by Roger Hathaway, October 2004   (publ on this website Dec 29, 2010)

I used to think that I wanted to call myself a citizen of the world rather than a citizen of any particular nation. It just seemed like a broadminded thing to do. After all, I am a product of a modern society which has, through wondrous technology, made distances and national borders meaningless. It’s as though the world has become one family instead of a diverse assortment of races and cultures. And it seems so magnanimous to include everyone in my family!

One problem with that: God sees things very differently. The Bible is the story of our white race alone, and of God’s wrath toward any other race which crossed our path. From Adam, about 5500 BC until Jacob, about 1900 BC (about 3600 years), our people were a unit, a close-knit family, an exclusive and elite group which was not to be adulterated by mixing with any other race. About 1500 BC, God gave our family, called "Israel," a commandment which says, "Thou shalt not adulterate." Today, preachers interpret that as sexual adultery, but our ancient ancestors understood it to mean racial adultery. Sexual adultery is covered in another commandment prohibiting not only sex but even coveting another man’s wife. Of course, two commandments are not needed regarding sexual adultery, except that the modern church insists on teaching universal gospel and lauds race-mixing, therefore it insists to misinterpret the command against adultery as meaning sex rather than miscegenation.

Anyway, you are a member of an exclusive family. You have more than a membership in God’s club; rather, you are one of His own children. You were "born from above" and possess a spiritual mind that is exclusive to God’s Israel family alone. No person of any other race can ever possess the spiritual mind. You are watched over and guided and protected to an extent that you cannot even imagine. Your life is not a path of accidental happenings, but is powerfully guided by the Spirit of your Father. You are His child, and as such, you are His representative. You are a dignitary of an order much higher than any governmental office. Actually, your life is an expression of God’s will; in other words, God lives in and through you. Your experiences are His experiences. God experiences life through you, seeing what you see, thinking what you think, reacting in your reactions, and doing what you do. You see, you are a unique experience of God! And as such, you are a child in His exclusive family, called "Israel."

Our ancient ancestors knew who they were, from Adam onward. They knew clearly that their family was God’s family, and they knew it was required of them to keep it pure. Unfortunately, by the time of about 4,000 BC, the time of Noah, nearly all the members of God’s family had bred with other races. God saved Noah and his family because "they were pure in race." It was time to wipe out the adultered mongrels who had left their first estate, and begin anew with one family that was pure. So, God flooded the Tarim Pendi basin where they lived, and made a fresh start. Of the three sons of Noah, God selected Sem to carry His line.

God’s children were a family and knew their obligation to keep the race pure. Lacking TV and sports events, they spent their evenings memorizing and reciting their history, that very record which finally got recorded in the five books of Moses. Since everyone had to memorize their history, tiny mistakes could be corrected by others, and their record was kept pure. Furthermore, to live in any community of these ancient Hebrews, one had to be able to recite his own lineage back to Adam. Every person knew his own genealogy by heart. The Old Testament has many genealogical lists because bloodline was so important! In the New Testament, we have two such lists which show Jesus’ ancestry through each of His parents. In light of the heavy emphasis on purity of race in the Bible, it is astounding that Christians could be so easily duped into that Roman Catholic political purpose of universal gospel, as though all people of the world were God’s children. They are not. The Bible emphatically declares our God to be the God of Israel. Neighboring races knew about the God of those Israelites and how jealously He watched over them. They were a closed family, and their culture was different from any others. They lived by laws different from others. They had a contract with the Almighty God which was exclusive to them. In answer to a question of what it was that kept these people unified, the obvious first thing would be that they knew who they were. They had a racial and family identity that was important to them. They had their own special set of rules which governed their society and their judges. And they gathered together at special festivals to celebrate their union as a family and their relationship to the supreme and almighty God.

