their evil
brother who must perish.
The entire Pageant of God has been a battle between two brothers, the Satanic Cain race versus the Christ race of Adam. The brother-race contest was renewed between the twins, Jacob and Esau. Jacob became Israel; Esau became Edom. It has been the Edomite Jews who have persecuted the true Israelite race of Christians, white race Anglo-Saxons. The second church age of Smyrna is here underway. The Sheep of the Christ Family have founded a heavenly kingdom, but Satan was unleashed a couple centuries prior to this age of CAPRICORN. According to John's Revelation, terrible strife was then created by Satan's family of Edomite Jews. Heaven isn't very peaceful anymore.
The symbol for Capricornus is a Goat, drawn as a strange caricature. The Tribe of Israel which helps to define this age is Joseph's son, Manasse a twin brother of Ephraim. Jacob's blessing to Manasse was: Gen 48:19; "he also shall be a people and he shall be exalted."
Polar opposite from the age of Capricornus is the age of CANCER. While Cancer was midway on the path of decline in World, Capricornus is midway on path of ascent in Heaven.
Fixed star, alpha Capricorni, is Algedi, a double star.
CAPRICORNUS DECAN: DELPHINUS the DOLPHIN (ca. 4,000AD to 4,700AD) The ancients considered the Dolphin (really a Porpoise) to be the greatest of all fishes. It could leap beautifully free from its heavy water environment, to look so graceful in the air. Can we consider this Dolphin as representing the living Fish half of CAPRICORNUS? I can envision that this beautiful Dolphin represents God's children, as Fish have been their symbol before, and that they are here oscillating from the temptations of a freed Satan to the clear air of Heaven, that they are once again in danger of losing their birthrights.
It is difficult to speculate how these symbols might be meaningful to our lives after we become immortal and enjoy a spiritual existence that is not imaginable to us at this time. Certainly, symbols of flying creatures such as Swan, Pegasus, and Eagle, along with a beautiful leaping creature are encouraging to us and give us hope for a heavenly happiness. But, those dreams are vague and ethereal for us who have never experienced freedom from this world bondage. The age which is Polar opposite to Capricornus was that age of Cancer, when our family was sinking deeper into degeneracy and was hated and oppressed. So, this period in heaven should be the opposite from that, so that our family will be attaining new spiritual heights and enjoying God's great favor. The enemy race which oppressed us in the age of Cancer does not have the advantage here in this age, rather it is they who must sorrow that their wickedness is not successful.
Polar opposite from Delphinus the Dolphin in Capricornus is Argo the Ship in Cancer.
Fixed star, alpha Delphini, is Sualocin.
(ca. 4,700AD to 5,300AD) is the constellation of the EAGLE. Although this is another flying creature, it has a nature which is
defined differently from the flying symbols of recent Decans. This Eagle is
wounded! How shall we interpret this symbol here? The Eagle
is one of the four Living Beings of Revelation 4, representing the
Mental/Intellect/Rational nature of God, which we will meet in the zodiac age of
Scorpio whose ancient symbol was Eagle. It is somewhat puzzling that this
intellect nature was the very thing which tempted God's Family to know good
and evil, and thereby become like God themselves. At some time during
this upward trek toward Union with Him, we must willingly give up that lust to KNOW
good and evil if we are to have His approval. We are well into the
ages of Heaven, but we have not yet reached the highest plateau, for some are still falling
to Satan's temptations. It might be that most of His children at this time are
making good progress toward our spiritual perfection. As we unite more with
the Father's will, we release our hunger for intellectual gratification. By
turning away from Satan's temptation, we are nullifying him. Perhaps we can
consider such Godly actions to be a wounding of the Eagle. Rational argument,
the dialectic, logical reasoning, and weighing both sides, are all acts which
short of the simple yielding to the Godly flow, while not even being conscious of
the negative alternatives. Our yielding must be unquestioning and without any
reservations. That eagle of Scorpio must not tempt us here.
Polar opposite from Aquila in Capricornus is Ursa Major in Cancer.
Fixed star, alpha Aquilae, is Altair.
CAPRICORNUS DECAN: SAGITTA (ca. 5,300AD to 6,000AD) is the constellation of the ARROW. Apparently, according to tradition, it is this arrow which fells the Goat part of the Capricorn symbol. This reminds me of the passage in Isaiah 49; it is a Christ statement saying, "from my mother's womb He has called my name; He has made my mouth as a sharp sword, and He has hid me under the shadow of His hand; He has made me as a choice arrow and has hid me in His quiver."
The church age of Smyrna ends about 5428AD, which once again ends a period of Satan's freedom. He was loosed during the entire church age of Smyrna.
So, the sky shows us a killing by an Arrow of God, which serves to separate the Goat (Satan) from the Fish (Christ Family) as seen in the symbol for this age. The Goat is felled by God's Arrow. In the sky we see an Arrow killing the Goat/Satan, but in John's Revelation, the killing is by fire out of the sky, which an arrow could surely symbolize, even like a bolt of lightning. Here is what John describes in Revelation 20:7-10, saying, "And when the thousand years [of Ephesus] are finished, Satan will be loosed out of his prison, 8and will go forth to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to assemble them to the war, of whom their number is as the sand of the sea. 9And they went up over the breadth of the land, and encircled the camp of the saints and the beloved city; and fire came out of the sky and devoured them; 10and the Devil deceiving them was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where also the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night unto the ages of the ages."
This is also the time of The Great White Throne Judgment as Rev. 20:11-15 "And I saw a great white throne and the One sitting on it, from whose face the earth and the sky fled away, and a place was not found for them. 12And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened; and another scroll was opened, which is the scroll of life; and the dead were judged by the things written in the scrolls according to their works. 13And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and hades gave the dead in them, and they were judged, each one according to their works. 14And death and hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. 15And if anyone was not found written in the scroll of life, he was cast into the lake of fire."
Apparently, the process works like this. At the end of Pisces, Jesus returns and claims His 144,000 Elect, leads them across the transition from World to the new kingdom of Heaven where they will found a new Spiritual civilization on this planet which had been destroyed by volcanic fires and floods and earthquakes. The Elect will use the creative power of the Christ mind to renew the planet and start a new society. The multitudes of God's children who did not willingly offer themselves as living sacrifices will remain in the place which is called "torments" (See II Esdras 7), until the end of the church age of Ephesus, about 3714AD when they arise to rejoin the play in progress. At that same time, Satan is also unleashed to create strife. Then, during that church age of Smyrna, God's children will once again have an opportunity to choose whether to focus on God their Father or to succumb to Satan's (Jews) temptations. Those who fail God for the second time will be cast into the lake of fire along with Satan: the Second Death. I think the Second Death means that they will no longer have God's Holy Spirit as their indwelling empowerment. They vanish like smoke. But, Satan does not vanish; he is just absent from the stage for a while and then will reappear again.
It is during this Capricorn time of each year that the sun reaches its most southerly latitude, at 23°27', called "the grave," being the Tropic of Capricorn, the winter solstice. The sun remains there, in the grave for three days and then on December 25th ascends from it like a new birth.
Polar opposite from Sagitta in Capricornus is Ursa Minor in Cancer.
Fixed star, alpha Sagittae, is Alsahm.
PERGAMOS CHURCH AGE: (ca. 5489AD to 7224AD)
2:12 And to the angel of the church in PERGAMOS, write: These things says the one having the two-edged sharp sword:
2:13 I know where you dwell; where Satan's throne is, and that you hold my name, and did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
2:14 But I have a few things against you, because you have some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat idol sacrifices, and to commit fornication.
2:15 So, you also have some holding the teaching of the Nicolaitans likewise.
2:16 Repent, therefore, otherwise, I am coming to you quickly and will fight with them with the sword of my mouth.
2:17 Let the one with an ear hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one overcoming I will give to him of the manna which has been hidden, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone has been written a new name, which no man knows except the one receiving it.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
TRIBE: MANASSE - Μαvασσή [b. ca. 1820 BC, in Egypt, eldest son of Joseph & Aseneth, d. of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis]
The root meaning of this name is probably not from Greek. Joseph was a high-official in Egypt when these two boys were born, and their names may reflect something of that culture. The Phoenician/Greek language was spoken in the region, but the Egyptian language was also in use.
Birth: Gen 41:50; "And Joseph called the name of the first-born Manasse; for God has made me forget all my toils, and all things belonging to my father."
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 48:19; "he also shall be a people and he shall be exalted."
Moses' blessing: Deut 33:17; Joseph's blessing from Moses is passed on to these two sons. See last line of Joseph's blessing from Moses for mention of Manasse: "and these are the thousands of Manasse."
Tribe Symbol: OLIVE BRANCH, secondary is ARROWS (see Seal & Insignia of U.S.; in eagle claws are 13 olive branches and 13 arrows.)
Countries: America, England, Scotland, Holland, Netherlands
Manasse had sons; one Machir was born to a Syrian concubine (LXX -Gen 46:20. Not listed in Hebrew Masoretic text)
MANASSE'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: The tribe of Manasse is placed next to Ephraim, after him, as part of the western Brigade of the Bull/Ephraim.
MANASSE'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Manasse coincides with the Zodiac age of Capricorn, from about 4,000 to 6,000AD. Manasse is part of the Bull of Ephraim Brigade, but due to Ruben's loss of the Heaven inheritance, Ephraim and Manasse were assigned to this Spiritual (Aquarius) quarter cycle in place of him. This age is midway between Christ's return about 2,000AD and the apex of the cycle at about 8,000AD. God's Israelites are still climbing Jacob's ladder toward reunion with their Father. The prodigals are nearing home, but are still struggling with some lessons and also with their eternal tormentors, Satan's people of the Cain race, commonly known as Edomite Jews.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF MANASSE: At the birth of Manasse, Joseph was in Egypt and grains were being stored up prior to the seven years of famine. Manasse was his first-born, and Joseph was finding natural solace in the starting of his own family. He must have missed his father terribly, but was letting go of that by rejoicing in this birth of a son. The age of Manasse is midway along the path to reunion with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. Perhaps this blessing indicates an influence which helps us to leave the past behind and to look to the future. The church-age of Smyrna parallels most of the age of Manasse, and we know from John's revelations that our nemesis race, from Satan, is permitted to afflict us once again for a while during this age, but then around 5428AD Satan will be cast into the fire and will be absent for the next 1,700 years. It would be easy to maintain a devoted focus upon God if we were not tormented and tempted and tried, but it would be too easy and we would never be strengthened. It is one thing to walk up a smooth path to reach the top of a mountain, but something quite different to do it over obstacles and dangers. Satan serves God's purpose perfectly by tempting and tormenting us, thereby causing us to exercise our values and ideals, and to defend them. While the Elect of God are never in danger of being estranged from Him because they are His immediate expression of Himself, the numberless multitudes of the rest of Israel are vulnerable to temptations and even of being pruned from the Christ-vine. So, even in Heaven, we don't settle back onto a cloud with a harp forever and ever. That kind of fantasy is unreal. The truth is that there can be no active life unless both negative and positive energies are operating. Satan did not have an easy dominion of the kingdom of World, and we, of the body of Christ, do not have an easy dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven. There is always a struggle, with only brief interludes of relative rest.
DISCIPLE AGE OF MATTHEW: parallels Zodiac age of Capricorn. Matthew was a publican, a tax collector, who left ALL to follow Jesus. He is mentioned in Mat 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15, and Acts 1:13. Before his call, he was known as Levi. Matthew uses the term, Kingdom of Heaven, where other Gospels say Kingdom of God. He was a steadfast and faithful follower of the Lord, whose record is detailed and complete, and is of his own witness whereas the records of Mark and Luke are not by personal witness of the events. It would be nonsense for Matthew to copy Mark's work, as some scholars allege, since Matthew kept his own records and since Mark was not even present with Jesus. Matthew is the most reliable Gospel. At the location on the sine-wave diagram of history, the age of Matthew follows the second Resurrection and the partial release of Satan to torment God's people again. We see in Matthew an intelligent mind and a steadfast faith which can turn his back on the worldly values.
(ca. 6,000AD to 8,000AD) is the ARCHER. He is holding a
bow with an arrow aimed at the star Antares which is the heart of the serpent,
Scorpio. Antares is the fourth of the Fixed Stars in the Grand Cross
design in the sky.
This Archer is certainly another Christ figure, established forever in the sky
as the victor over Satan. He is usually portrayed as a Centaur, half horse and
half Man; it might be simply a portrayal of a man on a horse.
We read in Rev. 6:2, "And behold a white horse, and the One sitting on it
having a bow. And a crown was given to Him and He went on conquering, and so
that He might conquer." But, I think it symbolizes one who is half
Divine and half earth-mortal.
Is it just a coincidence that the symbol for this age is an arrow pointing upward to the right, exactly toward the apex of the sine-wave diagram?
Let's compare this age of Sagittarius to its Polar opposite 12,000 years previous, GEMINI. It was in Gemini, just before God's children reached the lowest level of depravity and worldly belief that God re-activated His indwelling Spirit within them. See the sine-wave diagram. The appearance of Adam was a new entry of Christ into the dynamic play after a period of absence. So, it will be at this reciprocal time that Satan, having been cast into fire at 2nd Death at start of Pergamos, re-enters the pageant during Sagittarius, perhaps about 6,500AD, at a time when God's children have nearly reached the apex of their union with the Supreme Mind of the Throne of God, a perfection of Spirit. It is this height of relationship with our Father for which we yearn so intensely. It is this which enables us to turn from the sensational delights of Satan's kingdom to climb the long and difficult upward trek toward our Father's Palace. It is this Oneness with Him, the God who is our very source, the One who expresses Himself in and through our lives, the One who empowers our four natures, the One who experiences whatever we do, that is the substance of our being. It is this Oneness which is the real "me", and I can't help but yearn for it with all the intensity of my life. And it is here, during Sagittarius, that I finally achieve again that which I had abandoned nearly 24,000 years ago.
The symbol of Sagittarius is the ARCHER, who aims an arrow toward Satan's heart. The Israel Tribe which represents this age is that of Benjamin, Jacob's last and most loved son, born of Rachel, the real love of Jacob's life. Rachel's only other son was Joseph, who was Jacob's favorite and who was sold by jealous brothers into Egyptian slavery. Notice that this 6,000 year quadrant of Heaven (immortality) is represented only by the offspring of Jacob and Rachel. Joseph's son, Ephraim is the age of Aquarius; his twin brother, Manasse is the age of Capricornus, those two being sons of Joseph. And Benjamin is the age of Sagittarius. Jacob's blessing to Benjamin is: Gen 49:27; "as a ravening wolf, shall eat still in the morning, and at evening he gives food." Puzzling over that strange blessing, I finally just hope that it will become meaningful in Heaven. Moses' blessing of Benjamin is: Deut 33:12; "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in confidence, and God overshadows him always, and he rested between his shoulders."
Polar opposite the age of Sagittarius is the age of Gemini.
Fixed star, alpha Sagittarii, is Rukbat.
SAGITTARIUS DECAN: DRACO the DRAGON (ca. 6,000AD to 6,700AD) is certainly a Satan figure. It is located very high in the sky, a string of stars winding around the Little Dipper (the little flock of Elect). Its alpha draconis, is Thuban which was the north pole star about five or six thousand years ago. Some other stars in Draco are Etanin (long serpent), Grumian (the deceiver), El Athik (the fraud). Llewellyn George writes: "Draco evidently represents great evil: D-evil or Satan, who is to be vanquished. 'In that day the Lord, with his great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.' - Isaiah 27,1. Isaiah calls upon the people to sing and rejoice when that day comes. In Apocalyptic visions John saw a great dragon whose tail was drawn along a third of the stars of the heavens. It stood before a woman eager to devour her child as soon as born, but the child was caught away to God and to his throne; then a great voice of song was heard in heaven, because the adversary was cast down."
It is during this Decan of DRACO that Satan returns to the stage where he will play his most important role, to successfully tempt God's perfected ones to abandon their Father's presence in order to enjoy the sensations which are forbidden to Spirit-beings who share such union with the Supreme God.
Polar opposite from Draco in Sagittarius is Canis Minor the VICTOR in Gemini.
Fixed star, alpha Draconis, is Thuban; it was the pole star about 2,700BC.
SAGITTARIUS DECAN: ARA the ALTAR (ca. 6,700AD to 7,400AD) is low in the southern sky, pointing downward, apparently coincident with the "lower regions," perhaps "outer darkness." Llewellyn George says, "Ara, called by the Arabs, Al Mugamra, 'the completing, the finishing, making an end of what was undertaken.' The Greeks used the name of this decan as an imprecation; bane, ruin, destruction. They personified the name as a goddess of revenge and destruction."