Today, we have a very different situation. Our people don’t know who they are, nor where they came from, nor what makes them special above all others, nor what contract with God they live under, nor what their destiny might be. Our religion has become so childishly simple that most Christians think that anyone who believes in Jesus’ name will go to heaven when they die. That pretty much sums up the total knowledge of Christians today, and it just happens to be wrong, even contradicting things which Jesus clearly said. But, modern Christians rest stupidly content with a religion that requires no more than that. They are those skeletal bones of Ezekiel’s vision, the family of Israel lying dead and spiritless and lifeless.

Most Christians don’t value Old Testament history because they claim to be New Testament Christians. So, they don’t know the story of our people and their struggles to act properly as God’s children. Important lessons are lost to our people today because of that ignorance. Worse yet, even as followers of Jesus, they don’t know the history of our people since the time that Jesus lived. They don’t know the political influences which have made today’s Christian religion a denial of what Jesus taught. They don’t know how Christianity was spread in ancient times to the entire family of Israelites which had been dispersed into Europe and Britain. They don’t know the literature and sagas and history of our European tribes during the centuries since Jesus. So, how can we be a family of God if we don’t know who we are or from whence we came? Sadly, we can’t.

The wolf (an enemy race that our people don’t want to acknowledge) has attacked Christ’s sheep and scattered the flock. The wolf has taught our children that we are not special, but that all people of the world are equal in God’s eyes, and that we must sacrifice ourselves for other races who hate us and want to destroy us. The wolf has a talent which can make his message sound pretty good to ignorant Christians who don’t know who they are or where they are from or why they are special. So, our people have accepted the entire message of the wolf, and we sit before the wolf’s TV entertainment of sex and violence and we enjoy it just as though we have no higher value in this life. We are guilty of being ignorant, stupid, and blind, and worse, of leaving God’s home for the sake of life in this world: prodigals!

Well, there are historical materials which anyone can get, which tell the story of our race and our history. If you want to know who you are and really want to return to your Father’s house as His special child, you can learn your history. I want to list some things you can read if you want to know your heritage. I’m not suggesting we adopt the mythology of our Nordic/Germanic/British ancestors, but we can’t really understand much about ourselves unless we understand how our ancestors thought and what their values were. Christians think they should feel contempt toward the religious mythology of our ancestors, but most of our people don’t even realize that we commemorate some of those mythical gods in our daily speech every day. The days of our week are dedicated to such gods. Tuesday is Tewes Day; Wednesday is Woden’s Day, Thursday is Thor’s Day, Friday is Frija’s Day; Saturday is Saturn’s Day; Sunday is the Sun’s Day, and Monday, the Moon’s Day. Our days are still dedicated to the mythical gods of our ancestors, at least in language. But, since the wolf doesn’t value the heritage of Christ’s sheep and doesn’t teach it to our children, we don’t know about it. Instead, we have come to know and value those things which are taught to us by the race which is Christ’s enemy, that race of Esau who became Edomites, and who are still trying to kill their brother, Jacob/Israel today, namely the Edomite Jews. Jesus confronted them to their face at the temple and told them God was not their father, but the devil was. He told them they lived to do the will of their father, lying and murdering, just as they had from the beginning when Cain murdered Abel.

No matter, Christians today sit adoringly at the feet of the Jews and lust after their ideas of beauty. We sit in worship as boobs before their tube, enjoying the sex and violence and clever methods of cheating and manipulation which exemplify their character. We sit mindlessly and stupidly, absorbing it all without any critical judgment. We are content to be their cows which they milk as they wish. We are content to get enough of their poisonous fodder to ruin our health and to have a roof over our heads. And if our minds start to think a little, perhaps even to question the value of worldly things, we just reach over and turn up the volume until we can’t hear ourselves think. We are good and cooperative cows (goyim) for them.

Okay, for you, if you dare to think for yourself and to rebel against the stupefying servitude that oppresses you, here is a list a few things which you might want to look at if you wish to understand your heritage even more.

The Apostolic Fathers is a collection of writings from the first and second centuries after Christ. These reveal the struggle of the earliest Christians who had no religious organization at all. Some of these pieces are nearly equal to other New Testament writings, and only by knowing the thinking of these earliest Christians can we see how terribly the later church has corrupted their values.