It is during this Decan of ARA that the church age of Thyatira begins. Strangely, this moment in the span of long term history is when God's children are attaining the highest pinnacle of their Spirit yearnings. God's message to them is first, praise for their long trek and that their last works are more than their earlier ones, BUT He screams against them that they are too tolerant of Satan's seductive temptations. Consider His message to this church age, that He makes more clearly than anywhere else the CONTRAST between worldly tolerance and Overcoming. He promises to one who overcomes an anointment to make him an authority, a Shepherd over His people, a Morning Star, possibly an office of being a "Jesus", perhaps for the next cycle.
What would you do? Yield to the worldly temptation or overcome it? Really? Can you say that you would be willing to go through what Jesus went through, compared to enjoying the delights which Jezabel offers? The truth is that we don't have a very complete picture of the job description of a Jesus; mostly we think of His difficulties and His death. Perhaps if we knew more about His function as that "Lamb" at the very Throne of the Almighty, surrounded by angelic beings, Elders, and the rainbow of energies, we might opt for that job. Apparently, most of God's Spirit-being children choose to experience another complete cycle of degeneration, followed by another long climb upward to their Father again, if we are to understand what is meant by "the one overcoming". Only one? Let's hope it really means "anyone."
ARA is the Altar in the "lower regions," not even visible from our northern hemisphere. Clearly, it is not the high altar of God or His Throne. It is here in Sagittarius that we are confronted with a choice, whether or not one will Overcome the worldly attractions or will he worship at that dark altar by offering up his divinity. Given the continuation of cycles, one after another, perhaps for countless times, it must be God's Grand Plan to experience still more of them in His own Mind. So, if we consider these oscillating waves of experience, world to heaven to world to heaven. . . then is it not the Father's plan for His offspring to express His Godliness in contest against an eternal enemy again and again? Imagine that if you finally attain that pinnacle of perfection in Sagittarius, that Oneness with your Father for which you yearn so intensely. . .okay, you dedicated yourself and you obtained the reward; you are in His presence. And He says to you, "I need someone to represent goodness, Godly virtues, innocence, nobility, and the Golden Rule for the next cycle; I need shepherds to help lead my lost flock back to Me again; I need volunteers." Will you raise your hand and say, "Here am I, Lord, send me"??? Or will you be an Overcomer? Well, we certainly can't make a decision like that while still here in this worldly darkness and ignorance; we don't know anything about Heaven yet. But, we can permit such a question to dwell in our mind and our Spirit, and let the question influence the path of our quest.
God's Divine Pageant! Quite a play, isn't it?
Polar opposite from Ara in Sagittarius is Canis Major the Hawk in Gemini.
Fixed star, alpha Arae, is (not named)
THYATIRA CHURCH AGE: (ca. 7224AD to 8959AD)
2:18 And to the angel of the church in THYATIRA, write: These things say the Son of God, the one having His eyes as a flame of fire, and His feet like polished brass:
2:19 I know of your works and love and faith and ministry and your endurance, and that your last works are more than the first.
2:20 But I have against you that you permit the woman Jezabel, the one calling herself a prophetess, and she teaches and deceives my servants to commit fornication, and to eat idol sacrifices;
2:21 and I gave her time in order that she might repent, and she wishes not to repent of her fornication.
2:22 Look, I am casting her into a bed, into great affliction, along with those committing adultery with her, unless they shall repent of her works;
2:23 and her children I will kill with death; and all the churches will know that I am the one searching kidneys and hearts, and I will give to each one of you according to your works.
2:24 But I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, as many as have not this teaching, who knew not the deep things of Satan, as they tell: I am not casting on you another burden;
2:25 but that which you have, hold until I shall come.
2:26 And the one overcoming and keeping my works until the end, I will give him authority over my people,
2:27 and he will shepherd them with an iron staff, breaking them like vessels of clay,
2:28 as I also have received from my Father, and I will give him the morning star.
2:29 The one having an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
to 8,000AD) is at the apex
of a cycle. At the highest point of Heaven, we have the HARP. Here is what
Llewellyn George says about LYRA. "In the first decan,. . .was Lyra, the
harp, the oldest of stringed musical instruments, the invention of which the
ancients ascribed to the gods. Orpheus, a legendary Thracian musician and hero,
was often identified with Apollo in classical mythology. Orpheus was called the
father of songs. He was a helper of the Argonauts seeking the Golden Fleece. His
art is always associated with religion, prayer, prophecy, sacred services and
the joyous element in holy things. In other words, the harp in the first decan
of Sagittarius connects the archer with superior joy, delight, gladness and
praiseworthy action, all typical of the characteristics of the advanced sons of
Jove as we know them today.
In some of the old uranographies this constellation was portrayed with a hawk, the enemy of the serpent, who darts from the sky with swiftness and power. Consequently, many of the more modern star atlases represent this constellation with an eagle abreast a harp expressing the idea of triumphant song of praise and gladness through the power of the eagle over the serpent - the higher mind over the lower. Vega, meaning victory, the brightest star in the northern skies. . .is in Lyra; the name signifies, 'He shall be exalted, the warrior triumphant.'"
Polar opposite to Lyra in Sagittarius is LEPUS the Serpent.
Fixed star, alpha Lyrae, is Vega. 12,000 years ago, Vega was the pole star, and will be again at 14,000AD.
Just a personal note here, by the author, Roger Hathaway. My wife, Lisa, and I live in the Appalachian mountains far from any city lights, actually in the forest surrounded by trees. We are at a high elevation, so our view from the deck is over a distant expanse of hills and hollers. Whenever the weather permits, we sit on the deck and watch the sun drop behind distant hills and then we strain to see the first stars to show. Always it is Vega and Arcturus, and with delight one of us exclaims, "I see Vega." And then Deneb of the Swan, and pretty soon lights of the Big Dipper are visible and the great cross of Cygnus. It is so quiet here and the dark is so peaceful. We talk quietly of our place in God's scheme of things; we discuss the eternal questions; we ponder the design of God as we listen to the onset of nightsounds, crickets, treefrogs, coyotes, etc. When Jesus suggests that the kingdom of Heaven is within us, we wonder if this might be a hint of it. I'm proud to mention that I have the blessing of listening to Lisa play her Harp with its long vertical strings and full resonating sounds. We enjoy seeing Vega very much in the evenings.
TRIBE: BENJAMIN - Βεvιαμίv [b. ca. 1835 BC, Son of Rachel] Twelfth son of Jacob.
The root for this name doesn't seem to be Greek. "Ben" is an Aramaic word meaning "son of." Rachel, dying at his birth, named him "son of my pain," but Jacob changed that to "son of" something else, perhaps the Aramaic word for "right hand," referring to his beloved wife. These Phoenician speaking Israelites were living amidst Aramaic speaking peoples, thus there was a lot of language-mixing and adoption of commonly used words. Benjamin was born much later than the other eleven who were all born within a seven year period.
Birth: Gen 35:18; "And it came to pass in her giving up the spirit, for she was dying, that she called his name, 'The son of my pain;' but his father called his name, 'Benjamin.'"
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:27; "as a ravening wolf, shall eat still in the morning, and at evening he gives food."
Moses blessing: Deut 33:12; "The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in confidence, and God overshadows him always, and he rested between his shoulders."
Tribe Symbol: WOLF
Countries: Scandinavian Norsemen used Wolf as an emblem. Norman invaders used it. Some Scottish clans have some Norwegian ties and use Wolf as their emblem.
BENJAMIN'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, the tribe of Benjamin is placed next to Manasse, to be part of the Brigade of the Bull of Ephraim at the west side of the tabernacle.
BENJAMIN'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Benjamin coincides with the Zodiac age of Sagittarius (the Archer), from about 6,000 to 8,000AD.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF BENJAMIN: The age of Benjamin is the age of perfection, righteousness, and divine union with God. Here is the highest pinnacle of Heaven. God's offspring, who make up the body of Christ, are experiencing that perfect "rest" of Hebrews 4. I guess this age must be the equivalent of the seventh day in God's paradigm of manifest works. The first six days would start with Adam's appearance in Gemini, followed by Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn. Now, Sagittarius is the seventh day: rest. Since the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven (around 2,000AD or so), God's immortal offspring have been androgynous, meaning that Men are complete, fully possessing the natures of both genders. There is no marriage, nor sexual relationship, nor propagation of this race, although other races of the world still continue in their physical natures, propagating and dying as always. The androgynous nature of God's children was hinted at when the tribe of Benjamin once became largely homosexual and were mostly destroyed for that ungodly perversion. Androgyny is not homosexuality, but is rather a complete oneness of all natures in God. The Millenialist can find his perfect thousand-years in this age, although that Biblical "thousand years" is really a symbolic number for this entire age.
DISCIPLE AGE OF THOMAS: He is also called Didymos which means "twin," but scholars are not certain why. His election to the Twelve is recorded in Mat 10:3, Mark 3:18, Luke 6:15, and Acts 1:13. He was solid, standing fast, not receptive to ideas unless proven to him. During this age of Thomas, God's children had reached their highest perfection, a reunion with their Spiritual Source. Of all the disciples, it was only Thomas who made such a bold statement, that he said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God." He is also the only disciple who opposed the other disciples who tried to dissuade Jesus from going to Jerusalem. Thomas said, "Let us go also, that we may die with Him." (Jn 11:16) That is the kind of yielding that is necessary to finally achieve the oneness with our Father.
Here we have reached the apex of the 24,000 year cycle, that moment when the strength of the earth's magnetic field is strongest in the positive energy field. We, who were "born from above" (John 3:3) are like electrons whose negative charge is attracted to a positive charge. During our present time while we live in Pisces, we are attracted to the positive pole, but over the centuries as we approach that positive point, our charge gradually changes until we, too, become positive and find that we are being repelled rather than attracted. Upon reaching the apex, we are totally a positive value and (for sake of the analogy) either unite with that powerful unit of positive value or find ourselves being repelled and drawn again toward the point of negative value. As I see it, we who were "born from above," were born positive and enjoyed the presence (Garden of Eden) of union with our source. But, when we yielded to the temptation to "know" good from evil, to experience the dualities, and to divide ourselves by propagating, we found that our positive natures were repelled by our source and we were drawn toward the negative polarity. After a 12,000 year journey into a World of degeneracy and death, as we touched that power of negative value, then our polarity changed to the negative and we chose either to become part of the negative value or to move away from it because "opposites attract and likes repel." Since we were "born from above," we were supposed to hear God calling us home and we began the upward trek again. And so it is that we play our roles in God's Theater, ever cycling toward and away from Him who placed us on the stage. It is all a mind-play in the Mind of God. We can give ourselves to being one with our purpose, or we can act against our consciences, eventually disgusting our Director until He fires us and we exist no more. The cycles continue until God's Word has been completely spoken. Anyone who curls his lip in anger that "that's all it is?" can leave by the rear exit and cease to exist. For me, I prefer to play on, trying ever harder to do better the next time.
I'm reminded of the death-bed words of Augustus Caesar on August 19, 14ad: "Since well I've played my part, clap now your hands, and with applause dismiss me from the stage." It seems to me that this return to our source completes one play; we played out that role, and now we step onto a new stage for a new role in a new cycle of God's experience.
(ca. 8,000AD to 10,000AD) is the SCORPION. Here is the Serpent of the Biblical FALL of Adam and Eve, a Satan figure. Meanings that have been ascribed to Scorpio are: wounding, conflict, war; it tears, rends, cleaves, ruptures. The Scorpion was the early sign of the tribe of Dan, of the Israel family, but it was at some time changed to the Eagle. The EAGLE is one of the four Living Beings of Revelation 4, denoting the intellectual/rational nature of God which is expressed through His offspring.
The Supreme Almighty God expressed Himself into a manifest reality by the dynamic interplay of two opposing energies: positive and negative. On the performance stage God set forth two races of humans, each provided with an instinctive compulsion to express one of those energies exclusively. The entire performance of God's Pageant is the interplay and contest between the two opponent races, one being anointed by God as a Christ-race offspring to represent the positive attributes of Godliness, Truth, Righteousness, Justice, Wisdom, Love, Compassion, etc. The other race was generated by a rebellion against the positive, to counter all the Godly attributes. This race was fathered by Satan, the rebel, through Zoe (a name meaning Life, aka Eve) to bear a son, Cain as a fraternal twin to Abel who was fathered by Adam (Christ).
In the sky, we call this Zodiac segment after the large constellation of SCORPIO, but it has a sort of twin constellation, equally large and standing above it, called OPHIUCHUS, a Christ. Some say that at some ancient time, this Zodiac period was called OPHIUCHUS instead of SCORPIO. Looking at a sky chart, you will see the Scorpion just below the ecliptic plane in the southern sky. It is nearly parallel to the ecliptic. The very bright star, ANTARES, is the head of the scorpion, sometimes called its heart. ANTARES is one of the four Fixed Stars which makes up the Grand Cross in the sky, along with Fomalhaut in Aquarius, Regulus in Leo, and Aldebaran in Taurus. That cross defines the four quarter periods of the sine wave diagram as illustrated at the beginning of this work. It is on this grand cross that the Christ family must die in order to perpetuate the oscillating energies of positive/negative, life/death, good/evil, truth/lie, Christ/Satan. NO energy can ever flatline. There is no unchanging constant in all the universe or even in the mind of God. There is no such thing as a timeless eternity of heaven which lasts forever without suffering a decline into hell again. If God's Pageant is to continue, then change must be the only constant. Oscillation of energies is absolute! Even Satan and Christ must experience deaths along their paths of cycling functions.
OPHIUCHUS/CHRIST holds a long snake which stretches off to his left and to his right. One end of the snake curves upward. It is the head of the snake reaching toward a constellation known as the NORTHERN CROWN. That crown represents Kingship and Dominion, of course. SERPENS, the Snake is prevented from reaching it by OPHIUCHUS, whose Greek name means SERPENT HOLDER. Christ prevents Satan from ever obtaining that Crown.
The Man/Christ OPHIUCHUS stands with one foot directly above the star of the head of the Scorpion, Antares. His other foot is just above the tail stinger of the Scorpion. The contest between these two opponents is first mentioned in Genesis 3:15-16. It was because Satan had seduced Zoe/Eve, and thereby brought the immortality of God's children to an end by intercourse with her (the forbidden fruit) that God set the two opponents in eternal contest with the words, "The Lord God said to the Serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle and all the brutes of the earth; on your breast and belly you shall go and you shall eat earth all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; he shall keep against your head and you shall keep against his heel." That enmity is everlasting because no dimension of reality can exist except by such a struggle of continuously oscillating energies, positive to negative to positive, forever. All the Bible is doing is explaining that this is God's Design for a dynamic performance of energies, as performed by the living expressions of His Mind, His offspring versus those who rebelled against Him.
The sky constellations are God's photo album which serves as a Theater Program to help us understand the plot and theme of the Play. In ancient times few men were literate, but those who were selected for education began apprenticeship studies with tutors when young. Much of their education was about the constellations in the sky, planet movements, predicting eclipses, and foretelling the future on the basis of their star-knowledge. Such men were coveted by kings who valued their wisdom. In some cultures they were known as "magi" because of their capabilities. It was such men who knew where to find that baby who closed the age of Aries and inaugurated the new age of Pisces. Today, there is no one who can read the sky like that to determine where or when the Significator of Aquarius will be born. The modern business of astrology (tropical) doesn't even consider the sky as it really is, but calculates horoscopes with a formula of how things would be if the moment of spring equinox was simultaneous with the start of Aries. But, the precession of equinoxes has moved us about 27 degrees from that hypothetical datum; for most people's births the sun was not in the zodiac sign which they've been told. Some astrologers do work with a Sidereal Ephemeris which indicates planets at their actual locations in the sky, but they are a minority.
Sidenote by author: During 1980's we lived in Mesa, Arizona for a while. The small back yard of our bungalow was not grass but desert. One evening I walked out there with bare feet and got stung by a scorpion in the soft skin at the edge of my left heel. I stepped into the house and sat on a straight-back chair and decided to not seek medical help. The pain was quite intense as it moved up my left leg, causing muscle spasms in the leg. Then the pain spread into my right leg and caused muscle spasms there. I simply sat quietly and exclaimed to Lisa, "look at that, it must have reached my spine and crossed over to the other leg." After a few hours the pain subsided and I went to bed and had a restful night. Scorpion stings can be fatal if a person panics, gets active, and pumps the poison to his heart; the same as with rattlesnakes. A Hopi Indian friend told me, "Indians don't die from snake bites; it is fear that kills a white man." While in Arizona, spring 1984, I caught a small rattlesnake in the Superstition Mountains and kept it in a cardboard box which had a clear plastic window on one side. Then I added a scorpion which I had caught. The scorpion killed the rattlesnake. Unlike the Christ Family, Satan's serpent family shows no mercy between its members.
The symbol of Scorpio is an EAGLE, but in ancient times it had been a scorpion. The Tribe of Israel representing this age of Scorpio is DAN. Jacob's blessing to Dan is: Gen 49:16; "Dan shall judge his people, as one tribe too in Israel. And let Dan be a serpent in the way, besetting the path, biting the heel of the horse (and the rider shall fall backward), waiting for the salvation of the Lord." Here, at the apex of our Divine Accomplishment, we, as the Christ get stung on the heel and fall backward to descend again toward world depravity.