The History of the Kings of Britain is by Geoffrey of Monmouth (died 1155 AD). He traces the history of the Britons through nineteen hundred years, beginning with the arrival of Brutus in the Isles about 1100 BC. Brutus was the great-grandson of Aeneas of Troy. Knowing who Aeneas was might make Vergil’s epic poem, The Aeneid, more meaningful to you.

The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, is by the venerable historian named simply, Bede, who was born in 673 AD. He wrote this history about 731 AD.

The Odyssey and The Iliad, by Homer, written about nine centuries before Christ. Homer’s account of the battle at Troy, and of Odysseus’ ten year journey back to Ithaca after the battle, is not just literature. These two writings were the enduring "best-sellers" of antiquity for many centuries. Even at the time of Jesus, Homer’s works were still the most popular works known, and every school child knew the stories well and had memorized portions of them. It is strongly speculated that the Gospel of Mark is patterned after Homer’s work. Today, we think the Bible is the most widely known and referenced piece of literature in the world, but for our Israelite ancestors, Homer was far more widely known than the Hebrews' Old Testament writings. Homer wrote about our own ancestors. Consider this: of the twelve sons of Israel, Judah was the royal tribe. Judah had two sons, Zara and Phares. The line from Phares led to Jesus. But Zara left early with a large number of Israelites and settled around the Aegean Sea (Greece) to found and develop the Greek civilization. Zara’s descendants are known to history. Priam, king of Troy, was one of them. Aeneas was another. In ancient times, to not know Homer would have been inexcusable. Oh, what rich and wonderful history and culture we have abandoned to the darkness of the past!

Germania, by Tacitus (55-117 AD). This is a study of the mores and manners of the people of Germany. Keep in mind that most of our white European race can rightly be called "Germanic," including especially the English (Anglo-Saxons). Listen to Tacitus here: "there are some of opinion that Ulysses (the Greek Odysseus mentioned above) whilst he wandered about in his long and fabulous voyages, was carried into this ocean and entered Germany, and that by him Asciburgium was founded and named, a city at this day standing and inhabited upon the bank of the Rhine: nay, that in the same place was formerly found an altar dedicated to Ulysses, with the name of his father Laertes added to his own, and that upon the confines of Germany and Rhoetia are still extant certain monuments and tombs inscribed with Greek characters." Well, this seems consistent with other historical records of the Phoenician/Greek speaking Israelites migrating into Europe a century or so after Homer lived.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, compiled about 890 AD under orders of King Alfred the Great, in England. It is a chronology of events beginning with 1 AD up to 1154 AD, listing them by the year. The importance of this historical record cannot be overstated.

Heimskringla, by Snorri Sturluson, about 1179 - 1241. This is also known as The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. These are sagas of the kings, from Odin (aka Woden in Germany) onward.

The Nibelungenlied, written around 1200 AD. Here is an epic comparable to Homer’s Iliad, going back to the remotest times. It unites fragments of half-forgotten legends and historical personages into a saga/poem. Wagner’s operas were based on these German stories about the life and death of Siegfried. The Skandinavian version of the Siegfried legend has come down to us through the Icelandic Eddas. Another source of the Siegfried story is the Volsungasaga, where Siegfried’s ancestry is traced back to Wodan. There are also other versions of the story such as the Thidreksaga, and the Norse sagas about Sigurd. Clearly, the sagas of the Nibelungs are an important part of the ancient northern European cultures, thereby opening a window for us to glimpse into the minds, values, and hearts of our ancestors who provided genetic programming that helped form us as a racial culture today. One thing we don’t realize today is the extent to which our ancestors, including O.T. Hebrews, N.T. early Christians, and the Celtic/Nordic race used stories as metaphors. They spoke very much in symbolic language, and their stories were symbols. The Siegfried sagas are, on one hand, meant to be interpreted allegorically. As a day myth, the maiden slumbering on the lonely heights was the sun; the wall of flames surrounding her was the morning red; Siegfried is the youthful day who is destined to rouse the sun from her slumber. And so on. So, while many of our ancestral sagas are based on historical facts and real persons, those events and people also represented a greater design and order which was enjoyed through these stories. As a year myth, the dragon is a symbol of winter, the dwarfs of darkness. Siegfried denotes the bright summer, his sword the sunbeams. The youthful year grows up in the dark days of winter, and then goes forth triumphantly to destroy the darkness and cold of winter. And so on. Part of the meaning is the personification of nature’s forces. Of course, historians value the sagas as historical data, too.