Polar opposite from the age of Scorpio is the age of Taurus which succeeds the nadir of the cycle.
Fixed star, alpha Scorpii, is Antares, one of the four most important Fixed Stars, part of the Grand Cross, with Regulus, Fomalhaut, & Aldebaran.
8,000AD to 8,700AD) is located
just above OPHIUCHUS in the sky. His elbow is very near to the bright star VEGA
in LYRA. Popular interpretation is that he holds a large club above his head
with one arm, the other holding the three-headed monster called CERBERUS, who is also known as the
three-headed dog of hell which guards the gates of hell to prevent escapes.
When we understand the timeline of these Decans to represent certain periods of history, we see that this period is right after the Fall of Adam and Eve, when they are being evicted from the Garden of Eden. Well, then this figure compels a new interpretation. Here is the text of Genesis 3:23-25, "And God said, Behold, Adam is become as one of us, to know good and evil, and now lest at any time he stretch forth his hand, and take of the tree of Life and eat, and so live forever -. So the Lord God sent him forth out of the paradise of delight to cultivate the ground out of which he was taken. He cast Adam out and caused him to dwell over against the paradise of delight, and stationed the cherubim and the fiery sword that turns about to keep the way of the tree of Life."
Since OPHIUCHUS is the greatest Christ figure in the sky, another Christ figure, named HERCULES, is not needed directly above him. This figure of HERCULES must represent the Cherubim guard and the fiery sword which God stationed to prevent return from a World which is going to torment them grievously. The concept of Cerberus as a guard to prevent escapes from hell gives us a clue that this is Hercules' function. In which case, let's change that club into a fiery sword. The fact that he is semi-kneeling indicates that he is stationary, not walking or on a quest. I think the ancient Greeks misinterpreted his activity.
This Decan period is still during the church age of Thyatira (see text above) where the Fall was described as being tolerant of Jezabel (Satan). So, God cast her (Satan) and followers "into a bed" (World) of "great affliction." I guess we were the ones who followed her from the Palace to her pig pen. And later we would be herded by another sky character, name of Boötes, the Herdsman. We will meet him later, in Virgo as he chases us across the border into his World.
Polar opposite to Hercules in Scorpio is Auriga the Shepherd in Taurus, the Christ who led the Family from nadir to apex.
Fixed star, alpha Herculis, is Ras Algethi, in his head, a supergiant star, perhaps 400 diameters of our sun, located just west of Vega.
(ca. 8,700AD to 9,400AD) is a Christ-figure, probably the most important one in the sky for he stands as large as the Scorpion beneath his feet, the two characters depicting the dualities of good versus evil in eternal battle, each represented on earth by a race of men who are born with instincts exclusive to either Christ or to Satan. OPHIUCHUS was once known as Asklepius, the Greek god of medicine. Asklepius, in Greek myth, was so effective at healing that it was feared he might make them immortal; in order to prevent that, Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt and cast him into the sky, along side the Serpent. Yes, it is this very Christ/Ophiuchus who really does lead us to immortality, and although He is killed a couple times during every cycle, He always arises anew. The Pageant of God's Mind cycles on.
Polar opposite this constellation of OPHIUCHUS in Scorpio is the River Eridanus inTaurus.
Fixed star alpha Ophiuchi is Rasalhague, at the top of his head.
SARDIS CHURCH AGE: (ca. 8,959AD to 10,693AD)
3:1 And to the angel of the church in SARDIS, write: These things says the one having the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: I know of your works, that you have a name that you live, and yet you are dead.
3:2 Be watching, and set fast those who remain which were about to die; for I have not found your works fulfilled before my God;
3:3 remember therefore how you have received and did hear, and keep watch, and repent. If therefore you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will by no means know at what hour I will come on you.
3:4 But you have a few names in Sardis which did not defile their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, because they are worthy.
3:5 The one overcoming, thusly, shall be clothed in white garments, and I will by no means blot his name out of the scroll of life, and I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels.
3:6 The one having an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
This period of Sardis corresponds to its Polar opposite moment in the cycle, the time of Abraam in Aries. Abraam was establishing a religion for God's children, setting stone altars for worship. In the age of Sardis, we can assume the devil will be establishing his own Cain race children as his power base.
SCORPIO DECAN: SERPENS (ca. 9,300AD to 10,000AD is the snake/serpent which OPHIUCHUS/Christ is holding, so we see it divided into two parts: the part with the head is called Serpens Caput, and the part with the tail is Serpens Cauda. Here is the Serpent which is being prevented by the Christ from obtaining a permanent Crown. As we consider the theme of each Decan period, we can hardly imagine how these influences might get played on the stage of Heaven. From our World viewpoint, we can't imagine Heaven at all, except in the most general superlative descriptive terms.
The zodiac age of Scorpio is filled with the most dynamic and meaningful action. Right after the Fall, we were evicted from Paradise and God set a Guard (Hercules constellation) with a Fiery Sword (club in Greek myth) to prevent us from returning. Then we get into a terrible battle with our nemesis, the Serpent Satan. Satan must be prevented from obtaining that Northern Crown. This must be a battle beyond anything we can imagine because near the apex of our achievement we still have many of our powers which must be used against a powerful enemy who desperately wants the Crown of permanent rulership. Certainly, the Gate of Paradise would have to be guarded by a terribly powerful figure or we would probably have retreated from this battle of all battles. Here ends the age of the Eagle, the Intellect, the Serpent, the Christ, and the Tribal age of Dan.
Polar opposite from this Decan of Serpens in Scorpio is a Christ figure, ORION, in Taurus.
Fixed star, alpha Serpentis, is Unukalhai, midway in Serpens Caput.
TRIBE: DAN - Δάv [b. ca.1850 BC, Son of Balla, Rachel's servant] Fifth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is δάvoς which means gift or present.
Birth: Gen 30:6 "God has given judgment for me, and hearkened to my voice, and has given me a son." (Rachel's statement at birth of Dan by her servant, Balla.)
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:16; "Dan shall judge his people, as one tribe too in Israel. And let Dan be a serpent in the way, besetting the path, biting the heel of the horse (and the rider shall fall backward), waiting for the salvation of the Lord."
Moses blessing: Deut 33:22; "Dan is a lion's whelp, and shall leap out of Basan."
Tribe Symbol: SERPENT, secondary is HORSE. Brigade symbol is EAGLE
Countries: Mainly Germany, Netherlands; (they are now Secular Humanist)
DAN'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2:25, the tribe of Dan is placed to the North of the Tabernacle. While the Brigade symbol of Dan was the Eagle, its secondary symbol was horse which was bitten so the rider fell backward, meaning downward toward the World. I don't know when the Eagle emblem became primary for Scorpio, perhaps it always was used.
THE LIVING BEING OF REVELATION 4:7 - The Eagle represents one of God's four manifested Natures, specifically the Rational/Intellectual Mind. While this mental capability can be used to know oneness with God, it can also be used to know division, such as good from evil. It is the negative side of the faculty which tempted the Adamic race away from its perfect estate.PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Dan coincides with the Zodiac age of Scorpio, whose ancient symbols were both Eagle and Serpent. The Dan tribe has the Eagle as its Brigade emblem, and a horse as its secondary emblem. The age of Dan immediately follows the apex of the sine wave curve, which was the highest point of the Kingdom of Heaven. That highest point of Heaven is directly reciprocal to the lowest point of World. At these points of apex and nadir there is always a change of direction because God brings a nemesis onto the stage. In Gemini, just prior to the lowest point of civilization in Satan's World, God revived His race of Adam by re-empowering them with His Spirit, and that gave His people a spiritual power beyond any worldly power, thus enabling them to begin their climb back toward Him. Then, just prior to the apex of the curve, God permits Satan back onto the stage early in the age of Sagittarius/Benjamin. Satan works to entice God's androgynous Man to divide the female nature from the male by taunting him to know good from evil again. By dividing one gender from another, and by sexual propagation, he will be "freed" from his oneness with God and will be able to experience all the thrills and dangers and sensual gratifications and risks and even death again, like the other races have always continued to do. So, it wasn't that God's race did not then know about sex or propagation; but they were not practicing it because they were perfect Spirit-beings with their glorified bodies and they did not have fears and griefs and pains and ecstasies and risks and limitations and death. Just as angels are rumored to envy us on earth, so did the perfect ones envy those whose every-day struggle was a matter of life and death. The other earth races could even do wrong if they wished, but the perfected ones only had one "wrong" available. Satan successfully tempts them, by reason and logic (the mental faculty of the Living Being of Eagle), to separate the female nature so it can act in relationship to the male rather than in oneness. Suddenly there is a polarity of two opposing genders who can relate as separate individuals. The forbidden fruit (apple!) of sex breaks their union with God and sets them free again. The mental temptation was very great during that age of the Serpent (Scorpio). My explanation of this gender division and propagation doesn't quite make sense, but I don't know what more to do with the concept.
The first chapters of Genesis merely give an overview of the lengthy 12,000 year process of the Fall of the Adamic race, from the apex to the nadir, until in the age of Gemini, God re-vitalizes His race of Elect ones with His Spirit, thereby empowering them to once again struggle up the long ascent toward His summit. The Genesis story, as taught to children, presents Adam as an individual, whereas the word really means a race of Men who are God's special race who possess His Spirit as their empowerment.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF DAN: Consider that Rachel, the most loved wife of Jacob, is a symbol of Israel, the beloved bride of God. Rachel couldn't have children, just as God's perfected and immortal Elect do not have children, and she became jealous of Lea who was bearing children easily. So, Rachel connived to do something illegitimate, just as Zoe (Eve) did something illegitimate. Rachel got a child by proxy, through her maid, Balla. Propagation was too important to Rachel, so she yielded to a temptation which she should have resisted. Lea was pregnant with her fourth child when Rachel's maid bore Dan. This age of Dan is defined by a longing to know good and evil, and the path to that is to propagate and thereby to experience individual identities, especially in sexual gratification. Jacob's blessing has Dan judging his people. That might indicate the fact that a severe judgment was pronounced against God's children for their act, bringing death to themselves again, so they were evicted from their paradise. Notice that Rachel also mentioned the word "judgment" as directly related to propagation.
Moses says Dan is a lion's whelp, and shall leap out of Basan. Basan was a lush fertile plain, a virtual garden of paradise, to the east of the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. Basan was a prize, sought after by many. Moses is saying that the age of Dan is an abandonment of paradise because of its wild lust. This may be the reason that the tribe of Dan is omitted from the list of twelve tribes who get sealed before the Throne of God in Revelation 7.
DISCIPLE AGE OF JUDAS: Who was this guy? He was treasurer for Jesus' group, the typical function of Edomite Jews still today. He was the only disciple who was not of Galilee. He was, supposedly, from the town of Kerioth, South of Judea. From that location, he might well have been an Edomite (Idumean), a member of the race of Satan which is the counter race to the Christ-race. It seems unlikely that Jesus would select someone from that race, since He could have chosen individuals who were very near and dear to Him, like Lazarus. But, things are not that simple, are they? The pageant must contain negative elements or there can be no positive. In John 6:70, Jesus says, "Did I not choose you twelve, and one of you is a devil. Now He was speaking of Judas Iscariot..." As we look at the sine-wave diagram, we must place Judas with the age of Scorpio and of Dan, for here was the betrayal of God by His people. Who better could play the role of betrayer than one of that race of Edom whose natural instincts are deception, greed, and murder? Given that one of the disciple positions was filled by an enemy, I can't help but wonder what kind of person it later was, upon whom the lot fell, to replace Judas. Two men were accredited with being faithful followers from Jesus' baptism to His resurrection, Barsabbas (Justus) and Matthias. The Disciples prayed for guidance and cast lots to make the choice between the two. The lot fell to Matthias. Did God guide the selection to someone who was similar to Judas? We don't know. Most of the information we have about Judas is recorded in the book of John who doesn't shy from illustrating his nefarious character.
(ca. 10,000AD to 12,000AD) is the SCALES. Here we are at midway between the apex of a cycle and the moment when Heaven will be violently overthrown in order to transition into World. Since the Fall, God's Men have been moving further from God, tolerating more and more of Jezabel/Satan's temptations, and losing their Godly powers and creativity. They are still in the kingdom of Heaven, and still being directed by the Head of the Christ, and still capable of wondrous things beyond our imaginations. They seem to be experiencing the process which is defined by the three Decans of this zodiac age: they had the CROWN, they are VICTIMS of their unGodly lusts, and they are perishing on that SOUTHERN CROSS in darkness. At the apex of the cycle, their holiness was an incomparable weight on the God side of the scales, but here is that time when their holiness is not enough to prevent their ungodliness from weighing the most. The scales tips from the CROWN to the CROSS. In the sky, the SCALES sits astride the ecliptic plane, half below and half above.
The symbol for Libra is the Scales. I think it denotes that moment when our
family's holiness became less weight than its apostasy.
Polar opposite from the age of Libra is the age of ARIES, the Lamb, the age of our Old Testament history.
Fixed star, alpha Librae, is Zubenelgenubi .
LIBRA DECAN: CORONA BOREALIS the NORTHERN CROWN (ca. 10,000AD to 10,700AD) Here is that CROWN which the Serpent reaches toward, being restrained by Ophiuchus. Surely, this Crown represents the high attainment, the majesty, the glory which is the ultimate goal of God's children. Sadly, it is being left behind them as they trek downward toward World.
Polar opposite from this Decan of the Crown in Libra is the Decan of Perseus/Christ in Aries.
Fixed star, alpha Coronae Borealis, is Gemma.
3:7 And to the angel of the church in PHILADELPHIA, write: These things says the holy and true One, the One having the key of David, the One opening and no one shall shut, and shutting and no one opens:
3:8 I know of you and your works; behold, I have given before you a door opened, which no one can shut; because you have a little power, and did keep my word, and did not deny my name.
3:9 Behold, I give some of the synagogue of Satan, those calling themselves Jews, and they are not, but lie; behold I will make them come and they shall worship before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.
3:10 Because you did keep the word of my endurance, I also will keep you from the hour of trial about to come on all the inhabited earth, to try those dwelling on the earth.
3:11 I am coming quickly; hold what you have, so that no one takes your crown.
3:12 I will make him who overcomes a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will by no means go forth any longer, and I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, of the new Jerusalem descending out of heaven from my God, and my new name.
3:13 Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
The hour of trial which the message to Philadelphia addresses will affect all the inhabited earth. There will be end-time horrors of destruction and death. Still, the promise is here that God's children are not totally abandoned, and are encouraged to hold fast to their crowns; remember that they are Royal offspring of their Father. In verse 12, I see an encouragement to join with their Lord as pillars in His tomb, which is rightfully to be called, God's Temple. I think the Giza pyramid was built near the end of this church age as that Temple of God. I think the deaths of His divine offspring are represented by the perfect stones of that Great Temple. Incidentally, there was a passageway in that Temple which remained hidden and shut until about 820AD when Caliph Al Mamoun tunneled around the granite plug, through softer limestone. In verse 10 is the promise for those who kept His word that he would keep them from the hour of trial. Just as we approach the violent destruction of the end of World, so do we have the Psalm 91 promise that the terrors shall not come near us if we are faithful to Him. Yes, we must die or be transformed because flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Heaven. We yield up our earthly bodies in order to regain our divinity. Imagine how difficult it must have been for our ancestors in Virgo who had to yield their divinity in order to have flesh bodies. Note that this Philadelphia church age continues into the zodiac age of VIRGO.
LIBRA DECAN: VICTIMA (ca. 10,700AD to 11,400AD) is the VICTIM. This constellation is below the SCALES, low in the southern sky. It is some kind of beast, slain and lying on its back, dying. It might be a most poignant symbol of what is happening to the Family which left the High Palace in order to trek toward the pig pen, their destiny. Men are becoming more animalistic in their passions as they reach this halfway point to their goal, the kingdom of Death, simply known as World.
Polar opposite from Victima in Libra is the Decan of CETUS in Aries.
Fixed star, alpha Lupi, is not named.
DECAN: CRUX the SOUTHERN CROSS (ca. 11,300AD to 12,000AD) It seems the Cross is a most meaningful symbol in God's
photo album in the sky and for our experience in life. The Grand Cross is made
up of the four stars most important to ancient wise men, Regulus in Leo,
Aldebaran in Taurus, Fomalhaut in Aquarius, and Antares in Scorpio. That Grand
Cross defines the four quadrants of the sine wave diagram of history, along with
pointing to the four natures of God, namely Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, and
Intellectual. The cross is the primary symbol of Christianity. From the ancient
swastika, it symbolized the continuing cycles of life. And here we see it very
low in the southern sky as a conspicuously beautiful constellation which is a
guide for sailors in southern seas. The southern sky also contains the constellation of ARA, an
altar of death. The southern sky is considered to be darkness. There is no
actual Cross constellation in the northern sky, although Cygnus is sometimes
loosely called the Northern Cross. But darkness and death belong to the southern sky, Life and Light to
the northern. Heaven is the northern sky and Hades the southern. After the Fall,
we left Heaven and trekked toward Hades, toward this Cross which appears at the
tipping of the Scales. We are leaving Life behind us to enter a kingdom of death!