The Sagas of the Icelanders. In Iceland, the age of the Vikings is also known as the Saga Age. These historical stories rank with the world’s greatest literary treasures. There are eleven sagas and six shorter stories, recounting the adventures of the settlers who first came from Norway to Iceland. The Vinland sagas tell of Leif Eiriksson’s voyage to the New World, with first and oldest descriptions of the North American continent and first contacts with American Indians. The 782 page book is available as a Viking edition, a member of Penguin Putnam Inc.

The Faerie Queene is by Edmund Spenser, born 1552 in London and died 1599. He titled the book after Queen Elizabeth I, who was known as the "virgin queen." Elizabeth reigned from 1558 to 1603. The Penguin publication of this epic poem is 1246 pages, including the appendix. The language is retained the same as the 1596 edition, about the same dialect as that in the original 1611 edition of the King James Bible. Spenser introduces the book with a letter to Sir Walter Raleigh, explaining the allegories, and the Christian correlation. It is a story of knights, like those of King Arthur, which represent virtues of holiness, temperance, and chastity. Here we see knights meeting dragons and enchantresses and maidens held captive in castles. Mythological fables have been methods of illustrating our values, and the struggle between good and evil, for many thousands of years. This story is perhaps the epitome of them all, second only to Homer’s works.

Through our European and Israelite history, and in such fables as The Faerie Queene, along with those of the brothers Grimm, and Hans Christian Andersen, we can find our roots and our identity as a race and a culture. I cannot imagine any greater satisfaction than to find one’s place in the long term history of God’s children by understanding from whence we came and why we think and feel as we do. Our schools should be opening windows like these for our people, but instead they are closing them. If one does not search for himself, he lives an undirected and unfilled period of years as a leaf in the wind with no connection to his real family. God’s children of Israel are the family of the Bible. It is this one family for whom God created the world and the universe, and which makes or breaks God’s plan. Unless we know who we are, we have little reason for optimism.

Saints and Strangers is compiled by George F. Willison, 1945. "Being the Lives of the Pilgrim Fathers Their Families, with Their Friends Foes; an Account of Their Posthumous Wanderings in Limbo, Their Final Resurrection Rise to Glory, the Strange Pilgrimages of Plymouth Rock" This is a book in which the Pilgrims tell their own story, in their own words, through their letters and diaries. You will get a close up, personal, feeling for these first pioneers to America.

The Light and the Glory, by Peter Marshall and David Manuel is a wonderful account of our migration to America, with many details about Columbus’ trip, the settlement at Jamestown in 1607, and Plymouth, along with the Puritan migration of the 1630's and the Salem witches of 1692. The great Revival of 1730 to 1770 is of major importance to an understanding of our heritage and its great influence on what we have become. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It will make you proud to be a Christian in America.

Above I have listed a few items that are meaningful to our European white race history. There are many more, of course. But, I just selected a few that I have at hand as a sample. Many of the classics, like the Volsung sagas and the Nibelungenlied are available on the internet, and are easily printed on your own printer. Personally, I feel nearly obsessed with recovering our history which has been lost. We can’t know who we are unless we know our past, and we can’t know where we are going unless we know where we have been. We are God’s people of Israel, and we are stepping into a future destiny that is so important that God has been preparing us for many centuries.

by Roger Hathaway,  published December 2010