Polar opposite from the Decan of Crux is CASSIOPEIA in Aries.
Fixed star, alpha Crucix, is Acrux, the southernmost star of the four.
TRIBE: ASER - Ασήρ [b. ca.1848BC, son of Zelpha, Lea's servant] Eighth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name is άση/ase which means loathing, distress, vexation, along with άσηρός/aseros which means causing discomfort, disdainful. Lea seems to be actively causing vexation to Rachel, and claiming her position as primary, the one whom other women will esteem. Her statement at the birth is a direct claim of this position in this house.
Birth: Gen 30:13; "I am blessed, for the women will pronounce me blessed." (Lea's statement)
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:20 "his bread shall be fat; and he shall yield dainties to princes."
Moses' blessing: Deut 33:24; 'Aser is blessed with children; and he shall be acceptable to his brethren: he shall dip his foot in oil. His sandal shall be iron and brass; as your days, so shall be your strength."
Tribe Symbol: GOBLET
Countries: England, Scotland
TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, God placed Aser as part of the Eagle/Dan Brigade, to the north of the Tabernacle.
PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Aser coincides with the age of Libra (balance scales). In the coming Kingdom of Heaven the age will be from about 10,000 to 12,000AD. Aser follows the age of Dan and precedes Nephthali.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF ASER: Note that the age of Aser is between Dan and Nephthali, so it is well after the Fall in Dan. Lea exclaims that she will be blessed because she is so successfully bearing children. She is propagating! And that desire was one of the reasons for the Fall. Jacob says Aser's bread shall be fat, meaning that he will be eating animal fat. It is most likely that when we transition into Heaven, God's heavenly vineyard, which He has prepared for us, will be a place where we will eat fruits from the trees described in John's revelation, and where we will NOT be eating animal flesh. It is unlikely that we will eat meat in Heaven. So, here in the age of Aser, which is on the downside from Heaven's apex, we see that animal flesh has already re-entered the diet! Jacob goes on to say that instead of being a king of his own land, he will be pandering to politicians for favors. Moses says the age will be producing children, sort of a repeat of Lea's exclamation. And the age will be earth-material in nature, oil, iron, brass, rather than the spiritual nature that had been the Kingdom of Heaven, which they had scorned and left behind. Moses goes on to imply that without immortality, and after death had entered their world, their strength would be decreased likewise. Short lives, weak strength! And to think that it was that very thing which tempted the immortals to abandon their oneness with God!
DISCIPLE AGE OF SIMON THE ZEALOT: parallels the Zodiac age of Libra. He was from Canaan, near the west of Galilee. Nothing else is known of him. Evidently not a notable contributor to the work which Christ commissioned His disciples to do. We can speculate that he was one of those who did not accept Jesus' Commission, making it necessary for others to be drawn into the work, like St. Paul and Barnabas. Locating the appropriate age for this Simon on the sine-wave chart is not easy, so he ended up at this position because it is not a notable nor honorable nor Godly age. It is an age where the Worldly program gets clearly defined, but that's about all we can say about it at this point. He wasn't very "zealous," was he?
(ca. 12,000AD to 14,000AD) is the VIRGIN. Here is the face of the Sphinx in Egypt which has the head of a woman and the body of a lion. Some interpret the two as symbolizing half spirit and half matter, As a Centaur might indicate half earthly animal and half spirit-being. Since this is the last age of the kingdom of Heaven, the Virgo/Leo statue might indicate that moment on the timeline when Heaven ended and World began, and standing beside the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt, probably indicates the time of building that structure. The Polar opposite age to Virgo is Pisces, after which World ends and Heaven begins. In the sky she lies on the plane of the ecliptic.
The symbol of VIRGO is the VIRGIN. The Tribe of Israel which represents this age is Nephthali, the sixth son of Jacob, corresponding to the sixth age of the kingdom of Heaven.
Fixed star, alpha Virginis, is Spica, the sheaf of wheat that she carries.
12,000AD to 12,700AD) is the
HERDSMAN, eternally herding the stars along their circuits around the sky, or
perhaps it is a herding of God's children from the
heavenly realm into World. The constellation portrays a man moving forward,
apparently rapidly; in one hand is a spear, a sickle in the other. If many sky
characters are either Christ or Satan, might this be one of them? Seems to
me that it is Satan, herding the flock which he rustled from
God, from God's Palace into his own pigpen of World. Does the sickle represent his
successful harvest of souls? At the beginning of PISCES, VIRGO's Polar opposite,
Jesus was born who would vanquish the lord of World and lead God's Family back
into Heaven. So, it is a direct correlation that this character who appears at
the beginning of Virgo is the one who vanquished the Lord of Heaven, and then ushered
God's Family into World. My conclusion is that
Boötes is a Satan figure.
Well, this insight will change my attitude toward Arcturus. Each evening, weather permitting, Lisa and I sit on the deck and watch for our "friends" to appear, first Vega, then Arcturus, then Deneb. I don't feel so friendly toward Arcturus anymore.
Polar opposite from Boötes in Virgo is ANDROMEDA in Pisces. We might imagine Andromeda (Family Israel) as the Bride which married her Lord after she had been enticed away by this Herdsman abductor. Reminds me of Helen being enticed to Troy by Paris, and Odysseus' war to return her to her own Palace.
Fixed star, alpha Boötis, is Arcturus, a very bright star. The arc of the Big Dipper's handle points to Arcturus.
LAODICEA CHURCH AGE: (12,428AD to 14,000AD)
3:14 And to the angel of the church in LAODICEA, write: These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the chief of God's creation:
3:15 I know of your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot.
3:16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
3:17 Because you say, "I have become rich and have no need, and know not that you are the one wretched and pitiable and poor and blind and naked,
3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, in order that you may be rich, and white garments in order that you may be clothed and may not expose the shame of your nakedness, and ointment to anoint your eyes in order that you may see
3:19 As many as I love I rebuke and chasten; therefore, become hot and repent.
3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will enter to him and I will dine with him and he with me.
3:21 He who overcomes I will give him to sit with me in my throne, as I also overcame and sat with my Father in His throne.
3:22 Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
[For additional info re: significance of this Church-Age, in past, present, and future, click on the following link: ]
It appears that God's Family has degenerated to that apostate condition where they are feeling contentment with materials of Satan's offerings. Just like in our days at the end of the World kingdom, it is easier to go with the flow than to take a difficult stand. Very few are willing to stand boldly against the enemy who is herding us into ever greater enslavement and/or genocide of our Family. Taking the easy, safe and secure path makes the days pass more easily and eludes any "refinement by fire" which could remove from us the worldly dross. God is telling our people of 12,000 years ago to get heated up, change our ways, or get spat from His mouth.
VIRGO DECAN: CENTAURUS (12,700AD to 13,400AD) is the CENTAUR. This Centaur is also called The Despised One, or The Pierced One. I think immediately of that spear which Boötes wields. Was it used to pierce the Lord of Heaven? It seems that the Centaur creature, usually half horse and half man might represent the same thing as the Sphinx, namely a half spirit and half material being, or may we say, half human and half divine. If so, then this "Pierced One" is the Jesus Lord of Heaven who is killed at the end of Virgo and entombed in the coffin in the Great Pyramid. When the pyramid was finally entered in 820 AD; after tunneling around some granite blocks, thru softer limestone, the men found that the coffin was empty and its cover stone had been "rolled away." I believe that the tomb of Jesus incident was a deliberate message to us, pointing us to this event in Virgo when He was entombed, and the grave couldn't hold Him.
Another thought about Him who was slain: That Jesus was the Lord of the kingdom of Heaven, the Head of the body of Christ. The Bible also tells us that He was a Perfect One; He didn't Fall from Union with the Father. Consequently, He would still be immortal at this time in Virgo; so He couldn't be killed. UNLESS, He willingly sacrificed His divinity in order to remain with the Family which was headed into Satan's World. That conjecture makes sense if we apply it to ourselves as the Polar opposite challenge which we confront at the end of Pisces, as we must willingly sacrifice our physical bodies in order to become immortal.
As I have contemplated the story told by the stars, I am most impressed that each person must seek an understanding of God's plan, and must commit himself to representing Him in the arena, and must be willing to yield up his life at the appropriate moment in the play. Understanding, commitment, and willingness, these three are what the Father wants of us. God's "play" is a serious business! I guess we are each a Centaur, having a human nature and a divine nature. Two roles for each of us in the pageant.
Polar opposite the Centaur in Virgo is the Decan of Cepheus in Pisces.
Fixed star, alpha Centauri, is Rigel Kentaurus, which means Centaur's foot.
VIRGO DECAN: COMA (ca. 13,300AD to 14,000AD) is a woman sitting and nourishing a baby. She holds in her hands a branch and a sheaf of seed-wheat. Jeremia 23:5-6 says: "Behold, the day will come when I will raise up to David a righteous branch. . ." This constellation seems only recently to have been defined by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) as HAIR OF BERNICE or Comae Berenicis, as it is known today. An ancient name for this small constellation was "Coma, Desired of Nations." As best I can imagine it, considering that this Decan is the very ending of the Heaven kingdom, perhaps this woman represents that promise of "a virgin shall conceive and bear a child, and you shall call His name Emmanuel." (Isaiah 7:14) This constellation rises at midnight during winter solstice, about December 25th.
Polar opposite from Coma in Virgo is THE TIE in Pisces; it is the cord by which the Fisherman tied His fish together.
Fixed star, alpha Comae Berenicis, is Diadem.
TRIBE: NEPHTHALI - Νεφθαλεί [b. ca. 1849 BC, Son of Balla, Rachel's servant] Sixth son of Jacob.
The Phoenician/Greek basis for this name comes from two words: vεφ/neph means cloud; θάλoς/thalos means child. Rachel seems to be naming him "cloud-child." But Jacob's blessing makes use of another Greek word for the second part of the name: θάλλω/thallo, which relates to plants, meaning "to sprout, grow, thrive, luxuriant, copious, flourishing."
Birth: Gen 30:8; "God has helped me, and I contended with my sister and prevailed." (Rachel's statement)
Blessing by Jacob at death: Gen 49:21; "Nephthali is a spreading stem, bestowing beauty on its fruit." More literally translated, "Nephthali is a stem that releases to afterwards produce beauty."
Moses blessing: Deut 33:23 "Nephthali has received (δεκτωv) satiety (πλησμovη); and let him be satiated (εμπλησθητω) with bounty from the lord: he shall inherit the west and the south."
Tribe Symbol: HIND (Became Stag)
Countries: Is on Coat of Arms of some English families, the County of Cumberland, the City of Hereford. In Sweden Stag is the provincial emblem of Oland.
NEPHTHALI'S TRIBE LOCATION AROUND THE TABERNACLE: In Numbers 2, the tribe of Nepthali is to the North of the Tabernacle of Witness, where it is a part of the Brigade of Dan, under the banner of Eagle (or Serpent).
NEPHTHALI'S PLACE IN HISTORY: The age of Nephthali is from about 12,000 to 14,000AD, the very last age of the Kingdom of Heaven. The age of Nephthali coincides with the age of Virgo and includes the church age of Laodicea which is famous for its warning that because the people are lukewarm God will spit them out of His mouth. Here is the last age prior to a cataclysmic geophysical event that terminates the positive energy of the Kingdom of God. That event is a regular 12,000 year event: a reversal of the earth's magnetic field polarity, which causes incredible earthquakes, tsunamis, the sinking of mountains, and the rising of new mountains, as described by Jesus in Matthew 24.
Nephthali is the second son-by-proxy of Rachel, after Dan. She says that God helped her to accomplish this improper act. She, the heavenly wife, contended with her sister, the earthly wife, and succeeded in producing a corrupt age which would bring an end to the Kingdom of Heaven, ironically defaulting to the Kingdom of World where Lea, the earthly one, has all the power.
Note: at this point in God's drama, 12,000 years ago, the age of Nephthali/Virgo gave way to Juda/Leo. Near the Great Pyramid, which was built at that time to entomb Heaven's Lord, they also built a large statue (Sphinx) which attests to this moment in history as between Virgo (Royal Woman) and Leo (Lion of earth-power). The Queen of Heaven yields to the King of Earth, and the Kingdom of World then would flourish in mastery and decadence. The reciprocal of that event, of course, is our present time between Pisces and Aquarius, when the lord of World gets defeated and our Lord of Heaven becomes the new Sovereign.
NATURE OF THE AGE OF NEPHTHALI: Moses says that Nephthali is given the West (Ephraim, Manasse, & Benjamin) and the South (Ruben, Symeon, & Gad), namely, he is given the entire ascending path toward the Kingdom of God. What does he do with it? He trashes it all in order to plummet into the Kingdom of World! Since the apex, God's children have been indulging in a glut of sensual gratifications, lust, and emotional hungers. Further, being lukewarm to Godly values, they have permitted the persecution of their own Lord of Heaven (Jesus) until He is finally entombed in a great pyramid where he is thrice sealed, first in a sarcophagus with a stone lid, second with a granite block hiding the passageway to that chamber, and thirdly with the main entrance being so successfully hidden it was not located until recent centuries AD, nearly twelve thousand years after it was sealed. Moses' blessing is a little perplexing because he says Nephthali's excess is from the Lord (κυριoυ). We never think of our Lord, whether the Head of the body of Christ (who in this age of Nephthali is being persecuted) or of God, our Father, as providing whatever it takes to satiate the sensual hungers of anyone. I would speculate that the lord in this passage can only be the lord of the Kingdom of World who does offer material abundance to those who turn to him.
Jacob's blessing, "Nephthali is a stem that releases to afterwards produce beauty" is difficult to understand until one knows its place in history, seeing it as a part of God's Kingdom which lets go for the sake of producing an earthly type of beauty which they sought.
Of course, translators of these Old Testament passages did not know the Big Picture, so they translated Nephthali's abundance as a blessing of God. Translators cannot help but paint their word pictures as they see them in their own minds. Worse, lacking the Big Picture in their minds, each puzzle piece is interpreted without benefit of knowing its proper place in the picture.
ZODIAC AGE OF VIRGO The pure one, the holy one, gets sacrificed and entombed in order that the Kingdom of Heaven is terminated and the Kingdom of World begins. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built at this time, during Heaven, within which was a high level room where the Lord of Heaven was entombed in a stone sarcophagus. That would be Jesus. When the sealed entryway was found, and the pyramid was opened in 820 AD, there was also a large granite block hiding the passageway to that "King's Chamber," still in place. Workers tunneled through the softer limestone around it, and eventually reached the room of the tomb. The stone lid of the coffin was lying beside the coffin which was empty. We see a similar event with Jesus which seems to teach the same lesson: that the Lord cannot be kept entombed, no matter how well sealed and guarded. The Sphinx stands nearby the Great Pyramid to witness the entombment, signifying that it happened between the ages of Virgo and Leo.
DISCIPLE AGE OF JAMES (Son of Alphaeus) On each list of disciples, this James is always in the ninth place. (Mat 10, Mark 3, Luke 6, Acts 1) Nothing else is known of him. The number "nine" is the last number before the numerical sequence begins again. It signifies completion or ending. Not all disciples were promoters of the upward spiritual path! From the age of Ruben, this location with Virgo is the ninth place. I can't do much more with interpretation of this one.
It is interesting that Edgar Cayce said the Great Pyramid was built 10,490BC, which on the diagram of our cycle would be 13,510AD, just before the end of Heaven. Geologists have determined that about 12,000 years ago there was a reversal of the earth's magnetic field, as has happened at approx. 12,000 year intervals for more than 130 times, according to evidence from rock strata. So, it is at each transition from one kingdom to the other, a magnetic field reversal happens. This iron core planet is jarred by that instant electromagnetic event, causing it to wobble for a time and then restabilize on a slightly different rotational axis. The north and south true pole locations could change by up to fifteen degrees. As the earth wobbles, tectonic plate pressures are relieved in violent earthquakes which will make some mountains sink and new ones arise. Great tsunamis will wash coastal lands clean for hundreds of miles inland in some places, taking out all the great coastal cities of the world. Volcanic ash will fill the skies for a while, and the description which Jesus gave (Matthew 24) will be fulfilled. The negative energy field of World will suddenly be changed into the positive energy of Heaven where our race of spirit-beings who were "born from above" (John 3:3) will no longer be foreignors but will be at home, with new powers and transfigured bodies and immortality.
by Roger Hathaway, September 2010 Return to Index
For additional studies of this subject, see:
by Roger Hathaway
October 2010